
Monday, April 11, 2011


When you walk into a business that is organized and clutter free you have confidence that the person that runs the business knows what they are doing and are successful.

When you walk into a home that is organized and clutter free you feel a sense of calm and are happy to be there.

De-cluttering your home and your business is important because it allows you to function better, be more efficient and saves you time and money, but it also makes other people feel better and makes them want to associate with you.

If your business is cluttered or disorganized people will not want to do business with you. If your home is cluttered and disorganized you might be too embarrassed to have people over to your house, thus creating social isolation.

But there is also something called life clutter”. You have too many things that take up time in your life. Too many activities. Either in your job or in your personal life. You are pulled in too many directions. But you can’t seem to let anything go.

Life clutter can be things such as being involved in too many business groups or too many extracurricular activities (yours and your kids). Yes, there are some business functions that you have to go to, but how many is too many? Are they taking away from your family? Will missing an after hours business function really hurt you? It can feel like that when you are young and just starting out, but as you get older you realize that family is more important and kids grow up too quickly.

What about kid’s activities? How many sports and other activities (piano lessons, swimming lessons, karate lessons….) does one child actually need? Or want? Do they want them or are you pushing them on your children because you didn’t get to do them as a child? Be honest.

If you never have time for your family and friends then your life is too cluttered. Friends are like the plants in your yard. They need to be nurtured. Take the time to nurture your relationships.

Decide what’s really important and let the rest go. Get rid of the life clutter and start living your life.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 4, 2011


Cleaning your home is not everyone’s idea of fun. But it is something that all of us have to do. In the spring we have a yearly ritual called “spring cleaning” that I am sure everyone is really looking forward to.

We drive ourselves crazy and clean the entire house from top to bottom in one or two days. We clean things that we have ignored all year long.

So…. let’s get started.

In the Kitchen:

Wash all of the appliances. Both outside and inside.

  • Refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stove
  • Wash the stove drip bowls in the dishwasher (or buy new ones)


  • Take down all of the magnets – throw out old ones that you really don’t need
  • Remove all of the shelves in refrigerator and wash them
  • Remove all of the bins in the refrigerator and wash them
  • Defrost the freezer
  • Put fresh baking soda in the freezer
  • Clean under the refrigerator


  • Clean your oven (self cleaning or with oven cleaner)
  • Rinse the oven thoroughly after it has been cleaned

Shelves / Counters

  • Take everything off of your shelves and counters and wash them thoroughly


  • Wipe down your backsplash all around the kitchen


  • Wash your kitchen floor with a good de-greaser

Living Room

  • Clean drapes and curtains
  • Wash your blinds (this can be done in the bathtub)
  • Shampoo your carpets
  • Wash throw rugs or air them out …outside
  • Vacuum the entire house….pull out everything from the wall….
  • Vacuum your couches (pull out the cushions and clean underneath them)
  • Use furniture polish for an extra shine on your furniture
  • Dust ceiling fans, fixtures and lampshades
  • Wax your floors

Dining Room

  • Take all of your books & knick-knacks off of your hutch or bookshelf and dust each piece
  • Dust the bookshelf / hutch
  • Wash the chandelier (if the pieces come off they can be run through the dishwasher)


  • Wash your mattress pad, blankets, quilts, pillows
  • Turn over your mattress
  • Dust ceiling fans & fixtures & lampshades
  • Vacuum under the bed


  • Wash the windows throughout your entire house
  • Clean attic & basement
  • Scrub deck & patio
  • Wash outdoor furniture
  • Bring out your spring / summer clothes
  • Clean out your car (move winter stuff to storage)
  • Dryer – check lint filter… it doesn’t cause a fire - vacuum behind the dryer

If you don’t want to do all of this in one weekend….that’s O.K. Break it down into smaller projects over a couple of weeks. Once you have accomplished everything on the list your home will be clean and ready for spring.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why People Say They Won’t Hire a Professional Organizer

I get a lot of calls and emails from people that tell me that they need to get more organized…but then they never make that commitment to actually do it. Some of the reasons that I’ve encountered over the years are listed below:

1) You’ll make me get rid of everything and I don’t want to get rid of everything”.

No, we won’t
. A Professional Organizer will ask you about each item and will not force you to get rid of anything that you aren’t ready to get rid of. They might ask you why you want to keep it and might tell you why they think you should get rid of it, but they will never make you get rid of anything.

