
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Things To Add to Your Daily Routine to Be More Productive

Daily routines are an important tool for those that are seeking to increase their productivity.  By taking the time to establish a daily routine, you can set yourself up for success by ensuring that you are mentally prepared for the day ahead. One of the most important aspects of a daily routine is setting aside time for self-care. By taking care of yourself first, you will be in a better position to take on the tasks of the day.

Having any sort of routine will help improve productivity, but to really maximize your efforts, here are a few things you might want to add to your regime.

Choose 3 Must-Do Tasks for the Day

Setting your intention and tone for the day is a major goal of any productive morning ritual. Do you want to be focused or scattered? Are you going in with a plan or merely reacting to others' actions?

The greatest approach to being more productive throughout the day is to control the story. And one of the simplest approaches to do this is to begin your day by defining your Most Important Tasks (MITs). These are the top 2-3 things you want to be sure you get done that day. Writing these MITs down at the beginning of the day will help give you a clear picture of what having a successful day entail.

Stay Focused on Your Goals with Journaling

Journaling isn’t just for therapy purposes. In fact, writing and reflecting on your goals, feelings, and dreams can improve anyone's mood and help us perform better on work tasks.

When we have an opportunity to reflect on what we've done, we get a boost in self-confidence. Seeing what we've accomplished helps us feel like we can do more things. Which in turn helps provide motivation and drive for future tasks.

Meditate To Prepare for the Day

You can't always anticipate what the day will bring. However, incorporating a daily meditation practice into your routine helps you deal with challenges in a more effective and peaceful manner.

It's critical to start small if you're new to meditation. Consistency is more important than intensity at the outset. Even simply sitting in a peaceful place with your eyes closed for a few minutes and focusing on your breath may be enough to get you started.

Schedule Plenty of Breaks

If you continue to work when your body needs downtime, it draws on your energy reserves to keep going. This means that your body must release stress hormones to provide you with a boost of energy.

A better answer is to take breaks when you need them. Listen to your body and schedule regular breaks away from your screen at least every 90 minutes.

If you want to make the most of these breaks, take a walk outside and try to spend some time in nature, which have both been found to rapidly help us rejuvenate and recharge our energy.

Reflect on The Day

It's all too easy to wind down with Netflix at the end of the day and "relax." Unfortunately, the human brain does not work in such a manner. Instead, when left unresolved, ideas and feelings linger and spring up at inconvenient moments (like when you're trying to fall asleep!).

A personal debrief can help with alleviating work-related stress. It is especially beneficial when it focuses on your triumphs and the good things that happened to you. This technique can even alter the way you look at your days and prevent you from getting dragged into negative thinking. This does not need to be a long document; you can do something as simple as making a list of three awesome things that you accomplished or experienced during the day.

Most people don’t realize that being productive is a skill that can be learned. Just like you would work on your fitness or learn a new language, you can also work on becoming more productive. Try adding some of the things we shared above into your daily routine and see how it goes. After a few, you might just be surprised by how much more productive you can be!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Five Most Common Daily Distractions

Distractions can be found in every aspect of our daily lives - both personal and professional. From phone calls to emails to text to meetings, unexpected interruptions can have a major impact on your productivity. That's why it's crucial to have a plan for keeping your productivity on track. To help and inspire you, here are five common daily distractions and ways to combat them.

1. Email....So Many Emails

It's not just the constant barrage of emails coming in, it's also the unreasonable expectation that you should respond to emails quickly. Try setting aside specific times during the day to check and respond to emails. You may also find it helpful to set boundaries with work-related emails, such as not responding after-hours or on the weekends.

2. Phone Notifications

It takes the brain an average of 23 minutes to get back on track after a distraction - and our phones buzz on average once every 12 minutes. No wonder it's so hard to stay focused! When you really need to focus, try putting your phone on silent and turning off unnecessary notifications. Just like with email, set specific times you'll check your phone during the day. If you find yourself still tempted to check your phone during hours you need to be focused and productive, you may find it best to leave it in your bag or even in a completely different room if you work from home.

3. Task-Switching

Task-switching, also known as multitasking, has actually been found to hinder productivity. Rather than trying to do multiple things at once, the most productive individuals focus on just one task at a time. If you've been a multitasker for a long time, you may find it challenging at first to just do one thing. Meditation can be a great way to retrain your brain to focus on the task at hand. Working from a prioritized list of tasks and taking short breaks throughout the day can also be effective ways to boost productivity.

4. Friends and Family

We all have people in our circles that unfortunately seem oblivious to the fact that we have our own agenda and things to get done. Whether it's a chatty coworker at the office or your mom dropping by during the day because you work from home, setting boundaries will help you stay on track and avoid unnecessary distractions. Be polite but firm, and if you want, offer an alternative time and/or place to get together.

