
Showing posts with label Why. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Excuses for Not Staying Organized

I hear a lot of excuses from people, especially parents telling me that they can't "stay organized" for very long or that their kids won't stay organized for more than a couple of days.

It's an excuse. Very simple. It's sort of like saying " I don't really see the benefit of school so why bother doing homework". Would you let your child get away with that? "No" is the answer.

NO EXCUSES ! Yes, all new "habits" take time. And that's exactly what "organizing" is. A new "learned habit".

Kids love organizing! It's a game to them. "See what piles to put things into". "Learning how to sort". It's a "learning experience" for them.

Even adults need to "re-learn" things. And unfortunately a lot of adults were never "taught" how to be "organized". It's a stange, uncomfortable, "new thing" that they have to do.

It will feel "strange" and will feel "forced" for a long time. It takes 90 days to learn a new habit.

So if after a few days you or your child decide that you are tired of "continuing" the process and "stop organizing" .... then you will have gained nothing except frustration.

Sort of like "dieting". Everyone is hung-ho the first few days and then it's back to eating junk food and sabotaging your health.

For a lot of people it's not easy. Not everything in life is easy.

But eating healthy food instead of junk food keeps you healthy and gives you more energy.

Staying organized keeps you on time, decreases your stress and saves you money.

And if your kids are organized you aren't constantly yelling at them to hurry up and find things and being late for appointments.

Everyone wins.

So.... stop making excuses. Stick with the program. Keep plugging away.... one small pile at a time.

Organizational Consulting Services