2) I’m too embarrassed to have you see my mess (even though I need you).

Don’t be. We’ve seen it all and your house probably isn’t as bad as you think. We are professionals and we are there to help you.

3) You will tell everyone what a mess I have and my personal business and you will judge me.

Never. As a Professional Organizer and a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers we have a Code of Ethics that we follow. We take it very seriously. Your privacy is always protected. And we never judge. There are a lot of reasons for disorganization and clutter and as a trained professional we understand those reasons.

4) You will think that I’m a horrible person for wanting to keep things that I should get rid of.

Never. You have every right to keep whatever you want. Everyone has a right to be sentimental about anything they want to be sentimental about. When you are ready to dispose of things you will. We never force you and we don’t judge you. You have to be ready to get rid of things.

5) I can’t afford all of those fancy organizing gadgets.

You don’t need them. There are a lot of different ways to get organized. And they don’t all involve spending money. A lot of organization has to do with simple utilizing your space correctly or more efficiently. We also find things at our clients’ homes such as baskets, plastic containers and other things that can be used. We can come up with all kinds of things to make a clients home more organized without having to spend a lot of money.

6) My spouse thinks that I should be able to organize our home by myself.

Well, if you called me then obviously you feel otherwise. You know your limitations. Your spouse just doesn’t want you to spend the money or he doesn’t understand what an organizer can do for you and how they can help you and can save you money.

7) I can get one of my friends (or my sister or mother) to help me.

Yes, you could. But you wouldn’t be friends for long. I’ve heard too many stories about friends and relatives just throwing things out or telling you to throw things out and everyone getting mad at each other. And all of your personal information won’t be personal for long. As Professional Organizers we are outsiders. We don’t judge. We don’t divulge personal information. We are trained professionals who also teach you how to organize as we go through the organizing process.

8) It’s too expensive.

Not as expensive as being disorganized. Buying things that you already have because you can’t find them or getting charged late fees because you forgot to pay your bills adds up to money being wasted. By having a Professional Organizer help you get your home and your life organized you will save time and money.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 21, 2011


Spring is right around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about your garden. At this point I can hear people asking “what does a garden have to do with organization?”.

The answer, “everything!”. As a huge gardener I am always excited to start planning my garden. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter and snow. But a garden is the ultimate answer for stress. You can dig in dirt, get all dirty and covered from head to toe…and it’s o.k.

You plant seeds and watch them grow all spring and summer and you are so proud. Just as if you had given birth to a baby! But before you can even think about planting your seeds you have a lot of work to do.

First, it is very important that you wait until the ground thaws and is dry. Then, it is important that you check your soil and get a soil test to check the pH levels. You can check with your garden center or a county extension office for these tests. Then you will need to add the correct materials to your soil to correct any imbalances.

You will also need to clean up any leftover debris from old plants. Pull them out of your gardens and compost them.

Next, you can prune your fruit trees and any other trees and bushes.

Then, spray your fruit trees.

Now is also the time to plant your cold weather crops, like broccoli. And you can start your other seeds indoors.

Add mulch as needed and edge your yard for a new fresh look.

Spring is here….and soon our garden duties will be in full swing.

By being organized and planning ahead you can have the best yard and garden in your neighborhood.

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Wishing all of you a safe and Happy St. Patrick's Day !

Monday, March 14, 2011


A very interesting phenomenon that a lot of people don’t know about is that some disorganized people consider themselves “perfectionists”. And I admit that at first I was surprised by this also. Clutter, mess and perfectionism?

But what happens is that some disorganized people who are self proclaimed perfectionist feel that they can’t do a good job or won’t get it done in time or it won’t be “perfect”, so they don’t start (their project).

So their room is a cluttered mess because they might start to clean it and never see their progress so they get disgusted with themselves and stop.

They made progress and an outsider (or a professional organizer) can see the progress, but they can’t . So they beat themselves up over what they consider their failure and never finish.

They are their worst enemy! By breaking a project down into smaller projects they will be able to see their progress and will continue and eventually their “big project” will be done. Not everything in life has to be perfect. If you are afraid to start something because you know it won’t be perfect, you might never do anything.

Self confidence is obviously a factor here. These self proclaimed “perfectionists” have little or no self confidence.

