
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2024

Don't Stress About Christmas - But Learn From It

 It's almost Christmas Eve....and most of us are done with our shopping and ready for Santa. But for those of you that aren't ....don't stress....just try to be a bit more organized next year.

The holidays are not about presents. They are about family. The best present that you can give anyone is "yourself".

Time is a precious thing. It goes too quickly and there is never enough of it.

Picking up the phone and calling your loved ones....a real phone call...not a text....means more than you will ever know. Hearing a loved ones voice. Hearing the caring and knowing that you are a precious thing.

Reach out to your friends and family during the holidays. Let them know that you have not forgotten them. In this busy time where we are all working, struggling to make ends meet...the gift of yourself is more precious than anything that you can wrap up. And if all else fails - a Gift Card to a nice restaurant is a nice gift that doesn't take up mych space.

Take the opportunity to learn what worked and what didn't work this year. Make a promise to yourself to start planning for the holidays earlier next year. Put a reminder on your calendar (or phone) to start prepping for the holidays in October next year! That should give you more time to plan and mayabe even send out those Holiday cards that you didn t get around to this year!

Wishing all of you a very HAPPY HOLIDAY and a more ORGANIZED NEW YEAR !

Happy Organizing!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Will You Be Contributing to Clutter this Holiday Season?

It's that time of year where everyone is busily shopping for holiday presents. There are sales everywhere. The stores are trying to entice you with lots of new gadgets and lots of shiny things. We just have to have the lastest and greatest. We have to keep up!

We have been inundated with ads. Sometimes multiple times a day by some companies.

Will you be able to resist or will you succumb to the holiday pressure to buy as much possible. Because we all know that the more presents you buy someone - the more you love them!  

And after everyone unwraps all the presents and the wrapping paper is thrown away - their interests in the item is short-lived. 

Don't get me wrong. I like to receive presents (sometimes). If it's something that is meaningful to me - and not only the gift giver. A lot of people tend to buy gifts that they think are nice (or would want themselves) - instead of giving a gift that is really meaningful to the person who would be receiving the gift. 

Some people don't know their friends as well as they think they do! 

So take a step back and really ask yourself a couple of questions before buying that gift:

Have you seen the person use or ask for (insert gift idea)?

Will this be something that the person has to display in their home and is there room for it?

Will you be offended if the person doesn't display the gift you thought would "fit in perfectly"?

Will you be offended if the person doesn't wear the gift you bought them (because it's really not their style)?

Are you buying a gift - any old gift - just to have something to give them - even though you don't know what to get them and don't want to go empty handed?

Gift giving is an art! You want to show people that you care about them - but forcing them to wear something or display something that does not fit into their own style - is setting them up to feel bad because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

Take a step back and really listen to their likes, wants and dreams. It's not how much you give or the size of the gift that matters. It's that you really paid attention to them.

Don't clutter up someone else's house with your ideas of "the perfect (insert item)". 

So what are some ideas that might not clutter up someone else's home?

An invitiation to lunch or dinner to catch up on their life

An invitation to a play that they've wanted to see

A gift certificate to the spa for a massage (my favorite!) or getting their nails done (if they do this)

A donation in their name to a charity that they support

A gift certificate to a class that they have been talking about

A gift basket of things that they like but would not buy for themselves (spa items, fruit or chocolate ...)

A gift certificate for a car wash (a great gift to get the dirt & snow off their car)

A gift certificate to the movies (with popcorn of course)

A gift certificate for free babysitting so that they can go out and do whatever they want

There are a lot of ideas that don't leave clutter in your home. I'm sure that you can come up with some more!

Happy Holidays!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Happiest of Holidays - to You and Yours


I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season. May your day be filled with joy and happiness. 

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Clear Out Your Closets before Christmas!


Let's get real - everyone is probably going to get some "new things" for Christmas! So - where are you going to put them?

In order not to end up with overflowing closets or pantries - you will need to purge.

So start now!

Get the entire family involved!  Because you know that the kids will probably get new toys as well as new clothes.

This is also a good time to teach your kids the meaning of  "sharing". Let them decide what toys they want to "donate". Ask them to go through all of their toys and be realistic. If they haven't played with them for a long time or they are too old for the toys - have them put them in a pile so that you can look at them - before putting them into the "donate" box.

If the kids are resistant and don't want to get rid of things (even though they have outgrown them) - explain to them that by donating them - other kids will be able to get the enjoyment out of them that they had. Also - you can explain to them that they will need to make room "just in case" they get new toys for Christmas.

