
Showing posts with label EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Protecting Your Home - Just in Case

Stuff happens! No matter how much we think we are prepared - sometimes we have no control over things.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, fires....and more - can change your life in a split second. 

If something happens and destroys your home - and all of your possessions - are you prepared to tell the insurance company exactly what you have in your home and what the value is?  Are you insured for the right amount? 

Insurance companies will want/need proof of what was in your home and it's value. Do you remember every single thing that you owned? Do you have actual documentation or pictures of any of your belongings?

When you are in the middle of a tragedy you probably aren't thinking about the actual value of your loss. It's not until weeks later that things sink in. 

If you lost your home to a hurricane, earthquake or fire (or anything else) - do you have the money to rebuild? Are you sure that the insurance company is going to give you fair compensation for what you have lost?

One way to be prepared - for any emergency - is to have an accurate record of everything in your home.

An easy way to do this is to use a system that was designed specifically for this purpose.

Pinventory is an application that is easy to use and can take an inventory of your home or business - just in case.

What exactly is Pinventory?

An inventory is a visual catalog of your physical property, digital items and critical documents that are financially, sentimentally, and legally valuable to you, your family, and your business.

With increased weather activity and incidences of theft, inventories are becoming more and more important as a way to prove what you own, should you ever have to file a claim, and is equally important to be able to do proper insurance and estate planning.

Pinventory® Home & Business is a secure, web-based platform with a companion mobile app that makes creating any type of inventory a breeze.  You just take photos of an item using the companion app, input or dictate basic information about the item and, when you hit “Save”, Pinventory seamlessly puts both the photos and the information into your account on the Pinventory platform.  You can then log onto the platform and add values, stories, and lots of other information, attach receipts and appraisals, designate who should ultimately get the item, and print out box labels and professional looking reports of all kinds, including insurance claim reports, exporting them to PDF, Word, Excel and many other formats.  You can even have Pinventory create a catalog to MaxSold, the online auction house, to sell your items.


If it’s important to you and your family, it belongs in Pinventory!

Pinventory  -   Home & Business Inventory System   - Enter code: Fried15  for a 15 % discount

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Monday, September 4, 2017

Disasters - Emergency Preparedness - Be Ready

 It's been a rough few months our here in Montana. Fires are everywhere and new ones seem to be cropping up constantly. It's a scary time.

Throughout the rest of the United States there are floods.

 We should all be aware of the fact that disaster can strike anywhere. The question is "are you ready"?

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Whether it’s the loss of power and electricity (which could last for days) or a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster…. Or a terrorist attack…

Being prepared is not an “option” anymore. Even if just the electricity went out…and you happen to have an “all electric” home, would you be able to survive? Do you have enough food to last you for a few days? What happens if all the stores are closed?

These are just some things to think about, especially if you live in a remote area and don't have quick access to a store.

There are numerous websites and articles that tell you to be prepared to survive for at least three (3) days if an emergency occurs. The “72 Hour Kit” as some people call it.

Besides the basic kit, you also need to have an emergency plan in place. Below is a basic list that will give you some ideas to get you started (there are numerous variations of this kit).

Basic Kit:

Water – one (1) gallon per person , per day for at least three (3) days
Food – 3 days supply of non-perishable food. Some ideas are: soup mix, granola bars, trail mix, crackers,
peanut butter, beef jerky, fruit cups….
Plastic / paper – plates, cups, napkins…
Radio – battery powered
Flashlight – with extra batteries
First aid kit – basic kit
Can opener
Garbage bags & plastic bags (various sizes)
Sleeping Bag
Clothes – for three (3) days
Coats & rain gear & cold weather gear
Personal hygiene products such as: shampoo, lotion, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine
products, sunscreen…..
Wet wipes
Toilet Paper
Sewing Kit
Paper & pencils
Matches / lighter (in water proof container)
Basic tools (wrench, pliers, scissors….)
Water purification tablets (or Chlorine Bleach)
Hand Sanitizer
String / rope / cord
Cooking appliances (portable stove with fuel….)