5. Getting Distracted by Personal Duties

With so many people now working from home, it can be tempting to try and do some personal tasks during work downtime. It's best to set aside work hours for specifically focusing on work, and non-work hours for personal tasks. If you do choose to complete personal tasks during work hours, set aside blocks of time and use a timer to keep you focused and on task. Avoid doing this too often however, because it takes the brain a bit to regain focus after changing tasks and that time adds up!

The five common distractions we've outlined in this article can be extremely disruptive to our productivity. However, with a bit of organization and mindfulness, we can overcome these interruptions and stay on task. Utilizing the tips we've provided, such as setting aside specific times for checking emails or responding to texts, focusing on one task at a time, and taking breaks throughout the day, will help you boost your productivity and avoid unnecessary distractions.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tips for Getting Organized So You Can Better Plan Your Day

In order to be productive, it is important to get organized. This means creating a system where you can easily find what you need when you need it. It also means setting aside time for the tasks that are most important to you. A little bit of organization can go a long way in helping you achieve your goals.

There are several ways you can go about organizing your tasks and responsibilities, and we've included some below to help you get started.

1. Set goals

Setting attainable goals can help you stay focused and productive. It's easier to organize your work into manageable tasks when you set specific goals with steps and a timeline. Be sure to create both short- and long-term goals to keep yourself on track!

2. Track progress

Tracking your progress is a great way to make sure you are accomplishing your goals in the timeframe you planned. It's also a really good way to keep yourself motivated - when you see how much progress you've already made it's a lot easier to keep going! You can also use progress tracking to help you figure out what times of the day and week you are the most productive and schedule your most important tasks for those times in the future.

3. Use a planner

A planner is an excellent way to assess the efficiency of your work schedule. You can use a planner to track your daily, weekly, and monthly goals and activities. You're more likely to achieve your objectives and recall important details when you keep a record of what has been done and what is coming up in the future.

There are many types of planners (also called agendas). Some planners have a space for every day, while others are weekly or monthly. Think about what kind of planner would best suit you and your work. If you work on your computer often, you could also consider using a digital planner or app.

It doesn't matter if you use a paper planner (yes, they are making a come-back!) or a digital planner - but the secret of being successful is using something to track you goals, to-do lists and your progress. 

If it's written down - it will more than likely get done - as opposed to just "thinking that you should do it...".

4. Create to-do lists

To keep up productivity throughout the day, try using a to-do list. To-do lists are simple yet highly effective lists that may assist you maintain focus throughout the day. Write down important activities on your to-do list and organize them by priority.

For example, you could place what you need to accomplish before the end of the day at the top of your list and what can wait until the next day at the bottom.

5. Keep a clean environment

You should be able to quickly and easily find everything you need and want in an organized workplace. This helps your workflow be more constant. Putting objects back where they belong, keeping personal things separate from work stuff, and straightening your work area every afternoon are all examples of keeping a clean environment. A clean workstation makes staying productive much easier.

Clutter in your workstation is a big distraction. Remove any thing from your workplace that you don't use on a regular basis. Tidy up your work area at the end of each day and declutter once a week in order to keep things clean and organized.

6. Clean up your email

If you’re like most people, your inbox is clogged with messages. Cleaning up your mail keeps it organized and makes it easier to locate important messages.

Create labeled folders in your email to manage all of your messages and filters to automatically organize new emails into their appropriate folders. Labeling emails helps you stay on top of replies and keeps important documents together in one location.


The goal of being more organized is to help you work more productively. When you're able to focus on your tasks and complete them in a timely manner, you feel better about yourself and your work. There are several tips listed here that will help you get started with becoming more organized and productive. Start out trying one or two at a time and see how they work for you. Remember, there is no one right way to be organized. Do what works best for you so that you can achieve your goals.

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

7 Hacks to Motivate Yourself to Make Progress

Are you ready to stop procrastinating and start making some progress? Try one of these seven simple hacks to motivate yourself into action. Give them each a try over the coming days and weeks and find the ones that make the biggest difference for you. Whenever you find yourself procrastinating, come back to this list and employ one or several of these hacks. Your productivity will soar. 


Tip #1: Pick Something Small 

One of the big reasons we procrastinate is because something feels overwhelming. There’s too much to do, so we choose to forget about it for a little while. It’s a coping mechanism, just not a very productive one. Instead, pick one thing, something small that you can do right now to move you in the right direction. This creates momentum and forces you to take action. 


Tip #2: Set A Time and Go 

Another hack that works like a charm is to set a timer. Your phone has one built in, as do most smart watches. Set it for fifteen or twenty minutes and chip away at a task you’ve been procrastinating on. This works just as well for decluttering your closet as it does for filling out those dreaded expense reports. If twenty minutes feels too long, start with ten. Again, the goal is to start and do something. 