Everything in life does not need to be “perfect”. There should be order. Order brings calm. Calm reduces stress. But being a perfectionist for these people causes stress. And that’s not good.

Sometimes you just have to do the best you can and be proud of the fact that you tried your hardest. For everything else….call a professional. We are all good at different things. We can’t all be good at everything. I admit that I’m not good at most things except for being organized.

Give yourself a break. Do what you are good at and be proud of the fact that you can admit when you are not good at something.

Remember: Less Clutter = Less Stress (sm) in your home, your business and your life.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

As in the tradition of FAT TUESDAY it's a day to eat donuts
(or Paczki) and not feel guilty !

Enjoy... and get ready for the start of the Lenten season.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I get a lot of calls from potential clients who say that their spouse is tired of the disorganization and they just want to throw everything in the trash.

Or they are neat but their spouse isn’t and how do they get them to be more organized? Or their entire family does nothing in the house and they have to do it all.

So what can I do to help them? Honestly, not much. I can organize their homes and teach the willing family members the how’s and why’s of organization, but unless everyone is on board and gets with the program – nothing is going to change.

I can’t wave my magic wand and make everything better. I can give them solutions to their problems, but if they don’t take my advice, there is nothing I can do.

Just like a therapist or lawyer or doctor – if they tell you something and you choose not to listen to their expert advice, you will still have the same issues that you started with.

A family has to be willing to work together. Partners have to help each other and stand by each other. Parents have to set boundaries for their kids. In a family, it has to be a team effort. Everyone needs to have a clearly defined set of responsibilities and everyone has to do their part.

If not, instead of a calm and clutter free house you will have chaos, clutter and a big mess.

The first step to having an organized house is to have everyone in the house work as a team. That’s what family is all about. A lot of people have forgotten that.

Remember: Less Clutter = Less Stress (sm) in your home, your business and your life.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 28, 2011


Organizing is not an “adults only” activity. Yet many parents today have not made their kids take responsibility for keeping their own spaces clean and organized.

Unless you live by yourself each member of the household needs to share the responsibility of keeping their home and their individual space neat and organized. This goes for kids too. No matter what age they are.

Unfortunately, parents today don’t seem to expect anything from their kids. They don’t expect them to pickup their clothes up off of the floor much less keep their rooms semi-clean and orderly. Kids tend to drop things everywhere and no one holds them responsible. So why would they change?

What parents don’t realize is that this sets the tone for how the kids grow up and how organized they are going to be as teenagers and adults.

It’s not too late to change things. Parents need to be adults and hold their kids responsible. Yes, they should lead by example, but just because you are not organized or neat does not mean that you can’t try and make sure that your kids have better habits.

Set expectations for your kids. Don’t just say “clean your room” and expect to see “your idea” of clean. You need to be more specific. You need to say “pick all of your clothes up off of the floor and hang them up in your closet” or “pick up all of your toys off of the floor and put them in the toy chest”. Be specific. Be consistent. It can work.

You are their parent, not their “maid”. Make them help keep the house clean. Teach them something that they will be able to use the rest of their lives. If you aren’t up to the task a professional organizer can help teach your family how to be more organized.

Start today and take back your home.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 21, 2011


Have you ever tried to make soup for one? Or even two? Well, let me tell you ….it can’t be done !

Well, at least not by me. But then again…. I’ve never been able to cook for just one or two people.

So the other day I wanted to make a white bean soup with ham, potatoes and carrots. Sounds delicious doesn’t it.

I soaked the white beans overnight. Wow, did they ever expand. I guess maybe I shouldn’t have used the entire bag. But I got out my huge stockpot and started making the soup. It smelled really good when it was cooking and really hit the spot that night.

And I made enough to feed a huge family. But since everyone is off at school I really didn’t need that much soup for dinner. So I froze it in a few containers for later use when I didn’t have as much time.

And then I thought about how most families don’t eat very well and eat a lot of take out and junk food.

Not very healthy and eating out can really add up.

It didn’t really take much longer to make a huge pot of soup that could be divided and frozen than it did for making bean soup for one or two. A few more potatoes and a few more carrots.

It’s homemade, it’s healthier, and it’s cheaper. And you can’t just make bean soup for one.

So when you do have the time to make dinner at home….throw in a few more pieces of chicken or a little more pasta…. and you can freeze the extra for a later meal or have a delicious, healthier and cheaper lunch instead of the fast food that you might normally eat.