Some things (like medications…) cannot pack ahead of time, so have a checklist prepared for those items.

Checklist for supplies that need to be packed last minute:

Prescription medication
Infant formula
Pet food
Family documents (passport, birth certificates, identification cards, bank info, insurance info….)
Games for kids

Don't forget a list of phone numbers of family members and other important phone numbers that you will probably need.

Start thinking about how you and your family would handle an emergency, and start planning for it today, before that emergency strikes.

Be prepared for any emergency. You never know when it will happen to you.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 7, 2015

Being Prepared For All Emergencies - Get Organized!

It's fire season - and for those of us living out west we need to be prepared to evacuate at any moment.  Are you ready?

What can you grab in a few minutes?  What's really important?  Besides your life and that of your family?

What about important papers - birth certificates, passports, bank information, life/health insurance information, medications......

What about contact information for family members and friends?  With everyone being on speed dial most of us don't have people's phone numbers memorized anymore. How can you get in contact with family members to tell them where you ended up?

There are many emergency situations that we should be prepared for besides fires.  What about hurricanes and tornadoes?   Wind storms?

Being organized means thinking about all of the things that could happen - before they actually happen.

Read some of my previous posts to learn what to do in emergency situations:

Fire - Are You Read?

Getting Ready for an Emergency - September is National Preparedness Month  

Disasters - Emergencies - and everything in between....

So don't wait....  get organized for an emergency!

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Emergency Preparedness - Your Paper Trail

 If you only had a few minutes to get out of your house for a disaster (such as a hurricane) would you be prepared for an emergency? Would you be able to grab your important papers and things you must have and be out of your house in minutes?

Do you know where all of your important papers are? Are they all in one central spot for quick and easy access in case of emergency?

Things such as:

* Drivers License (or other identification)
* Passport
* Birth Certificate
* Social Security Card
* House Insurance papers (or contact info)
* Life Insurance papers (or contact info)
* Marriage License
* Financial Info
* Money / Credit Card info
* Phone numbers for family and friends
* Medical / Health Care information

What about some of your favorite possessions? Things that you can’t replace, such as photo albums?

Since most people keep a lot of information on their computer or laptop, do you have backups and are they up to date and in a spot that you can easily access?  Do you have backups that are near all of your important papers that you can grab quickly?

Do you know what you would take in an emergency? Have you ever thought about it?

I’ve never been in situation where my home had to be evacuated, though I have been in a hurricane with no place to go (a very frightening experience).

If you are evacuated from your home and your home is destroyed you will have to deal with a variety of issues, including insurance issues, where you will have to prove your identity. Can you?

In an emergency people tend to grab the strangest things. Not always the most practical things.

So think about what you would do in an emergency situation where you had to evacuate (especially if you live in high hurricane areas).

Start by thinking "what if...." and come up with a game plan. Locate all of your important papers and pick a spot where everything can be in one place and in an easy to grab container.

Prioritize your possessions and what you really need to get back on your feet.

Get yourself organized before disaster strikes. And then hope that you never have to put your plan into place.

It’s better to be prepared for a disaster than to have to go through the trauma of dealing with things that you are unprepared to handle.

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Getting Ready for an Emergency - September is National Preparedness Month

It's almost the anniversary of  9/11. We should all be aware of the fact that disaster can strike anywhere. The question is "are you ready"?

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Whether it’s the loss of power and electricity (which could last for days) or a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster…. Or a terrorist attack…

Being prepared is not an “option” anymore. Even if just the electricity went out…and you happen to have an “all electric” home….would you be able to survive? Do you have enough food to last you for a few days? What happens if all the stores are closed?

These are just some things to think about….. especially if you live in a remote area and don't have quick access to a store.

There are numerous websites and articles that tell you to be prepared to survive for at least three (3) days if an emergency occurs. The “72 Hour Kit” as some people call it.

Besides the basic kit, you also need to have an emergency plan in place. Below is a basic list that will give you some ideas to get you started (there are numerous variations of this kit).