Tip #3: Bribe Yourself 

There’s nothing wrong with bribing yourself if that’s what motivates you. Work on a home improvement project for an hour and then watch an episode of your favorite show. Or promise yourself a special night out when you finish painting the living room. Come up with something that motivates you and go for it. Remind yourself of the prize that is waiting at the end of the project whenever you’re tempted to put things off for another day. 


Tip #4: Find an Accountability Partner 

Find someone else who’s either trying to be more productive or beat procrastination themselves. Check in with each other daily. Share what you want to accomplish and what you will get done that day. Knowing you have to report to someone else makes you take action. It’s also motivating to see the other person do the same. Try it.


Tip #5: Measure Your Progress 

When you’re working on something long-term like losing thirty pounds for example, it can be tempting to procrastinate because it doesn’t seem like you’re making much progress. Instead, prove to yourself that you are getting closer and closer by tracking or measuring it. Make a chart, use a spreadsheet, keep a journal. Find a way to measure your progress and use it to motivate yourself to keep going. 


Tip #6: Remind Yourself of Your Why 

There’s a reason you’ve decided to do that thing you keep putting off. Think about why you want to get it done. Is it so you get your tax refund? So, you can run around with the kids? So, you can find the clothes you actually want to wear? Find out your why. Write it down and then keep it front and center. Look at it every day before you get ready to get to work. 


Tip #7: Just Start

I've saved the best for last. It might not be the easiest but it is the most powerful. Just get started. That's right, sometimes all you have to do is just get moving in the right direction. Do something. Do anything. Even if it's something super small or you only do it for a few minutes. Once you get over that initial hump and start to build some momentum you will be more motivated to continue.


You can do it! 

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Old Habits Are Hard to Break - Accountability Is Key to Beating Procrastination

Beating procrastination can be hard. We do well for a few days, but then old habits set back in, or we get frustrated with our lack of apparent progress. Nothing goes fast enough. If you face a small setback at this point, it may be enough to stop working on what you wanted to accomplish in the first place. Thankfully, there’s something you can do to greatly improve your chances of success. Accountability. 


Track Your Progress 

Start by tracking what you do. You can do this via a simple habit tracker or by just using pencil and paper. Use a box for each day of the week, fill in what you want to accomplish each day, Check it off or fill it in when you do the task. Keep tracking it until it becomes a habit or until the project is completed.

For larger projects that you may or may not work on daily, it helps to write down your goal and then break it into milestones. Record your progress and how much closer you’re inching to each of your goals. 


Make Daily To-Do Lists 

Write out a list of everything you want to get done for the day. It’s helpful to do this the day before. Play around with how many items you put on that list. You don’t want it to overwhelm you, but you do want to challenge yourself to get more done. The list holds you accountable because you can see in black and white if you procrastinated or not. 


Tell Someone About Your Plans 

If there’s something you’ve been struggling to get done, tell someone else about your plans to finally tackle it. Call a friend, tell your spouse, or announce it on social media. Encourage the people you’re sharing with to check back with you on how you did. It may be the little extra push you need to stop procrastinating. 


Find An Accountability Buddy 

Last but not least, find someone else who’s procrastinating and start holding each other accountable. This could be as simple as checking in once in the morning to declare what you each want to get done, and then again at the end of the day to see what happened. Knowing someone else is right there with you can be super motivating. 


Give each of these procrastination beating strategies a try and see which ones give you the best results. Like anything else, procrastinating is a habit, and you can get out of it and turn yourself into the motivated and productive version of yourself you want to be. 


Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....

Monday, June 8, 2020

34 Easy Tips to Increase Your Productivity

When you boost your productivity, not only do you get more work done, but you can also do it quicker, freeing up more time for you to do the things you really want to do!

Try these tips to help you take control of your day and accomplish more:

1.      Set a goal for each day
2.      Make a schedule – with deadlines – for your tasks
3.      Keep a daily to-do list. Cross off tasks as they're completed.
4.      If a task doesn't really need to be done, just get rid of it altogether
5.      Batch similar tasks together
6.      Learn to say no to requests for tasks that would impede on your priorities
7.      Delegate some of your work
8.      Do the unpleasant items quickly and as early in the day as possible
9.      Slow down. Rushing causes mistakes and actually slows your productivity.
10.  Leave only icons for work programs on your computer desktop
11.  Avoid social networking sites during work hours, unless you use them for work
12.  Color-code your paper files and folders
13.  Take a 2-5 minute "micro nap." Rest your head and close your eyes.
14.  Organize your electronic files and folders so you know where everything is
15.  Use keyboard shortcuts whenever you can
16.  Schedule your most critical tasks for your most effective time of the day
17.  Communicate clearly with clients, bosses, and colleagues
18.  Use a planner faithfully
19.  Search for add-ons for your browser that can speed up your Internet tasks
20.  Take breaks to relax and refresh your mind and body
21.  Use stress-reducing techniques each day to keep stress to a minimum
22.  Keep work and personal email separate. Access only work email when working.
23.  Limit emails to 5 sentences: who, what, where, when, and why
24.  Clear clutter from your desk
25.  Beat procrastination and get started right away on the task at hand
26.  Try doing everything a little faster. Walk, talk, type, and read faster.
27.  Avoid trying to multi-task
28.  Focus hard on being productive for 30 minutes at a time. Set a timer.
29.  Help motivate yourself with your favorite quotes
30.  Focus on the appropriate task—personal or work-related—at the appropriate time
31.  Put on headphones to avoid distracting noises. Listen to music if it helps you.
32.  Focus on the tasks that will accomplish the most
33.  Ask for help
34.  Leave your desk clean at the end of each day

