
Showing posts with label CLEANING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLEANING. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024

Housework - We All Have To Do It

Housework is something that everyone has to do - whether you like it or not. Washing your floors, vacuuming, scrubbing your toilets, laundry...the list goes on and on.

For some people - they spend an entire day cleaning, purging, decluttering, organizing..... 

It's time to revolt! I don't want to spend my entire Saturday scubbing toilets or doing laundry! I want to play outside - hike, garden, read magazines, watch movies, call friends..... do anything except waste a beautiful day off being stuck doing housework!

So what's the answer - well -"break it up"! There is no "rule" that you have to clean your house on a Saturday (or your day off). You can do it whenever you want to - really! 

Think about how long each task takes and work it into your week - 15 or 20 minutes every day is something that everyone can do (yes - you do have that time available). 

Throw a load of laundry in when you come home from work and it will be done after dinner (you are not watching the washing machine - so don't say it takes too long). You can fold the clothes the next day if you want.

Vacuum one day after dinner. Dust another day. Wash your kitchen floor another day. Clean the bathroom another day.

Each task only takes a few minutes (probably under 30 minutes). So break your cleaning into inidividual tasks and schedule one each day. That way you aren't spending an entire day cleaning your home and complaining that you would rather be doing something else. We all would (let's be honest!).

By being creative and working the things that we have to do into our day when it suits us - we can still accomplish everything we need to - but it won't seem like just a big task.

Happy House Cleaning!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Get Organized In Twenty Minutes A Day

People always seem to complain that they don’t have enough time to do all of the things that they need or want to do in their day. I’ve always said, “the person that invents more hours in the day is going to be rich”.

But the reality is…. there are only twenty-four hours in a day. So what are you doing with those twenty-four hours? Besides wasting them?

Admit it… if you actually wrote down all of the things you did during the day….you would be shocked. Because you would see….in black and white…that you wasted a lot of time.

O.K. …maybe you are a really busy person. Maybe you don’t have enough time to do the big project that should get done in your home or office. But you probably have twenty minutes a day that you are wasting….talking to your friends, hanging around the water cooler, shopping on the internet, watching YouTube videos, staring into space…

So what can you do in twenty minutes or less?  Lots of things:

* Read a book to your child
* Read a magazine article
* Go through and get rid of old magazines
* Throw in a load of laundry
* Load the dishwasher
* Pay your bills
* File your bills in the appropriate files
* Check your email
* Water your plants
* Write out the birthday cards for the month
* Make all of your doctors appointments for the year
* Dust your living room
* Organize one drawer
* Make your shopping list for the week
* Make your lunch for tomorrow
* Organize your medicine cabinet
* Organize the top of your desk
* Unload the dishwasher
* Fold a load of laundry
* Put away your laundry
* Go through your sock drawer and throw out any mismatched socks
* Go through your refrigerator and throw out expired or rotting food
* Organize your spice cabinet
* Go through your email and get rid of old emails
* Get some mending done that has been sitting there for awhile
* Iron a few shirts
* Rearrange your coat closet - get rid of things that are don't fit
* Scrub your bathroom sink
* Wash down your shower walls
* Go through your kids toys and get rid of broken toys or toys they have outgrown

It might not seem like a lot. It might seem like normal, everyday boring things to do.. But if you don’t do them they will pile up. And then you will have clutter…and dead plants !

So stop wasting your time and pick one or two things to do every day and your house will be a lot more organized and you will be a lot less stressed.

Twenty (20) minutes a day = 121 hours a year. You can accomplish a lot in that time. So get started!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, June 22, 2015

Weekends are for FUN - not Cleaning !

Cleaning....a topic that many people feel strongly about.  Some people have very specific things they do on specific days. Never mess with my husbands Tuesday laundry day! Growing up - Saturdays was the day we scrubbed the floors. Certain things were done on certain days.

But when the weekend comes - after working hard all week - I don't want to be stuck inside cleaning! I don't want to waste my entire weekend scrubbing and dusting and cleaning my house! I want to go out and hike or sit on my deck and relax.

