
Showing posts with label LIFE COACH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFE COACH. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Getting Back on Track in this Stressful Time

The past few months have been very stressful for most people. Most stores and businesses have been shut down. Schools are closed. Routines have been disrupted.

Everyone has been in a state of flux and most people have not continued in their "normal" routines of exercise and being productive. Why? Because everyone was waiting for things to get back to "normal" - so they put everything - including their life - on hold.

Most people never dreamed that we would be isolated and quarantined for so long.

It's time to start getting back on track. It's time to get up and get dressed in something other than sweats. It's time to get back to your regular workout program. It's time to get back to healthy!

Having a "routine' is important to alleviate stress. It makes things "seem" better. By having structure we can accomplish more.

And kids - more than adults thrive on structure. So make up a daily schedule to help yourself get back on track. Be sure to add in a time slot for exercise - even if it's just going for a walk. Add in a time slot to connect with your friends or colleagues from work.

Start setting some goals for things that you want to accomplish over the next few months. Be sure to make them attainable and realistic goals.

Get your life back on track and ORGANIZED. Get your home organized and ready for summer.

Take your life off of hold and make some plans!

If you are stuck with where to start - reach out to a Life & Business Coach to help you navigate your options.

Listen to our interview on Business Talk Radio to learn more about what a Coach can do for you.

Radio Interview on Business Talk Radio

Happy Organizing !

 Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services
Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Unlimited Life & Business Coaching - Moving You Towards Success in 2020

Breakthrough Laser Coaching

 – helping you get right to the point – breaking through the barriers that are holding you back

 Unlimited Coaching to Help You Overcome Your Obstacles

Start 2020 off right by having your own Accountability Partner to help move you forward to success! Stop procrastinating - start doing!

Breakthrough Laser Coaching is a quick 15-minute targeted coaching session that will help you gain clarity on one specific problem, question or goal. It will help you get through your roadblock, prioritize and focus on the real issue. It is meant to support you and hold you accountable so that you can reach your goals.

With Breakthrough Laser Coaching you will work on one issue at a time. It is different than a regular coaching session because you are not working towards a larger goal but rather trying to get through a roadblock or gain clarity on one specific problem or challenge. It is a way to bounce ideas off of an impartial person or get a quick practical solution or objective perspective.

What are the Benefits of Breakthrough Laser Coaching:

·        *  Good for clients that are busy but need a quick coaching session to solve a particular problem or question that doesn’t require a long session
·      *   Good for clients that need that boost of accountability
·      *     Helps you gain insight and clarity
·      *     Helps you create action steps
·      *   Helps you with motivation
·      *     Helps you with confidence
·      *     It is a cost-effective way to get the benefits of coaching

What can Breakthrough Laser Coaching be used for:

·       *  Any issue related to starting or running your business
·       *   Any issue with your employees, boss or co-workers
·       *    Issues regarding Life Transitions
·       *   Any job-related issues, interviewing for a new job….
·       *   Issues regarding personal relationships
·       *   Helping you live up to your potential
·       *  Having your own mentor
Remember – you get out of Coaching what you put into it. For results, you need to take action and follow through on your plan.

With unlimited Breakthrough Laser Sessions, you can schedule as many 15-minute coaching sessions as you like. You must simply complete your assigned task before you schedule your next session. This ensures that you take the action you need – to get the results that you want.

Laser Life & Business Coaching sessions costs less than regular coaching sessions. Sign up before January 30th and save $100.

Schedule your 30-minute call to clarify your goals and see if we can work together.

Breakthrough Laser Coaching – accountability and encouragement when you need it most.

              >>>>>      SCHEDULE YOUR CALL    <<<<

North By Northwest - "Pointing You in the Right Direction for Your Life"

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Goals for 2019

A lot of people make New Years Resolutions and never keep them. But few people make goals.

Without goals - where will you end up? By having a roadmap for your life - by being organized and having a plan - you can get to where you want to be.

Being organized takes on a variety of roles.You can be organized with your time, your space and your life.

If you have goals, you need to be organized in how you are going to accomplish them. By having a list of goals, a timeline, a checklist for what needs to be done and how you are going to accomplish each item - you will be successful!

Don't let life's limitations - or your perception of limitations -  stop you from setting goals.

Dream. Dream big!

Only by reaching for the stars can we get off the ground.