Basic Kit:

Water – one (1) gallon per person , per day for at least three (3) days
Food – 3 days supply of non-perishable food. Some ideas are: soup mix, granola bars, trail mix, crackers,
peanut butter, beef jerky, fruit cups….
Plastic / paper – plates, cups, napkins…
Radio – battery powered
Flashlight – with extra batteries
First aid kit – basic kit
Can opener
Garbage bags & plastic bags (various sizes)
Sleeping Bag
Clothes – for three (3) days
Coats & hats; rain gear; cold weather gear
Personal hygiene products such as: shampoo, lotion, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine
products, sunscreen…..
Wet wipes
Toilet Paper
Sewing Kit
Paper & pencils
Matches / lighter (in water proof container)
Basic tools (wrench, pliers, scissors….)
Water purification tablets (or Chlorine Bleach)
Hand Sanitizer
String / rope / cord
Cooking appliances (portable stove with fuel….)

Some things (like medications…) cannot pack ahead of time…so have a checklist prepared for those items.

Checklist for supplies that need to be packed last minute:

Prescription medication
Infant formula
Pet food
Family documents (passport, birth certificates, identification cards, bank info, insurance info….)
Games for kids

Start thinking about how you and your family would handle an emergency….and start planning for it today…before that emergency strikes.

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fire - Are You Ready ?

We are in a crisis here out west.  Fires are ablaze everywhere. One is only seven (7) miles from our house.  A little scary.

Most people don't realize just how far away you can smell fires.  Or how hard it is to breathe with fumes.  Or how far the ash travels.

So ....... are you ready for a fire ???

Do you have an EMERGENCY PLAN ???

Do you know where all of your important papers are ????

  • passport
  • birth certificate
  • marriage license
  • immunization record
  • insurance papers (house, car, life...)
  • house papers
  • car papers
  • papers for anything valuable ...... 

Can you easily grab everything you need - of value - in a few short minutes ???

If not - maybe now is the time to sit down and organize an emergency safety plan - including getting everything you need out of the house quickly.

Emergencies usually don't come with a warning.

Get ready !!!   Get organized  !!!

Be safe !!!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 29, 2012

Are You Ready for Winter ?

 It's getting colder! We've even had snow. Are you ready?

There are a number of things that you need to do to get organized and ready for winter. Starting with your car.

Do you have your snow brush in your car? How about a snow scrapper?  Are they inside your car? Not in your trunk.

 A shovel for digging yourself out when you get stuck?

How about a blanket - just in case.
Extra gloves?  A hat?

A flashlight for flagging down help?

What about a bag of sand (or whatever your city allows) for putting under your tires for extra traction when you are stuck.

And don't forget some snacks for the kids if you have to wait for a tow truck for hours.

It might sound silly or depending on where you live it could be just common sense. But people tend to forget that they need to be organized for emergencies.

Unfortunately emergencies aren't usually written on your calendar....they just happen.

So be prepared - have extra supplies in your car..... just in case!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 3, 2011

Winter Is Coming Soon ....Is Your Car Ready ?

It might only be October and some people really don't want to think about the cold and bad weather that comes with winter. But ignoring the fact that winter is just ahead won't make it stop coming.

So – the question is ..... are you prepared ?

Now is the time to stock your car with winter essentials.

In your backseat:
* Snow brush
* Ice scraper (or two – various sizes)
* Blanket
* Gloves (keep extra’s in your car)
* Hat
* Scarf

In your glove compartment:

* Paper
* Pen
* Matches (in something waterproof)
* Candle (in a tin) – this can be used if your flashlight doesn’t work or for extra heat
* Tissues
* Hand wipes
* Cell Phone Car Charger
* Flashlight (make sure the batteries are good – or get a windup one)

In your trunk:

* Salt or something to throw under your tires if you get stuck
* Extra Windshield Fluid
* Extra Antifreeze
* Spare Tire
* Shovel
* Jumper Cables
* First Aid Kit (basic)
* Towel (this can also be used as an extra blanket)
* Rope
* Bungee Cords
* Duct Tape (so many uses!)
* Tire Gauge
* Tire Repair kit
* Road Flares
* Fire Extinguisher (small one)
* Plastic Garbage Bags

If you are going to be driving outside of the city limits I would also suggest that you keep water and snacks in your car, especially if you have kids. You never know when an accident might keep you tied up for a long time and you will need water to keep you hydrated and snacks to keep the kids occupied.