Don't get the wrong idea - I need my house to be clean and organized. I just don't want to commit an entire weekend to it.

The way to get around that is to break down your cleaning schedule into smaller pieces. Do a little every day.

Do the laundry one day.

Mop the floors another day.

Dust the next day.

Clean the bathrooms another day.

However you clean - whatever your schedule is - just break it down into smaller chunks of time - and do it over the course of the week - instead of all in one day.

By the time the weekend rolls around - you will be done and you will have a free weekend to enjoy!

It doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever works for you.

By doing at least one chore a night - you will be giving yourself some much deserved free time on the weekend!

Go ahead....break the weekend cleaning cycle!

You deserve it!

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Professional Organzer - vs - Cleaning Company

There seems to be a big misconception as to the difference between a Professional Organizer and a Cleaning Company.

It's really quite simple - yet there is still a lack of understanding as to what an Organizer really does.

A cleaning company - cleans. Plain and simple. They mop the floors, wash the baseboards, vacuum, dust, take out the trash, straighten the pillows on the couch....and a few other things - depending on the company.

A professional organizer - does not clean. They don't mop the floors. They don't wash the dishes. They don't dust.

They organize.  They take a cluttered space and de-clutter it. They re-arrange spaces to make better and more efficient use of the space.

They containerize. They visualize. They make the space work as intended - or requested (every client uses a space differently).

They prioritize. They make your life function more smoothly.

They put things into their proper place - where you can find them easily.

They create a flow and a function that you - the client - can easily manage.

They de-stress you home, office or life.

They create order out of chaos.

A professional organizer - depending on her specialty - has extended training to work with a variety of clients.

A professional organizer is a personal coach for your home and your life. 

Organized - vs - cleaning.

Quite a difference.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 16, 2013

Organizing - A Family Affair

Having an organized home has so many benefits. Your home looks good, you can find things easily, you save money by not constantly buying things that you already have and you are less stressed.

But at what cost?  Having that organized home takes time. And with everyone being so busy, time is something that most people don't have a lot of.

So how do we get around this problem?  Family !

That's right - everyone has to help. Isn't that what family means?  Helping each other?

Maybe cleaning up each persons room is "their" responsibility - but all of the "shared" spaces - like the kitchen, living room and bathrooms - should also be a "shared" responsibility.

When you are sharing space - you need to share the work of keeping it organized (and clean).

Everyone should have a "spot" in the bathroom for "their" stuff.  Everyone should pick up after themselves.

Everyone should be taught to put away their dishes in the dishwasher (or assign kitchen tasks).

Everyone should help prepare meals (either prep work, cooking, setting the table or after dinner clean up).

The kitchen is always the center of the home. Cooking together does more than get the meals on the table faster - it's a time to bond.  Or as the kids say "date time" (yes, we have exciting dates). It's a time to talk and go over your day.

In the living room - after everyone is done reading their magazines or books or playing with their toys - put everything back where it belongs.

You bring it out - you put it away !   A great motto !

Having an organized and clean (or tidy) home is a family affair.  And it cuts down on the time it takes to get things done.

Get your family involved and take the stress off of just one person.  Teach your kids something they can use in adulthood.

Organizing - it isn't just for grownups!

Have a great and organized day !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 25, 2013

Company is Coming - Let's Clean & Organize

A lot of people out there only think about cleaning or organizing their home when they have visitors. In fact, some people will use their "lack of cleanliness" as an excuse not to have people over to their house.

This is just another example of how disorganization and lack of time management can affect your life.

Everyone's idea of clean is different. But using the excuse of  "not having a clean house" to avoid having people over to visit brings up a lot of other questions. Such as - "what are you really trying to avoid"?

Having an impromptu gathering should not be a stressful moment. Not everyone was taught how to clean and organize - so put that out of your mind for a moment. To get ready for company when you only have a few minutes there are a number of shortcuts that you can use.

First, get a basket and go through your main living area and put everything that does not belong in that room into the basket. Any toys or books or dishes....put them into the basket and get them out of there. 