Sometimes we need a push to get there. By having an accountability partner to help you navigate the many challenges that life holds you can be one step ahead of the rest.

For more information on how coaching can help you - visit:   North By Northwest

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Business Expansion - North By Northwest - Coaching You to a More Productive Life - Without Guilt or Stress

Karin E. Fried Announces the Expansion of her business to include Life Coaching.

Fried has expanded her business to include Life Coaching in answer to her clients changing needs. "Helping overwhelmed entrepreneurs and professionals balance the struggle of business and family without guilt and stress".

MISSOULA, Mont. - June 6, 2018 - eTradeWire -- With over 25 years of prior business experience and her Professional Organizing & Productivity Consulting business being firmly established in Montana, Fried has expanded her business to include Life Coaching in answer to her clients changing needs. "Helping overwhelmed entrepreneurs balance the struggle of business and family without guilt and stress".  By being an advocate for women entrepreneurs Fried is able to help women realign their lives and their business with their personal values to achieve the happiness and success they deserve".

Karin E. Fried of Organizational Consulting Services has expanded her Professional Organizing & Productivity business in answer to her clients ever changing needs. Having provided coaching services for the last ten years Fried has been working with Coach Training Alliance to become a Certified Coach to provide her clients with a better coaching experience that will help to empower them to achieve their goals. The Certified Coach Program is a six-month long course. It is certified as 60 hours of Approved Coach Specific Training Hours by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

North By Northwest – "Pointing You in the Right Direction for Your Life" was born out of the need of Frieds clients for more in depth coaching.Fried helps her clients balance their life and achieve their goals with support and guidance, while helping them reduce their stress. 

Coaching is defined as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. It is a highly tuned and powerful process of communication and problem solving. The relationship between a coach and a client is co-creative and focused entirely on the client's interests, challenges, and goals

A 'life coach' is someone who is trained to help you see clearly where you are today, then find ways to move forward towards your goals. Coaches help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives. They are a source of motivation and inspiration to help clients reach their full potential. They are personal trainers for their life goals.

"My ongoing education allows me to help clients with the numerous challenges that they face in everyday life" said Fried. Increasing my knowledge will enable me to provide the highest quality individualized services to my clients".

For more information on her Life Coaching business, please visit

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

You Can Lead a Horse to Water....

I'm sure you've all heard the saying "You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make him drink".  Well - it's the same for organization. You can't make a person "get organized".  They have to be ready and willing.

I've heard a lot of rumblings lately about people's commitment to getting organized. And it's exactly that - "their" commitment. You can't force someone to want something - they may not really want or are not ready for.

This is very prevalent when it comes to spouses calling and wanting me to get their other half on board in getting them to "get with the program" and get their house organizedd.

It's not going to happen!  They have to be a "willing participant". Otherwise - it will cause a lot of other issues that have nothing to do with organization. 

Kids on the other hand - well - this isn't a parenting site - but if you don't have "expectations" for your kids - instead of  "excuses" - you will usually get the kids you created.

You have to teach your kids organizational skills - or you hire someone to do it for you. But - you still have to hold them responsible. You have to stop making excuses for them. When they grow up and go to work their boss will not care about their childhood - they want the work done. So don't set them up for failure. Teach them skills they can use forever.

The next excuse I usually hear is - "but I'm not organized - so I can't teach them the skills".  O.K. -  you've admitted that you don't have the skills necessary to teach them how to be more organized - just like I didn't have the skills to teach my child how to draw and be creative. That's why there are classes out there. Everyone sends their kids to soccer or baseball or dance classes - but when it comes to teaching them organizational skills - it never comes onto their radar.

Teaching kids and adults organizational skills is essential for their life. I've had clients that were not organized - but they wanted more for their kids - so I worked with them on teaching organizational skills - and they were like sponges - they loved learning.

You might not be able to convince your spouse/partner that they need to be organized - but you can teach your kids and start them on their way to a more organized life.

Lead by example - if not by doing it yourself - by acknowledging that you might not have the talent - but you know the value of learning.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 14, 2011

Stress and Lack of Organization

It seems that every day I hear people tell me that they are totally stressed out by their situation. Too much clutter, can't find things, embarrassed to have people over, feeling totally out of control.