Set a good example by also going around the house and decluttering and donating things that you no longer use.

Go through your families closets and clear out the clothes that you no longer wear (don't fit, don't like, never worn....). Just about everyone gets some new clothes for Christmas - so make room in your closet for them. Having a closet so full that you can't get to your clothes, or can't find clothes because everything is squished so tightly - is one of the things that make people not wear all of the clothes they have in the closet (or their dressers). Leave a little space in your closet so that you are not always fighting to get your clothes out.

Most people only wear about 20% of the clothes in their closet. So - purge out the clothes that don't "make you feel good about yourself" - and donate them - so that other people can enjoy them.

You will want to start the New Year with a decluttered home - so start now and declutter what "doesn't make you happy".

By clearing out before the holidays - you will be ahead of the game when Christmas arrives and new items magically appear in your home.

Wishing you and your family a "Happy Holiday".

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

It's Getting Closer to Christmas - Don't Forget About Self-Care

We are now about 3 1/2 weeks away from Christmas. The pressure is on. Holiday decorations are going up in people's homes. Presents are being bought. Cards are being written and sent out. 

We want to feel happy and excited about the holidays - but if we are really honest with ourselves - they can be a bit stressful! Being organized - with a timeline that is spread out so that you don't get overwhelmed - will help.

Make a list of things that you need to do for the holidays - and spread them out over the next few weeks. Put them on your calendar - so that you will actually do them. Don't overload each day.

In between your tasks (shopping, writing cards, sending presents, decorating the house.....) - be sure to take care of yourself!  Self-care is really important - especially during times of high stress.

Some simple self-care things you can do:

  • Have a cup of tea and take some time to relax for a few minutes
  • Take some time to read a chapter in a book
  • Take a long hot bath - add some bath salts and candles for extra decadence
  • Take a walk - in the woods or just around your neighborhood
  • Watch one of your favorite movies - you deserve it
  • Call up a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while
  • Spend time with a loved one 
  • Ask your family members for help in getting ready for the holidays

We've all heard the saying "you need to take care of yourself - before you can take care of others". 

Don't over-commit yourself. Spread things out over the next few weeks. Don't wait until the last minute.

And most importantly - take care of yourself!

You deserve a happy and stress free holiday season!


If you are interested in a short 7 minute Guided Meditation to help you relax – send us an email with “Guided Meditation” in the subject line and we will send you a link to a relaxing Guided Meditation that will help calm and relax you during this stressful time.


*** If you are interested in a FREE Discovery Coaching Session to help you figure out what your next step in life will be – just email or fill out the contact form on our website.     Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest


Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

It's Time to Send Out Those Christmas Cards.....

And now - the next holiday..... 

Thanksgiving is over and the stores are primed for Christmas.  Sales and Santa's are everywhere.

It's hard to enjoy one holiday at a time when they all seem to run together. But this is the time to remember your family and friends and reach out to people, your friends and family, that you have neglected over the past year. It's not entirely your fault. We are inundated with so many obligations that we can barely keep up with everything and friends sometimes go by the wayside.

So instead of sending out Christmas cards where you barely sign your name to the card - write a short note that really means something.  Not a "form letter" that you send to every person in your address book. Write something special and meaningful to each person individually. A few sentences mean a lot.

Start now. A few cards every day so that you are not overwhelmed. Make it personal.

With email and texting, cards and real letters seem to have gone by the wayside. But getting a piece of real mail means something. Something special!

OK - if you don't want to send out "real" cards - because of the cost of the card or postage - how about if you sent out an eCard ???  There are FREE sites that will allow you to send out FREE cards - and you can  schedule when you want them to be sent out. You could send out  a bunch of cards - with a note attached - all with the touch of a button. It's not the same as a card you can touch - but it's the next best thing.

So start now - one card at a time. And before you know it, you will be done.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Year End Clear Out - Donate & Write-Offs


As we get closer to Christmas and Year End - you should start to think about "clearing your clutter" and "donating" your "stuff"!

We all know that there will probably be presents underneath your tree - but most people don't think about where they will put all of their new "stuff". 

If you have kids - start clearing out their old toys (that they have outgrown). But - let them make the choices. Get the kids involved when they are young. Explain to them that they have outgrown some of their toys and how great it would be if other children could get the same joy out of playing with them. It gives them a sense of purpose. Letting them be in control will make them feel more grown up and you will have accomplished your goal of making room for other things.