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services
Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest
*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Working From Home - Is It Working For You?

Before the Coronavirus consumed everyone's life - most people thought that working from home would be a dream come true! You don't have to get dressed. You can throw in a load of laundry in between writing reports or doing whatever work you do, or watch some T.V.  And no one would ever know.

And then reality set in.

Having a "normal" job - where you have to go to (drive to) work does have it's advantages. It forces you to have a "schedule" and a "routine". It usually requires you to be accountable to a lot more people. And there are usually not as many distractions. You are there to "work".

Unless you are very disciplined - working at home has it's challenges. There are a lot of distractions - people knocking at your door - because "you're working from home - so you are available to chat", the TV lures you in, there are house projects that you could squeeze in, and kids wanting your attention.

So how do you make it work when you aren't used to working from home?

First, make a dedicated work space. Somewhere quiet, without distractions. Make sure that you have all of the equipment and tools that you need to be productive.

Second, make sure that your kids (if they are at home) know that you are "working" and they cannot disturb you (unless there's blood) during set working hours.

Third, make a schedule and stick to it!  Use your calendar just like you would if you were at work. Don't get distracted by personal emails or Facebook or Twitter or whatever other social media you are on.

Fourth, have a plan for each day - and stick to it. Try setting a timer for a certain amount of time that you need to work before you can take a break.

Fifth, take breaks and go outside to get some fresh air! A few minutes outside of your home will do wonders to recharge you. But remember to come back to your desk!

For more ways that you can be productive - email me with any questions and I will gladly point you in the right direction.

Have a great week!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services
Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Unlimited Life & Business Coaching - Moving You Towards Success in 2020

Breakthrough Laser Coaching

 – helping you get right to the point – breaking through the barriers that are holding you back

 Unlimited Coaching to Help You Overcome Your Obstacles

Start 2020 off right by having your own Accountability Partner to help move you forward to success! Stop procrastinating - start doing!

Breakthrough Laser Coaching is a quick 15-minute targeted coaching session that will help you gain clarity on one specific problem, question or goal. It will help you get through your roadblock, prioritize and focus on the real issue. It is meant to support you and hold you accountable so that you can reach your goals.

With Breakthrough Laser Coaching you will work on one issue at a time. It is different than a regular coaching session because you are not working towards a larger goal but rather trying to get through a roadblock or gain clarity on one specific problem or challenge. It is a way to bounce ideas off of an impartial person or get a quick practical solution or objective perspective.

What are the Benefits of Breakthrough Laser Coaching:

·        *  Good for clients that are busy but need a quick coaching session to solve a particular problem or question that doesn’t require a long session
·      *   Good for clients that need that boost of accountability
·      *     Helps you gain insight and clarity
·      *     Helps you create action steps
·      *   Helps you with motivation
·      *     Helps you with confidence
·      *     It is a cost-effective way to get the benefits of coaching

What can Breakthrough Laser Coaching be used for:

·       *  Any issue related to starting or running your business
·       *   Any issue with your employees, boss or co-workers
·       *    Issues regarding Life Transitions
·       *   Any job-related issues, interviewing for a new job….
·       *   Issues regarding personal relationships
·       *   Helping you live up to your potential
·       *  Having your own mentor
Remember – you get out of Coaching what you put into it. For results, you need to take action and follow through on your plan.

With unlimited Breakthrough Laser Sessions, you can schedule as many 15-minute coaching sessions as you like. You must simply complete your assigned task before you schedule your next session. This ensures that you take the action you need – to get the results that you want.

Laser Life & Business Coaching sessions costs less than regular coaching sessions. Sign up before January 30th and save $100.

Schedule your 30-minute call to clarify your goals and see if we can work together.

Breakthrough Laser Coaching – accountability and encouragement when you need it most.

              >>>>>      SCHEDULE YOUR CALL    <<<<

North By Northwest - "Pointing You in the Right Direction for Your Life"