
Showing posts with label PAPER MANAGEMENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAPER MANAGEMENT. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Paper piles - how to control the mess

 Paper is one of the hardest things to organize. One reason is because there is so much of it! 

We are inundated with paper! Mail, junk mail, bills, announcements, invitations, kids school permission slips, medical information, tax information....and on and on...

Most people have no system in place for handling the influx of paper. 

They walk through the door of their home and just dump the paper on the kitchen table. And then - forget about it. 

And tommorrow - the same thing happens. This time - the mail goes on top of yesterday's pile. And tomorrow - the same thing happens....the mail goes on yesterdays pile...   and on and on and on...

Until the pile falls over and maybe lands on the floor! 

A lot of people don't actually look at their mail until days later. Some people - never look at their mail. It just keeps piling up.

What's in that pile????

Bills - that you might have forgotten to pay. School permission slips that you never signed. Invitations that you never responded to - and at the last minute you are scrambling for gifts for that party or wedding that you have to go to!

Having a system in place for handling incoming mail and paper is crucial - not only for your financial security - but also for your sanity!

Doing some as simple as:

1) pitching all of the "junk" mail into the trash or recycle bin. *besure to get shred identitying information

2) put all of your bills into 1 basket - so that you never lose a bill in the pile of papers

3) put any important mail that you need to respond to or answer in a specific time into it's own bin (or you can combine it with the bills)

4) put any correspondance that you need to look at or keep - that doesn't have a hard deadline - into another bin

The next step - is to plan a time (have it on your calendar!) that you will go through each bin. Whether it's every day - every other day - once or twice a week - weekly.... it doesn't matter as long as you have a dedicated schedule for dealing with each bin

Take each bin - handle each piece of paper - whether it's scheduling a bill to be paid or paying the bill at that moment - or answering a letter/invitation....and then file it in the appropriate folder.

If you don't have a filing system set up - or a dedicated spot for working on your bills and papers - then set aside some time to figure out a place that will work for you. Having a decidated space - that you can use every week - will make a huge difference. Be sure to have everything you need to deal with paper - in that spot. Envelopes, pens, stamps....

By at least dealing with each bin once a week - and then emptying that bin - you will be able to keep on top of the papers that come into your  home.

Step back and take a look at how you deal with papers - and simplify the method to alleviate some of the stress associated with apaper clutter!

Happy Organizing!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How Can You Use a Professional Organizer in Your Life

A lot of people think that you can only use a Professional Organizer to organize your kitchen or garage.

I love kitchens and pantries - my favorite! But there are so many more ways that you can use the services of a Professional Organizer!

Besides helping you organize all areas of your home or office, a Professional Organizer can help you declutter and organize your home as you age. As we get older our lives change. Kids grow up and move out. You will probably not be hosting big dinners anymore - so the need for a lot of the things that you used to use - is no longer there. Rearranging your kitchen so that the things that you use are at a lower level so that you don't have to reach, is also a good idea as you age.

Most people wait until they are a lot older (70 - 80's) to start downsizing, purging, decluttering. And that is too late. People don't realize how long the process actually takes. They also don't realize the emotions that come with purging your stuff. a lifetime of memories - and they all tend to come flooding back when you start the purging process. And the number one thing that I hear kids say most often to their family is "we don't want that stuff and we will throw it out after you die". A devastating thing for a parent to hear. Because everyone thinks that their stuff is valuable and everyone should care about it. But it's not - and they don't. A hard truth to hear.

Start the organizing and purging process earlier so that your kids don't have to be traumatized and stressed out by going through your belongings. They will thank you for it!


If you wanted to downsize to a smaller home, an Organizer can help you purge and downsize, decide what will fit into your new home, and help you unpack and set up your new home so that you can walk in and be settled in a short period of time. Wouldn't it be great to be able to find all of your things the day after your move - instead of looking at boxes for weeks?


Another way that a Professional Organizer can help you is by sorting, purging and organizing a home or estate after a parent dies. The amount of paperwork alone is overwhelming. If you can find it that is! Most people do not realize the amount of time it takes to find and gather up all of the documents that are needed in dividing an estate. Getting all of the financial paperwork together is a daunting task. Clearing out their clothes is really hard and very emotional. Finding places to donate items, taking them to donation sites or arranging for pick up of items is something that an Organizer can help you with. 

Getting through the process is not easy, but a Professional Organizer can make the entire process more efficient and less stressful.


Besides physical organization - a Professional Organizer can also help you organize your schedule and your life! Time Management is one of the most important things in our life - yet it's something that is usually overlooked. 