By planning ahead you can save time on meal preparation and money on your food budget.

And really….. have you ever tried to make bean soup for one?

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 14, 2011


Congratulations, your company is growing and you are moving into a bigger office space. It’s an exciting time.

Business has not been good and you need to downsize to a smaller space. It’s happening everywhere.

Your lease is up and your landlord has decided not to renew your lease so you need to find new space.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is…. a business move brings with it a lot of details that you don’t have to deal with in a house move.

For companies that are open 24 / 7 and have clients that need their attention it becomes even more complicated.

Having a very organized “moving plan” is crucial in making the transition as painless as possible. Plan ahead and send a letter to your clients and customers with your new address and contact information. Have new literature and business cards printed with your new information (or print new address labels).

When I moved my first company to a larger office space I had every detail worked out. As always, nothing in my life ever goes as planned. I woke up on the morning of the move covered in hives from head to toe! I had no idea what was happening to me but I was expecting the carpet installers, the phone company, the electrician, the computer people, the movers and my staff… I wore a turtleneck and covered up and met the movers at my old office and didn’t say a word about my “unexpected dilemma”.

Prior to moving day and to make the move go smoothly I had everyone first clear out their desks and offices of anything that was not crucial and had them purge as much as possible. I then assigned everyone a color and had them put colored dots on their computers, phones, files, desks, chairs and anything else in their office.

When the movers came to the new office space there were colored dots on the office doors and they were easily able to figure out where everything went. One person was assigned to answer the phones while everyone else set up their offices.

By noon the entire office was in place, the phones and computers were connected and my staff could continue with business as usual. I then went across the street to see the doctor to find out that I had an allergic reaction to some antibiotics. No one ever knew and the move was painless for everyone else.

By planning ahead you reduce the stress on moving day. Not everyone has the luxury of shutting down their business for a day or two so that they can move. Have a backup plan for everything because something will go wrong. But by being prepared for the worst you can be pleasantly surprised by how smoothly a move can go.

Enjoy your new space !

Organizational Consulting Services

Happy Valentines Day !

Wishing You A Happy Valentines Day !

Monday, February 7, 2011

Time – What’s Yours Worth

Time….something that most people don’t have enough of. Something that most people waste.

How do you waste your time you might ask? By doing things such as surfing the net for useless information instead of writing the report that is due for work or school.

Or by flipping channels all night long because there is nothing on T.V. instead of cleaning out the basement like your spouse asked you to.

Or by spending four hours trying to do a plumbing project that would have taken a plumber only an hour to do.

We waste time because we don’t want to do something. We don’t want to start a project that we know is going to take a long time or that is going to be boring.

We waste time because we don’t want to spend the money to hire an expert because we think we can do it ourselves. Some people might be able to do their own plumbing. Most of us can’t. So why waste the four hours doing something that we really are not qualified to do, only to have to call a plumber and pay him anyway?

But let’s say that you really are qualified to do your own plumbing, but you just don’t have the time to do it. Isn’t it more cost effective to call in an expert and get it done then to wait and possible create a bigger problem later? Which of course will cost you more money.

What is your time worth? Sometimes it’s worth it to spend the money to hire other people to help you with your projects that you just don’t have the time to do so that they get done.

As you get older you realize that time is something precious. It goes by too quickly.

So instead of trying to fit too many things into your life, either cut back on some things or pay other people to do them for you. Pay someone to cut your lawn so that you have time to spend with your family.

Don’t waste time doing useless things like flipping channels on the T.V. when you should be working on cleaning out your basement. Do it. Get it done. Your spouse will appreciate it.

Think about all of the things that you have to do in a day and plan out your day and your route to make the best use of your time so that you are not backtracking and wasting time, gas and wear and tear on your car.

Time…. Learn to manage it….. Don’t let it manage you.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 31, 2011


Organizing your financial information is a crucial part of every household. Unfortunately it’s one thing that most people just don’t do.

It’s time consuming. It takes a lot of thought. It’s very personal and emotional. It’s a reality check that most people don’t want to think about.

But you can’t just leave your finances to chance. Well, at least you shouldn’t. Running a household is not much different than running a business.

Having an organized system in place helps things run smoothly.

Let’s start with your space. You need to pick a place that is going to be command central. Whether you have an office in your home, a desk in a corner or the kitchen table… it doesn’t matter. Just pick a place and make that your command center.