And I say to them "take a deep breath, this is normal". The feelings I mean. Most clients that I have call me up or email me and I hear the same stories. They are at the end of their rope and they want help and want everything to be perfect. Now.

So I keep telling everyone "your feelings are normal, you are not alone, don't be embarrassed by your clutter and step back, breathe and let's take it slow".

Things didn't get this way overnight and they won't get fixed in a day. It's not only about all of the stuff, it's about a skill that wasn't learned and the way you were brought up. It's about environment and so much more.

And of course now that the holidays are near everyone wants everything to be perfect and the normal holiday stress is adding more stress to the mix.

But, at the same time, people are starting to realize that clutter and chronic disorganization does cause stress. And that's a big step in the learning process.

The next step is doing something to change your behavior and the way you live your life. And that's a really big step. It takes time. Time to learn new ways of doing things. And new things are always a bit uncomfortable. By realizing and accepting the fact that you are stepping into unkown territory and will be leaving your comfort zone you have taken another step into becoming more organized.

Baby steps. One thing at a time. Don't think that you are going to be just like one of the T.V. shows and your house and life will be totally transformed in one hour. It won't be. So don't set yourself up for disappointment. Learn to accept and appreciate the small steps and know that you are starting on your way to being more organized and will eventually get there.

But don't stress yourself out in the process and understand that it is a process. And it's a process that will take time. But it's a process that is worth going through.

Being organized will make you feel better and you will have more time to do the things that are really important.

Just take it one step at a time.

Remember: Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ready For Change

Change is hard. Believe me, I know. I don’t like change. I like things the way I like things. And even though I know that some changes are good for me it sometimes takes me a while to warm up to the idea and make that commitment to the change.

So I really do understand my clients’ fear of change and their hesitation in getting started in any new project. 

When a client initially contacts me they are usually at a point where they feel they need to make a change. They are tired of their disorganized home, office or life and want to be free of the clutter. They want a more organized life. They want to be able to have people come to their home without being embarrassed by the clutter. They want to be able to juggle their busy life without feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. They are ready for change.

Or so they think.

What happens most of the time after the initial phone conversation about the change that they are about to undertake is that they panic. Their mind starts going over all of the things that a change means and they get scared. Scared of change. And they step back and decide they are not ready to let someone else into their lives to help them make that change. 

And that’s O.K. Really it is. A person has to be ready for change. And when they are ready they will let you know. 

I get a lot of calls from family members saying that their mother or sister has severe chronic disorganization or hoarding problems and they want them to get help. And I when I tell them that the person must be ready for the change or it won’t work, they are not happy. But you can’t force change on a person. Any type of change. It won’t work.

The person might even initially agree to work with me and then back out at the last minute when they feel that their family member was forcing them to do something that they did not want to do.
You can’t force change on someone. You can plant the idea. You can be supportive. But you can’t make a person change.

A hard lesson to learn.

So when they are ready I will be too.

Remember: Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 11, 2011


When you walk into a business that is organized and clutter free you have confidence that the person that runs the business knows what they are doing and are successful.

When you walk into a home that is organized and clutter free you feel a sense of calm and are happy to be there.

De-cluttering your home and your business is important because it allows you to function better, be more efficient and saves you time and money, but it also makes other people feel better and makes them want to associate with you.

If your business is cluttered or disorganized people will not want to do business with you. If your home is cluttered and disorganized you might be too embarrassed to have people over to your house, thus creating social isolation.

But there is also something called life clutter”. You have too many things that take up time in your life. Too many activities. Either in your job or in your personal life. You are pulled in too many directions. But you can’t seem to let anything go.

Life clutter can be things such as being involved in too many business groups or too many extracurricular activities (yours and your kids). Yes, there are some business functions that you have to go to, but how many is too many? Are they taking away from your family? Will missing an after hours business function really hurt you? It can feel like that when you are young and just starting out, but as you get older you realize that family is more important and kids grow up too quickly.

What about kid’s activities? How many sports and other activities (piano lessons, swimming lessons, karate lessons….) does one child actually need? Or want? Do they want them or are you pushing them on your children because you didn’t get to do them as a child? Be honest.

If you never have time for your family and friends then your life is too cluttered. Friends are like the plants in your yard. They need to be nurtured. Take the time to nurture your relationships.

Decide what’s really important and let the rest go. Get rid of the life clutter and start living your life.

Organizational Consulting Services