Now - do the same thing with your stuff! Go throw your closets and be honest with yourself. If you haven't used something in the last year, if you don't like it anymore, if you have lost interest in some of your crafts, if your clothes don't fit or your are tired of them - let it make someone else happy! Let it go to a good home!

And don't forget to get your donation receipt for your taxes!

By starting early - you can go through one room a day or one closet a day. Don't try to do it all at once and stress yourself out. It's still the holiday season and you should also take time for self-care.

You want to start the new year with an uncluttered home - where your new items have a place to belong.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 


Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas is approaching.....Are You Ready?


Now that  we have gotten past Thanksgiving - it's time to start thinking about the next holiday.

Now is the time to reach out to people and plan some holiday visits - virtually that is! It's not the same as being able to visit in person - but right now people need to stay in touch more than ever.
It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year!  If you have your 2021 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. For example:

* Write out cards
* Start Xmas shopping
* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day to get the some of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can't realistically get done at this point.... LET IT GO!  For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

For more great organizing ideas during the Holidays:

Re-read:  Holiday Gift Ideas.... or Dont's

Re-read:  Planning Ahead for the Holidays

Re-read: Organizing Your Closets for Christmas

Happy Holidays!


Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 


Monday, November 25, 2019

Gifts for the Holidays....


The Perfect Gift - Don't Get Stressed Out.... 


Giving the perfect Christmas gift is a challenge.  Some people give gifts just because they feel they have to.  Others spend hours hunting down the perfect gift.

Trying to find "the perfect gift"  can be challenging and very stressful!

But as you shop - are you even thinking about the amount of room that your gift takes up in that person's home?  Or the clutter that is will cause?

A lot of people buy gifts they think the recipient will like - but - they might not think about the effects - such as noise or damage - the gift might cause - especially if the gift is for a child.

A drum set sounds like a great gift for a child - when it's not yours and you don't have to listen to the constant noise. Paints and other messy items might be fun - but you don't have to clean up the mess.

Try to be sensitive to the parents when you are buying a child's gift. It might help to preserve your friendship.

Then there are the gifts that you might like - but if you never see a gift that you bought displayed - maybe you don't know that person as well as you think.

One idea might be to give gifts that don't last......  gifts that are consumed or turned in for things the person might actually like, need or use.

Christmas ideas that don't clutter:

   *   Gas cards
   *   Gift certificates to restaurants
   *   Gift certificates for babysitting services
   *   Gift certificates to a spa
   *   Fruit baskets or gourmet fruit (or chocolate or candy)
   *   Gift certificates for lawn care
   *   Gift certificates for house cleaning
   *   Gift certificates for books
   *   Gift certificates for a "special time" with you
   *   Gift certificates for a weekly home cooked meal

There are a lot of ideas out there - and I am sure that you can think of more. Don't let yourself get stressed out by trying to find the "perfect gift". That's not what the holidays are about.

The gift of time is the most precious of all!

Spend time with your loved ones in this special Holiday Season!

Happy Holidays! 

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Holiday Gifts - What's Really Important

Christmas isn't only about gifts - believe it or not. It's about family and friends.

With only a week before Christmas the pressure is on. Do I have enough presents for everyone? Do I have the right presents? How can I make it through all of the holiday parties? If I go to one party - do I have to invite people over to my house for a party? How can I top my best friends Christmas decorations?

Too much stress!!!  Not enough "holiday spirit"!

By being organized - and starting early - you can avoid the last minute stress of trying to fit everything in and make everyone happy. Take notes for next years holiday!

First - you can't make everyone happy. Buying a lot of presents or big presents doesn't make a person happy. Especially if the gift is something that they really don't want, like or need. You all know what I'm talking about.  Gifts that will never be used or will be re-gifted.

So why waste you time, energy and money buying things that people really don't appreciate?

People tend of overthink the holidays. Keep it simple. Keep it real.

Especially as people age and have their own "stuff" - they don't necessarily want their home cluttered with other peoples (idea of) good intentions.

So - how about the "gift of time". Everyone is so busy these days - that spending an afternoon or evening with a relative is worth more than the piece of pottery or shirt (in your style - not theirs).

How about an "experience"? Tickets to a play - with you, of course.

Or tickets to a concert (their pick)?

Or how about offering to babysit your grandkids for an evening (or weekend) so that your son and daughter-in-law could have a much needed break?

How about offering to mow their lawn for the summer? Or shovel their snow? These are great "gifts" from the kids.