If you don’t have a separate office space you still need to have files. You can have a file cabinet or a file drawer or a file basket….it doesn’t matter as long as you have files for all of our finances (bills, receipts, tax related information…).

You need to come up with a system and a plan that works for you. Decide what that is and stick to it. It could be that you set aside a certain day each week to pay your bills and go through your finances or an hour a week or every other week. Whatever works for you ….that you will stick with. That’s what’s important.

Some simple tips for dealing with bills:

  • Go through your mail each day and put all of your bills in one spot (a basket, a folder…).
  • Record the date due on the outside of the envelope when the bill arrives.
  • On the day that you decide is finance day, go through your bills and pay each one.
  • You can pay your bills by: Check Pay Online Automatic payments
  • Record your payments (in a check register, a spreadsheet, accounting software….).
  • Decide when the payments will be sent out. You can put the “mail on” date on the envelope in pencil. Put a stamp on it and mail it.
  • File copies of the bill with payment info.
By coming up with a system that works for you there will be less of a chance of missing a payment and getting hit with late fees. Whatever system you decide to use, the important part is that you have a system and you stick with it.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 24, 2011


Being organized is not only about having an uncluttered and orderly space. It’s about having an organized life and about having less stress in your life.

By having “a place for everything and everything in its place” you are saving time and money. I’ve said that numerous times before. And it’s true.

What I’ve found is that a lot of people think that money grows on trees. Because I seem to find it wherever I go. Not only do I encounter a lot of loose change all over the house, the floors, counters, couches and everywhere else I also find $5, $10, $20 bills in piles everywhere and on the floors. And I seem to be the only person that notices this. But it all adds up! Even the dimes and quarters add up to a lot of money. Once I had a client make fun of me for handing them the dimes and quarters that I found throughout the house. But I found at least $20 in just a couple of hours. That’s not peanuts. It pales in comparison to another client where I literally found over $200 in change and small bills on the floors throughout the house.

I guess it must be nice not to have to worry about money and to just walk over it and not care. But not everyone has that luxury.

Another example of wasting money is by not having a system in place for your bills and then accruing finance charges and ruining your credit rating because you don’t pay your bills on time. And the number one reason is because the bills are just thrown in a pile somewhere and then just overlooked. Or accidentally thrown out and forgotten.

Disorganization costs you money. A professional organizer can help save you money by showing you how to make some minor adjustments in how you do things. Some people can benefit by using a life coach to teach them skills that they don’t have. Stop throwing away your money. Get organized.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 17, 2011


People don’t like to think about emergencies. Not in their personal lives and certainly not in business. But as a small business owner you can’t just stick your head in the sand.

If you own a small business (in terms of people, not sales) it is imperative that you are prepared for all emergencies.

Let’s start with thinking about you as the business owner. If something happened to you or a member of your family and you could not be involved in your business for a few days, weeks or months…. could the business survive without you? Do you have someone in place that can run things or take charge while your gone?

You may be the healthiest person on the planet….but a car accident or a medical crisis with a family member can have your spiraling out of control and the last thing that you are going to be thinking about is your business.

Do you have a back up plan?

Do you have a manager or key employee that can handle things while you are gone?

Do you have an operations manual? Do you have anything documented? Those are a lot of things to think about. And unfortunately I have seen too many businesses where there is no documentation of any kind.

Now let’s say that you are just fine but that your key employee leaves. Can your business survive? Have you given one employee too much power that if they left they can cripple your business?

Do you have job descriptions for all of your employees? Including yourself?

Is everyone trained in everyone else’s job?

Let’s go one step further. What if your building burns down? I’m just saying…..

Do you have everything documented and taken OFF SITE ???? Do you have backups of your backups? Have you tested your backup system lately? Have you tried re-storing your backup tapes to be sure they work?

As the old saying goes “been there…done that…”. Yes, my backup tapes said they were “just fine”. They weren’t. And then came the crash. Of course it was two weeks before the end of the year when I usually run every single report with data from January through December. Two more weeks and I would have been fine. But I wasn’t. And it couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Are you starting to get a bit nervous because you don’t have a backup plan and I’ve made you think about things that you never wanted to think about?

Don’t stick your head in the sand. Accidents happen. Emergencies happen. Loyal long time employees leave you hanging. Stuff happens.

Be prepared. Get your business organized. Start today.

