With everyone staying at home, either working from home or just "social distancing" themselves - there are a lot of things that you can do to become more successful.
If you now have to work from home - do you have a dedicated workspace? Do you have the tools that you need to be successful? Do you have a routine that can guarantee your success? Or are you cleaning your home and watching videos while you are supposed to be working?
Working at home should still be considered "work". You owe it to your employer to be as productive as if you were actually in your office - at work.
It's not as easy as most people think. There are many distractions out there that you need to consider. Especially in light of the fact that everyone else is at home also - including most kids. This adds to the noise level and can distract you from getting your work done.
Having added Virtual Organizing to our business years ago, I can help you set up your office and workspace to be more productive.
As a Life & Business Coach - I can help you get through this trying time and get you back on track and figure out how to make the transition from working outside of your home - to working from home - or even looking into your future plans. Maybe now is the time to take that leap into trying something new - something that you were too afraid to leap into when you had a job and didn't want to jeopardize it for your "dream".
Life is throwing a lot at us right now. It's how you handle it that will make a difference.
Since you're at home - why not work on those "projects" that you have been putting off all of these years! Get your home and yourself Organized!
How organizing your space is accomplished Virtually:
* Make an appointment with a Virtual Organizer - you will need email access and a phone
* You must be motivated to do the physical work yourself
* You must be committed to reaching your goal
* Virtual Organizing sessions are only one (1) hour long - instead of the usual 4 hours
* Shorter Virtual sessions are less expensive than In-Person Organizing sessions
* We walk / talk through your space and come up with a plan
* You do the physical work yourself - with email/phone support by the Organizer
Visit the Virtual Organizing page on our website for more information.
Visit our Life & Business Coaching website - to see how a Coach can help you move forward and be successful in this trying time.
Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life