Think of gifts that don't clutter their home. Gifts that they can really use.

Gift baskets - edible - are a great gift. Something that most people don't buy for themselves - but make you feel special.

Holidays should be about family - not seeing who can spend the most money.

They are also not about "out doing" each other with the best party.

Keeping it simple will keep your stress down and let you enjoy the holiday just as much as your guests.

And next year - start planning earlier - for an even less stressful and more enjoyable holiday season.

Wishing you all a very Happy and Stress Free Holiday!

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life

Sunday, December 25, 2016


I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season. May your day be filled with joy and happiness.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


As in our German tradition we will eat a very special meal of German white sausage. Topped off with some desserts and then the best part.... opening our Christmas presents!

Then off to midnight mass with Christmas songs to fill the air.

Wishing all of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Countdown To The Holiday - The Stress Builds

It's about two weeks until Christmas. Are you ready? Or are you starting to stress out?

The holidays should be joyful and fun. But the reality is - that's not  the reality! There is too much pressure from retailers to buy, buy, buy......   The television bombards you with ads. The newspapers and stores send out ads and coupons and make you think that shopping is your idea. People will love you more if you buy them things!

The holidays aren't about family or friends or anything important anymore. It's about commercialism.

So be daring and "just say NO". Take a step back and remember what the holidays are supposed to be about. Appreciating your family and your life.

Allow yourself to enjoy the holidays by taking a step back and making a list and checking it twice. Write down all of the things that you think you need to get done before the holiday. Write down all of the things that you think you need to buy.

Grab your calendar and start planning on when you are going to do all of the things that you think you need to do. Write it down on your calendar (in pencil!). Be specific. Give yourself time limits on each item.

For example: 

Going to the store for husbands gift - Wed - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kids Holiday concert - Thur - 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Work party - Fri - 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Taking kids shopping for holiday presents - Thur - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

You get the idea - write it all down - so that you can see it in front of you. Then decide if there is overlap with some functions that you can't realistically get to. Or you can decide which functions you want to skip (yes, give yourself permission to skip things!).  Don't stress yourself out about going to every single event. That takes all of the fun out of the holidays.

Next - make a list of all of the things that you have to do and buy.

Things to do:

Buying wrapping paper, gift tags and tape
Wrap presents - when kids and husband is not at home
Send presents to out of town family
Deciding on a holiday menu
Make a list of all of the ingredients needed for the holiday dinner
Make sure that you have all of the serving dishes that you need for the holiday dinner
Plan your holiday schedule of events for that big day

These are just some of the things that you want plan for. The more you plan - the better the chances that things will go smoothly (or as smoothly as they can). Even a professional organizer can't predict that her oven will stop working two days before the holiday! Stuff happens - but if most of the important things have been planned out - the little things won't get noticed as much.

And the most important thing - take time for yourself! Write that into your calendar of events. Take time to go to the coffee shop and sit and relax with a cup of coffee and watch all of the people hustling about. Enjoy the holiday music that is everywhere.

Knowing that your next few weeks have been planned out and that everything can get accomplished will help keep you de-stressed.

And a calming bath with some bath salts can't hurt!

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Holidays Are Getting Closer....

It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year!  If you have your 2013 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. For example:

* Write out cards
* Start Xmas shopping
* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day to get the some of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can't realistically get done at this point.... LET IT GO!  For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

For more great organizing ideas during the Holidays:

Re-read:  Holiday Gift Ideas.... or Dont's

Re-read:  Planning Ahead for the Holidays

Re-read: Organizing Your Closets for Christmas

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Christmas Cards - A Lost Art

Thanksgiving is over and the stores are primed for Christmas.  Sales and Santa's are everywhere.

You can't get away from it. It's sad. It seems that commercialism has taken over.

It's hard to enjoy one holiday at a time when they all seem to run together. But this is the time to remember your family and friends and reach out to people, your friends and family, that you have neglected over the past year. It's not entirely your fault. We are inundated with so many obligations that we can barely keep up with all of the kids activities that friends sometimes go by the wayside.

So instead of sending Christmas cards where you barely sign your name to the card - write a short note that really means something.  Not a "form letter" that you send to every person in your address book. Write something special and meaningful to each person individually. A few sentences mean a lot.

Start now. A few cards every day so that you are not overwhelmed. Make it personal.

With email and texting, cards and real letters seem to have gone by the wayside. But getting a piece of real mail means something. Something special.