Being prepared is always the best defense. Now relax and embrace the weather.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 26, 2011

Disasters - Emergencies - and everything in between....

Having just passed the anniversary of 9/11 we should all be aware of the fact that disaster can strike anywhere. The question is "are you ready"?

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Whether it’s the loss of power and electricity (which could last for days) or a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster…. Or a terrorist attack…

Being prepared is not an “option” anymore. Even if just the electricity went out…and you happen to have an “all electric” home….would you be able to survive? Do you have enough food to last you for a few days? What happens if all the stores are closed?

These are just some things to think about….. especially if you live in a remote area and don't have quick access to a store.

There are numerous websites and articles that tell you to be prepared to survive for at least three (3) days if an emergency occurs. The “72 Hour Kit” as some people call it.

Besides the basic kit, you also need to have an emergency plan in place. Below is a basic list that will give you some ideas to get you started (there are numerous variations of this kit).

Basic Kit:

Water – one (1) gallon per person , per day for at least three (3) days
Food – 3 days supply of non-perishable food. Some ideas are: soup mix, granola bars, trail mix, crackers,
peanut butter, beef jerky, fruit cups….
Plastic / paper – plates, cups, napkins…
Radio – battery powered
Flashlight – with extra batteries
First aid kit – basic kit
Can opener
Garbage bags & plastic bags (various sizes)
Sleeping Bag
Clothes – for three (3) days
Coats & rain gear & cold weather gear
Personal hygiene products such as: shampoo, lotion, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine
products, sunscreen…..
Wet wipes
Toilet Paper
Sewing Kit
Paper & pencils
Matches / lighter (in water proof container)
Basic tools (wrench, pliers, scissors….)
Water purification tablets (or Chlorine Bleach)
Hand Sanitizer
String / rope / cord
Cooking appliances (portable stove with fuel….)

Some things (like medications…) cannot pack ahead of time…so have a checklist prepared for those items.

Checklist for supplies that need to be packed last minute:

Prescription medication
Infant formula
Pet food
Family documents (passport, birth certificates, identification cards, bank info, insurance info….)
Games for kids

Start thinking about how you and your family would handle an emergency….and start planning for it today…before that emergency strikes.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 17, 2011


People don’t like to think about emergencies. Not in their personal lives and certainly not in business. But as a small business owner you can’t just stick your head in the sand.

If you own a small business (in terms of people, not sales) it is imperative that you are prepared for all emergencies.

Let’s start with thinking about you as the business owner. If something happened to you or a member of your family and you could not be involved in your business for a few days, weeks or months…. could the business survive without you? Do you have someone in place that can run things or take charge while your gone?

You may be the healthiest person on the planet….but a car accident or a medical crisis with a family member can have your spiraling out of control and the last thing that you are going to be thinking about is your business.

Do you have a back up plan?

Do you have a manager or key employee that can handle things while you are gone?

Do you have an operations manual? Do you have anything documented? Those are a lot of things to think about. And unfortunately I have seen too many businesses where there is no documentation of any kind.

Now let’s say that you are just fine but that your key employee leaves. Can your business survive? Have you given one employee too much power that if they left they can cripple your business?

Do you have job descriptions for all of your employees? Including yourself?

Is everyone trained in everyone else’s job?

Let’s go one step further. What if your building burns down? I’m just saying…..

Do you have everything documented and taken OFF SITE ???? Do you have backups of your backups? Have you tested your backup system lately? Have you tried re-storing your backup tapes to be sure they work?

As the old saying goes “been there…done that…”. Yes, my backup tapes said they were “just fine”. They weren’t. And then came the crash. Of course it was two weeks before the end of the year when I usually run every single report with data from January through December. Two more weeks and I would have been fine. But I wasn’t. And it couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Are you starting to get a bit nervous because you don’t have a backup plan and I’ve made you think about things that you never wanted to think about?