By working with a Professional Organizer on time management and scheduling - you can eliminate a lot of stress!

Feel free to reach out with any questions on more ways that a Professional Organizer can make your home and life run smoother!

Happy Organizing!


Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Papers - Papers - and MORE Papers....

One of the hardest, most emotionally exhausting thing to work on is PAPER ORGANIZING!

I always warn my clients that working with paper is a lot more exhausting than organizing a closet or pantry. It's not that it's physically exhausting - unless you're lifting a 50 pound box of paper - it's the emotional exhaustion that is the hard part.

When you are organizing a closet and you take out a few sweaters - it looks like you actually made a dent in your closet. But - when you take a few pieces of paper out of a file - you really can't even notice. Therefore, you think that you haven't accomplished as much and have a tendency to get frustrated easier. Even if you work for 2 - 4 hours on sorting through papers - it doesn't pack the same visual punch as if you had emptied out a closet.

But paper disorganization is one of the most challenging things to tackle. You have to look at every single sheet of paper (and there are 500 sheets in a ream of paper) - in order to make a decision on if it's something that you need to keep or if it's something that can be disposed of. Then you have to decide if it's something that you really need to shred.

So many decisions....

A Professional Organizer can help you wade through your papers and help you make sense of them. They can help you set up a system THAT WORKS - FOR YOU. Not someone else.

In order for the paper clutter not to return - you have to have a system that you can maintain. A system where YOU can find things - EASILY.

A Professional Organizer can help you with:

*   Incoming mail & bills - creating a system that will work for you
*   File creation and monthly or quarterly maintenance
*   Creating a financial system - including filing system, setting goals and budgets
*   Life Management - identifying all of your important information, including account information, contact information, medical information, house & property information and so much more...
*   Emergency planning
*   Anything paper related....

Paper organizing takes on a life of it's own. If you have a system in place where you only keep paper that is needed for tax or legal or bill purposes - and you have a designated place for that paper - then you will be much happier and less stressed. And - you will be able to find whatever you need within minutes!

If you do nothing else this year - go through your filing cabinet (or wherever you keep you papers....) and get rid of anything that you are not required to keep. *** Make sure that you check with your accountant and/or lawyer before discarding any questionable papers - they should have a list of how long you need to keep documents.

Happy Paper Organizing!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services
Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Getting Your Files Organized

I hate filing!   There - I said it!  I have no problems creating and maintaining systems for my clients - but for myself - I hate to file. It's not that it's hard - it's just a chore that I don't like.

And at this time of year - purging your files and creating new ones should be a top priority!

Part of getting ready for taxes is having all of your documents and papers in order for your accountant. And if you have a good filing system - with a file labeled "Tax Info" - it should be easy.

But - you should also go through your filing cabinet and clear out - purge - any papers that you won't need for your taxes. As long as you have proof that you paid your bills - such as mortgage and utilities - which could be on your bank statement - then you can get rid of any unnecessary papers that are taking up space in your files.

Paperwork is emotionally and physically draining. It is also very time consuming.

Therefore, I always tell my clients to limit the amount of time they will work on any paper related organizing project. Set a time limit of not more than an hour or two for each session.

Take at least a five minute break each hour.

Break your paper organizing projects into multiple sessions. 

Set a limit of  X number of files that you are going to go through each session.

Once you have cleared out your files and are ready for the new year treat yourself to something special - you deserve t!

Get in the habit of filing your papers at least once a week. That way they won't pile and you won't feel so stressed.

Happy filing!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, June 10, 2019

Tips to Declutter Your Workspace

When was the last time you saw the top of your desk? If it has been a while, you will want to follow these tips to declutter your workspace. The benefits include, but are not limited to, being able to find what you are looking for when you need it, having room to spread out a project to see the whole thing at once, and not feeling embarrassed if someone comes to visit your work area.

* Take an honest look at your workspace and consider what bothers you the most about it. Is it the stacks of papers or the empty coffee cups? Consider how you want your desk to look and make a list of changes you would like to make.

* Start with the papers. Add an inbox where you will place all incoming paperwork. This could be incoming mail, papers you need to review or work to do. The point is to have one place for all new papers so you know you have to deal with them. Additional trays will be helpful for things you need to address and those you need to file.

* As you go through the papers in the inbox, separate the things that need your immediate attention, things that have important dates or contact information and those that you can handle at another time. Write meeting information in your calendar, add contact information to your address book or card file, and either file the paper where it belongs or get rid of it.