So start now - one card at a time. And before you know it you will be done.

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 28, 2016

Gifts That Don't Clutter

Giving the perfect Christmas gift is a challenge.  Some people give gifts just because they feel they have to.  Others spend hours hunting down the perfect gift.

But as you shop - are you even thinking about the amount of room that your gift takes up in that person's home?  Or the clutter that is will cause?

A lot of people buy gifts they think the recipient will like - but - they might not think about the effects - such as noise or damage - the gift might cause - especially if the gift is for a child.

A drum set sounds like a great gift for a child - when it's not yours and you don't have to listen to the constant noise. Paints and other messy items might be fun - but you don't have to clean up the mess.

Try to be sensitive to the parents when you are buying a child's gift. It might help to preserve your friendship.

Then there are the gifts that you might like - but if you never see a gift that you bought displayed - maybe you don't know that person as well as you think.

One idea might be to give gifts that don't last......  gifts that are consumed or turned in for things the person might actually like, need or use.

Christmas ideas that don't clutter:

   *   Gas cards
   *   Gift certificates to restaurants
   *   Gift certificates for babysitting services
   *   Gift certificates to a spa
   *    Fruit baskets or gourmet fruit (or chocolate or candy)
   *    Gift certificates for lawn care
   *    Gift certificates for house cleaning
   *    Gift certificates for books
   *    Gift certificates for a "special time" with you
   *    Gift certificates for a weekly home cooked meal

There are a lot of ideas out there - and I am sure that you can think of more.

The gift of time is the most precious of all.

Spend time with your loved ones in this special Holiday Season!

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year!  If you have your 2014 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. That way you will be ahead of the game for next year.  For example:

* Write out cards
* Start Xmas shopping
* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day to get the some of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can't realistically get done at this point.... LET IT GO!  For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

For more great organizing ideas during the Holidays: 

Re-read:  Holiday Gift Ideas.... or Dont's

Re-read:  Planning Ahead for the Holidays

Re-read: Organizing Your Closets for Christmas

Remember - the Holidays are about family and friends - not stuff.  Don't let the stress of trying to do everything at the last minute ruin the true meaning of Christmas.

Sit back and watch some of those great old holiday movies and enjoy the holidays.  It's been a long year - you deserve it!

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Cards - Start Now

It's not even Thanksgiving but already the stores are primed for Christmas.  Sales and Santa's are everywhere.

You can't get away from it. It's sad. Thanksgiving is over before it even gets here and commercialism has taken over.

It's hard to enjoy one holiday at a time when they all seem to run together. But this is the time to remember your family and friends and reach out to people, your friends and family, that you have neglected over the past year. It's not entirely your fault. We are inundated with so many obligations that we can barely keep up with all of the kids activities that friends sometimes go by the wayside.

So instead of sending Christmas cards where you barely sign your name to the card - write a short note that really means something.  Not a "form letter" that you send to every person in your address book. Write something special and meaningful to each person individually. A few sentences mean a lot.

Start now. A few cards every day so that you are not overwhelmed. Make it personal.

With email and texting, cards and real letters seem to have gone by the wayside. But getting a piece of real mail means something. Something special.

So start now - one card at a time. And before you know it you will be done.

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Christmas Eve - Time to Reflect on Family

It's Christmas Eve....and most of us are done with our shopping and ready for Santa. But for those of you that aren't ....don't stress....just try to be a bit more organized next year.

The holidays are not about presents. They are about family. The best present that you can give anyone is "yourself".

Time is a precious thing. It goes too quickly and there is never enough of it.

Picking up the phone and calling your loved ones....a real phone call...not a text....means more than you will ever know. Hearing a loved ones voice. Hearing the caring and knowing that you are a precious thing.

Reach out to your friends and family during the holidays. Let them know that you have not forgotten them. In this busy time where we are all working, struggling to make ends meet...the gift of yourself is more precious than anything that you can wrap up.

Wishing all of you a very HAPPY HOLIDAY and a more ORGANIZED NEW YEAR !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Holidays Are Getting Closer....

It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year!  If you have your 2013 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. For example:

* Write out cards
* Start Xmas shopping
* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day to get the some of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can't realistically get done at this point.... LET IT GO!  For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

For more great organizing ideas during the Holidays >>>>

Re-read:  Holiday Gift Ideas.... or Dont's

Re-read:  Planning Ahead for the Holidays

Re-read: Organizing Your Closets for Christmas

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services