Don’t stick your head in the sand. Accidents happen. Emergencies happen. Loyal long time employees leave you hanging. Stuff happens.

Be prepared. Get your business organized. Start today.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 10, 2011


It’s the start of a new year so why don’t you start the year off right by making a commitment to be more organized with what counts most, your important papers.

Most people have a lot of important paperwork. Scattered all over the house.

Do you have a “will” ? A “health care proxy” ? A “living will” ? A “power of attorney” ?

Does anyone know where these documents are?

Do you have your medical history documented somewhere? Do you have a list of your doctors ? Do you have a list of your surgeries ? Of your medications ? Of your allergies ?

Stuff happens…… Are you ready ? Do you really want to take that chance ?

If you have a family….is it fair to them ? If you have kids…thinking about protecting them with a “will” is not only important…it’s down right necessary !!!!

Don’t wait until something happens to try and find all of the papers that you need. Be pro-active and have everything in one place. Make sure that someone knows where that place is and had access to it if you can’t get to it.

What happens if there is a disaster and you had to evacuate the house? Would you be able to gather your important papers quickly?

Start the year off right by gathering all of your information in one place. It doesn’t matter where. As long as you do it. One central place. That’s the first step of being organized with your important papers.

If you do that, then you’ve accomplished more than most people.

The second step is to organize your paperwork into some type of system. There are a variety of systems out there. Pick what works for you and get started. Some people like a paper system and some people like a computerized system. Whatever works for you, your budget and your organizing personality. As long as you do it.

There is a great system out there called “Vital Records Portavault”. It’s a portable system that houses all of your vital records in one case. There is room for storing CD’s/DVD’s, flash drive and hundreds of pages of vital documents. It comes with a disaster planning guideline and is endorsed by the American Red Cross. The Vital Records Portavault has been awarded the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal. The PTPS Media Seal is an international leader in certifying consumer products for quality, effectiveness and value. For more information visit “Vital Records Portavault”.

For a great computerized system there is a product called “CareBinders”. It tracks your personal data (education, events, passwords, resume), your medical data (allergies, immunizations, doctors, medical history), your financial data (account #’s, credit cards, insurance policies, legal documents) and your “fun” data (favorite music, photos, restaurants…)

CareBinders™ is the secure, offline, personal recordkeeping software for today’s busy people. Keep track of all your data—personal, medical, financial and fun! Enter data once and CareBinders™ instantly puts it in all the right places. Track anything and everything that is important to you: from your cholesterol to your wine collections and trips! Output medical intake forms to resumes at the touch of a print key. Start simplifying your life—start using CareBinders™ today.

Both systems are also available through my website. For information on available discounts check out my website on the "links / more products page" or email me.

Those are just two great options for organizing your important information. It doesn’t matter what system you use… as long as your start organizing your information and getting things in place.

Be organized… get your affairs in order….. and go about your life knowing that if a disaster struck you would have all of your information at your fingertips. Or if anything happened to you, your family would know what you wanted and your kids would be protected.

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Organizing Your Life - Preparing of the Unexpected

Listen to internet radio with The Joyful Organizer on Blog Talk Radio

Being prepared for the unexpected is something that most people don't want to think about. But it's something that everyone needs to do. Having all of your legal, medical & health information documented and having someone know where to find it.... in case of an emergency, illness or death .... is critical.

Listen to this Radio Show and start getting yourself organized today.
It's crucial.

Monday, September 6, 2010


If you only had a few minutes to get out of your house for a disaster (such as a hurricane) would you be prepared for an emergency? Would you be able to grab your important papers and things you must have and be out of your house in minutes?

Do you know where all of your important papers are? Are they all in one central spot for quick and easy access in case of emergency?

Things such as:

* Drivers License (or other identification)
* Passport
* Birth Certificate
* Social Security Card
* House Insurance papers (or contact info)
* Life Insurance papers (or contact info)
* Marriage License
* Financial Info
* Money

What about some of your favorite possessions? Things that you can’t replace, such as photo albums?