* Create a simple filing system to keep important papers. This could include a tickler file that you will look at when the day begins. A tickler file is a 31-day system that allows you place papers you will need for the future. It is a reminder system to ensure you handle future items on time. Once you have your system in place, use it daily to keep papers from piling up again.

* Clear all of the paperwork from your desk, even if it means only stacking it in the inbox so you can see what else you have to do. Clear the desk of all other items and decide to create a specific home for each one. If there are some office supplies that you use regularly, you will want to have them available when you need them. Anything that you do not use regularly you will want to place in a drawer or cabinet. When you have a place for everything, be sure you put each item where it “lives” when it is not in use.

* Once you have your desk cleared off, do your best to keep it that way. Take 15 minutes at the end of the day to clear off the desk so you have a blank slate when the new day starts. Work at keeping your desk cleared for a week before you begin focusing on the next area of your workspace that is cluttered.

These tips to declutter your workspace are by no means exhaustive. They are, however, a good starting place when clutter overruns your desk. You can make a difference in how your workspace looks and how you feel while you are in it. If you know your desk and workspace is a mess, begin today to use a few of these tips and see what a difference it can make.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 25, 2019

Paper Clutter - More Ideas to Cut Down on Paper - continued...

 Here are a few more tips to get you started on the road to overcoming the paper overwhelm ---

 ·    Touch it only once rule. This means that you should make a decision about each piece of paper once you touch it. Don’t put it back into the pile – or another pile to decide later.

·        Newspapers, catalogs and magazines tend to pile up and get out of control. Today most newspapers, catalogs and magazines are online. If you can change to the online edition you will cut down on piles of paper clutter in your home. But – remember to clear out your computer files out. If you still want to get hard copies – make a one in one out rule. Only have one copy of the magazine on hand. Read it and toss it (or recycle to a friend who doesn’t get the magazine). Or keep two months if you really need to (but no more than that!).

·         Kids and paper. Schools – are tree haters. They must be – because schools generate a ton of paper. Kids constantly come home with permission slips, announcements, school work, fund raisers, school picture requests, artwork and more. All on a daily basis! You can’t keep everything. So, deal with each piece of paper right away – and give it back to your child (put it in their backpack so they won’t forget it). Keep only a few pieces of their artwork – and take a picture or scan the rest into your computer (if you must). This way you can still keep their work but not have a pile of paper everywhere.

·         Coupons. If you have to keep coupons – make sure that you only have ones that are not expired. Be sure to keep them in a coupon folder (a small one in your purse or glove compartment – where you won’t forget them). Go through them at least once a month and get rid of the expired ones. Also, consider downloading the coupons to your phone instead of keeping a hard copy.

·         Cards & letters. It’s hard to get rid of special cards and letters from people that you care about. Make a rule that you will only keep X amount of cards (depending on the size of your keepsake box). Or make a rule that you will only keep the last few cards from that person.  Or that you will only keep cards for a certain amount of time. By limiting the amount of room, you give to items you will decrease the amount of paper that you accumulate.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, March 21, 2019

PAPER CLUTTER – How to get RID OF IT !!!

Paper clutter is the most difficult type of clutter to control or get rid of. Having a system in place is a must!

Here are a few tips to get you started on the road to overcoming the paper overwhelm ---

·         Open your mail every day. Don’t allow it to get out of control.

·         Immediately toss out junk mail (be sure to shred anything that has identifying information on it)
·         If you do nothing else with your mail each day – at least sort it into:
·         Bills to be Paid

·         Requires Action (such as invitations that require an RSVP, permission slips that need to be signed, letters that need a response…)

·         To be Filed

·         Have a set schedule for paying bills and addressing anything paper related. Whether it’s once a week or once every other week – by having a set day & time to go over your paperwork – you are more likely to get it done!

·         Make a fresh start – today – to get your papers organized. Starting with what comes in the mail today. Then – set a goal of 10 – 20 minutes a day to go through your pile of older papers. By doing this you won’t get behind on your current mail and will still be heading a dent in your piles of old papers.

·         Get out of the habit of writing yourself notes everywhere. Have one place where you write all of your notes and messages. Otherwise you will have pieces of paper all over the house and your purse.

·         Create a filing system – that works for you! But remember – you do not need a folder for every single sheet of paper. Only create a folder if there are at least 10 pieces of paper that go into the folder – otherwise combine the information into another folder.

·         There are numerous filing systems and ways to organize – it should be easy enough for you to keep up and one that you will actually use.

·         You don’t need to print off and keep every single thing that you get in your emails. Create digital folders for information that you want to keep – instead of printing it off. This will cut down on paper clutter.

 These are just a few tips to get you started.  More to come.....

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services