The past few months have been very stressful for most people. Most stores and businesses have been shut down. Schools are closed. Routines have been disrupted.
Everyone has been in a state of flux and most people have not continued in their "normal" routines of exercise and being productive. Why? Because everyone was waiting for things to get back to "normal" - so they put everything - including their life - on hold.
Most people never dreamed that we would be isolated and quarantined for so long.
It's time to start getting back on track. It's time to get up and get dressed in something other than sweats. It's time to get back to your regular workout program. It's time to get back to healthy!
Having a "routine' is important to alleviate stress. It makes things "seem" better. By having structure we can accomplish more.
And kids - more than adults thrive on structure. So make up a daily schedule to help yourself get back on track. Be sure to add in a time slot for exercise - even if it's just going for a walk. Add in a time slot to connect with your friends or colleagues from work.
Start setting some goals for things that you want to accomplish over the next few months. Be sure to make them attainable and realistic goals.
Get your life back on track and ORGANIZED. Get your home organized and ready for summer.
Take your life off of hold and make some plans!
If you are stuck with where to start - reach out to a Life & Business Coach to help you navigate your options.
Listen to our interview on Business Talk Radio to learn more about what a Coach can do for you.
Radio Interview on Business Talk Radio
Happy Organizing !
Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life