Since most people keep a lot of information on their computer or laptop, do you have backups and are they up to date and in a spot that you can easily access?

Do you know what you would take in an emergency? Have you ever thought about it?

I’ve never been in situation where my home had to be evacuated, though I have been in a hurricane with no place to go (a very frightening experience).

If you are evacuated from your home and your home is destroyed you will have to deal with a variety of issues, including insurance issues, where you will have to prove your identity. Can you?

In an emergency people tend to grab the strangest things. Not always the most practical things.

So think about what you would do in an emergency situation where you had to evacuate (especially if you live in high hurricane areas).

Prioritize your possessions and what you really need to get back on your feet.

Get yourself organized before disaster strikes. And then hope that you never have to put your plan into place.

It’s better to be prepared for a disaster than to have to go through the trauma of dealing with things that you are unprepared to handle.

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, September 2, 2010

National Preparedness Month

Being prepared goes hand-in-hand with being organized, and it is fitting that NAPO would be part of a nationwide event aimed at better emergency preparedness. NAPO has again joined forces with the Department of Homeland Security's Ready Campaign for the seventh annual National Preparedness Month (NPM), held during September. As a national coalition member for the fifth consecutive year, NAPO strives to educate the public through individual member and chapter informational events held during National Preparedness Month.

This year, NPM will focus on changing perceptions about emergency preparedness and will help Americans understand what it truly means to be ready for emergencies that may arise at home, at work, or in the world. Preparedness goes beyond fire alarms, smoke detectors, dead-bolt locks, and extra food in the pantry. Being Ready includes: preparing an emergency supply kit, making a family emergency plan, being informed about emergencies and their appropriate responses, and getting involved in community efforts. (reprinted from

Re-read our BLOG post from April on “Emergency Preparedness”.

Be safe - Be prepared.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 26, 2010


Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Whether it’s the loss of power and electricity (which could last for days) or a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster…. Or a terrorist attack…

We’ve had numerous “disasters” in the last few years….the World Trade Center attack (9/11/2001), Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004), Hurricane Katrina (2005), Haiti Earthquake (2010)…

Being prepared is not an “option” anymore. Even if just the electricity went out…and you happen to have an “all electric” home….would you be able to survive? Do you have enough food to last you for a few days? What happens if all the stores are closed?

These are just some things to think about…..

There are numerous websites and articles that tell you to be prepared to survive for at least three (3) days if an emergency occurs. The “72 Hour Kit” as some people call it.

Besides the basic kit, you also need to have an emergency plan in place. Below is a basic list that will give you some ideas to get you started (there are numerous variations of this kit).

Basic Kit:

Water – one (1) gallon per person , per day for at least three (3) days
Food – 3 days supply of non-perishable food. Some ideas are: soup mix, granola bars, trail mix, crackers,
peanut butter, beef jerky, fruit cups….
Plastic / paper – plates, cups, napkins…
Radio – battery powered
Flashlight – with extra batteries
First aid kit – basic kit
Can opener
Garbage bags & plastic bags (various sizes)
Sleeping Bag
Clothes – for three (3) days
Coats & rain gear & cold weather gear
Personal hygiene products such as: shampoo, lotion, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine
products, sunscreen…..
Wet wipes
Toilet Paper
Sewing Kit
Paper & pencils
Matches / lighter (in water proof container)
Basic tools (wrench, pliers, scissors….)
Water purification tablets (or Chlorine Bleach)
Hand Sanitizer
String / rope / cord
Cooking appliances (portable stove with fuel….)

Some things (like medications…) cannot pack ahead of time…so have a checklist prepared for those items.

Checklist for supplies that need to be packed last minute:

Prescription medication
Infant formula
Pet food
Family documents (passport, birth certificates, identification cards, bank info, insurance info….)
Games for kids

Start thinking about how you and your family would handle an emergency….and start planning for it today…before that emergency strikes.

Organizational Consulting Services