Grab a duster and quickly dust the surfaces. The less clutter that you have on your coffee table the easier it is to dust and clean.

Fluff some pillows.  Light a candle for some nice atmosphere.

Enjoy your visitors and relax.  They are not going to know that you just had a whirlwind de-cluttering session. 

Is this the "normal" way to clean your home on a weekly or daily basis?  No - but being social is sometimes more important than being perfect.

Having friends over can help relax and de-stress you.

But remembering the rule about "if it does not belong in the room - take it with you when you leave" is a great and easy rule to remember. Using a basket to go from room to room and getting everything picked up in one fell swoop is another easy way to get yourself organized.

Cleaning doesn't have to be an all day drudgery. Having a plan that works for you - on your schedule - even a few minutes a day - can make all the difference in the world.


Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 23, 2012


The warm weather is here and people are starting to spend more time outside. But is your garage and house ready for the change of seasons? Can you easily get to your rake and gardening tools?

While the weather is warm take a few minutes to drag everything out of your garage and give it a good cleaning. Sweep out the leaves and dust. Re-arrange your tools and equipments so that the things that you need for the warm weather are more accessible. Move your snowblower and shovels to the back and bring your rakes and other summer toys out front.

The same goes for the inside of your house. Open all of the windows. Air out the house. Clean the windowsills. Rearrange your winter clothes and put them in the back of the closet and bring out your spring/summer coats and clothes. Be sure to get rid of things that are too small or that you haven't worn.

Put your "winter" toys away (ski's and such...). Find the beach towels and blankets for those great impromptu picnics. I always carry a blanket in my trunk just in case I decide to take an hour to relax and enjoy the great weather outdoors.

Start thinking about all of the "small projects" that you might want to do outside and make a list. Remember, break down all projects into small, manageable pieces.

Putting your projects on your calendar and scheduling them gives you a better chance of actually getting them done than by just "thinking" about doing them.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, May 2, 2011

Organized and Clean - What's the Difference

A lot of people have this misconception that being organized and being clean is the same thing. It's not. You can have a clean house that is a cluttered mess. Or you can have an organized house that is filthy and dusty. One does not necessarily have to do with the other.

Organization is a state of mind. It's subjective. What's organized by some people's standards isn't necessarily organized by others.

But dirt. It's sort of black and white. Mostly black. I'm sure that you have all seen the old fashioned white glove test. You can't argue with black dirt on a white glove.

Just because a space is organized doesn't mean it's clean. When you are sitting at a desk and you are wheezing because of all the dust bunnies on and under the desk...chances are it is not clean.

But when you get a manager that says "well, no one else has complained" ....obviously it must be clean and you are just too picky. Right? WRONG !

I'm sure that you have all seen the "Hoarders" shows. Those people live in their homes and they don't complain. So does that make it o.k. ? No, is the correct answer.

Just because everyone around you doesn't complain doesn't mean your office space is clean. It just means that they don't mind living and working in a dirty environment. That doesn't mean that you have to. And your manager should be ashamed of himself for subjecting you to a dirty working environment and for making you feel like you are the one that has the problem for speaking up.

It sort of reminds me of the story "The Emperor's Clothes". Everyone just went along with the program and no one wanted to rock the boat. Until a new person came to the palace and said "no, don't see the clothes....he isn't wearing any".

Taking a stand and saying that you want a clean and organized work environment is not easy. Especially when you are made to feel like there is something wrong with you for speaking up. But your health should come first. And people will eventually thank you for speaking up and creating a safer and cleaner work environment.

Remember....being Organized involves being Clean. They are not exclusive.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 4, 2011


Cleaning your home is not everyone’s idea of fun. But it is something that all of us have to do. In the spring we have a yearly ritual called “spring cleaning” that I am sure everyone is really looking forward to.

We drive ourselves crazy and clean the entire house from top to bottom in one or two days. We clean things that we have ignored all year long.

So…. let’s get started.

In the Kitchen:

Wash all of the appliances. Both outside and inside.

  • Refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stove
  • Wash the stove drip bowls in the dishwasher (or buy new ones)


  • Take down all of the magnets – throw out old ones that you really don’t need
  • Remove all of the shelves in refrigerator and wash them
  • Remove all of the bins in the refrigerator and wash them
  • Defrost the freezer
  • Put fresh baking soda in the freezer
  • Clean under the refrigerator


  • Clean your oven (self cleaning or with oven cleaner)
  • Rinse the oven thoroughly after it has been cleaned

Shelves / Counters

  • Take everything off of your shelves and counters and wash them thoroughly


  • Wipe down your backsplash all around the kitchen


  • Wash your kitchen floor with a good de-greaser

Living Room

  • Clean drapes and curtains
  • Wash your blinds (this can be done in the bathtub)
  • Shampoo your carpets
  • Wash throw rugs or air them out …outside
  • Vacuum the entire house….pull out everything from the wall….
  • Vacuum your couches (pull out the cushions and clean underneath them)
  • Use furniture polish for an extra shine on your furniture
  • Dust ceiling fans, fixtures and lampshades
  • Wax your floors

Dining Room

  • Take all of your books & knick-knacks off of your hutch or bookshelf and dust each piece
  • Dust the bookshelf / hutch
  • Wash the chandelier (if the pieces come off they can be run through the dishwasher)


  • Wash your mattress pad, blankets, quilts, pillows
  • Turn over your mattress
  • Dust ceiling fans & fixtures & lampshades
  • Vacuum under the bed


  • Wash the windows throughout your entire house
  • Clean attic & basement
  • Scrub deck & patio
  • Wash outdoor furniture
  • Bring out your spring / summer clothes
  • Clean out your car (move winter stuff to storage)
  • Dryer – check lint filter… it doesn’t cause a fire - vacuum behind the dryer

If you don’t want to do all of this in one weekend….that’s O.K. Break it down into smaller projects over a couple of weeks. Once you have accomplished everything on the list your home will be clean and ready for spring.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, June 28, 2010


On your days off…why do you want to spend all day cleaning your house? Wouldn’t you rather be doing something else?

I know…you have to clean your house. But, where is it written that you have to do it all in one day?

By breaking your cleaning chores into small projects you can still get your entire house cleaned and you will have time to do other things on your days off.

Spread your cleaning out over a week and you can spend only 15 minutes at a time on a specific chore:

* Monday: Dust the house
* Tuesday: Vacuum the house
* Wednesday: Straighten up the main living area
* Thursday: Clean the toilets
* Friday: Wipe down all of the counters (kitchen & bathroom)
* Saturday: Mop the floors

You get the idea…. Pick whatever works for you.

That way you can start and finish each project in one sitting and feel like you’ve accomplished something. Start a small project. Finish a project. Feel proud of yourself. Go on to the next project.

And spend some of your “off days” doing something more fun than cleaning.

Less Clutter = Less Stress (SM)

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 28, 2009


There is misconception that a Professional Organizer is little more than a “cleaning woman”. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

A cleaning woman “cleans”. She dusts, vacuums, washes the floor, cleans the toilets….. All necessities but not an organizers function.

A “Professional Organizer” doesn’t clean toilets or wash the floor.

A “hands-on organizer” will take everything off of a bookshelf and de-clutter a room (getting rid of non-essential items) and might even dust the bookshelf before putting things back into place – but dusting and cleaning is not their function.

An “organizer” might even take everything out of a room to have a “clean slate” before putting things back in a more “organized and functional” manner. But “cleaning” is not their function.

“Organizing a space to make it function better” is the professional organizers goal.

A cleaning company doesn’t “organize” your kitchen or office so that everything has a place. They clean around what’s on the counter. An “organizer” puts everything in a place that makes sense and is functional.

Organizing a “space” is just one aspect of what a Professional Organizer can do for you. A Professional Organizer can also help you organize every aspect of your business or life. For more information on how an Organizer can help you, visit our website.

Organizational Consulting Services