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


As a Professional Organizer and a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) January has been designated as " GET ORGANIZED " month.

So take this time to sit down and come up with a list of things that you would like to get organized. In your home, your business or your life.

Break it down into smaller, more manageable projects. Plan it out, put it on your calendar and start on your way to a more organized life. One small project at a time. It took you a while to get disorganized, it will take you a while to get organized.

If you have any organizing questions that you would like to ask... now is the perfect time.

Or if you have a great organizing idea that you would like to share.....we would love to hear from you.

Send your questions / ideas to: with "organizing question" in the subject line and we will post your questions with our answers in a future article.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 10, 2011


It’s the start of a new year so why don’t you start the year off right by making a commitment to be more organized with what counts most, your important papers.

Most people have a lot of important paperwork. Scattered all over the house.

Do you have a “will” ? A “health care proxy” ? A “living will” ? A “power of attorney” ?

Does anyone know where these documents are?

Do you have your medical history documented somewhere? Do you have a list of your doctors ? Do you have a list of your surgeries ? Of your medications ? Of your allergies ?

Stuff happens…… Are you ready ? Do you really want to take that chance ?

If you have a family….is it fair to them ? If you have kids…thinking about protecting them with a “will” is not only important…it’s down right necessary !!!!

Don’t wait until something happens to try and find all of the papers that you need. Be pro-active and have everything in one place. Make sure that someone knows where that place is and had access to it if you can’t get to it.

What happens if there is a disaster and you had to evacuate the house? Would you be able to gather your important papers quickly?

Start the year off right by gathering all of your information in one place. It doesn’t matter where. As long as you do it. One central place. That’s the first step of being organized with your important papers.

If you do that, then you’ve accomplished more than most people.

The second step is to organize your paperwork into some type of system. There are a variety of systems out there. Pick what works for you and get started. Some people like a paper system and some people like a computerized system. Whatever works for you, your budget and your organizing personality. As long as you do it.

There is a great system out there called “Vital Records Portavault”. It’s a portable system that houses all of your vital records in one case. There is room for storing CD’s/DVD’s, flash drive and hundreds of pages of vital documents. It comes with a disaster planning guideline and is endorsed by the American Red Cross. The Vital Records Portavault has been awarded the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal. The PTPS Media Seal is an international leader in certifying consumer products for quality, effectiveness and value. For more information visit “Vital Records Portavault”.

For a great computerized system there is a product called “CareBinders”. It tracks your personal data (education, events, passwords, resume), your medical data (allergies, immunizations, doctors, medical history), your financial data (account #’s, credit cards, insurance policies, legal documents) and your “fun” data (favorite music, photos, restaurants…)

CareBinders™ is the secure, offline, personal recordkeeping software for today’s busy people. Keep track of all your data—personal, medical, financial and fun! Enter data once and CareBinders™ instantly puts it in all the right places. Track anything and everything that is important to you: from your cholesterol to your wine collections and trips! Output medical intake forms to resumes at the touch of a print key. Start simplifying your life—start using CareBinders™ today.

Both systems are also available through my website. For information on available discounts check out my website on the "links / more products page" or email me.

Those are just two great options for organizing your important information. It doesn’t matter what system you use… as long as your start organizing your information and getting things in place.

Be organized… get your affairs in order….. and go about your life knowing that if a disaster struck you would have all of your information at your fingertips. Or if anything happened to you, your family would know what you wanted and your kids would be protected.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year - Fresh Start

It's January. A New Year. A new start.

January is “get organized” month.

Decide now that you don’t want to feel stressed and disorganized this year….by making a resolution to become more organized.

And then….. do it !

Make a plan. One project at a time. One room at a time. One closet at a time. One drawer at a time.

By breaking things down into small projects you will be able to manage them more easily and will be more likely to follow through.

As you start putting away your Holiday decorations and presents remember a few basic rules:

* One in - One out >>> if you received some new clothes get rid of some old ones that you never wear or are worn out

* A place for everything >>> find a spot for those presents, don't just put them any old place

A New Year = A Fresh Start. Now is the time to start organizing your home and your life. Take a look at what takes up your time and stop doing things that don't bring you joy anymore. Life is too short to waste.

You have an entire year to get organized. Start now.... a little at a time. And soon you will wonder why you ever waited so long.

Happy New Year !

Organizational Consulting Services