
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2012

Too Much Technology and Disorganization

Everyone thinks that all of the Technology that is available today is great. We are connected 24/7.  We are never out of touch. We don’t miss a thing!

That’s great…. Isn’t it ?

The answer is …. “No, it’s not great”. 

Being connected and in touch 24/7 might be required if you are an executive or in the medical field. But for most people it is not a requirement. So why does everyone feel that they can’t be out of touch for even an hour?  Because we are being told we can’t be.

Being in touch, strapped to your phone or computer 24/7 does not mean that you get more work done. Multi-tasking is a myth. Most people really can’t multi-task. At least not with any accuracy. When you are going from one task to the next there is “lag time” in your brain when you are finishing one task and going back to your other task. Therefore, you are not really saving any time by doing two or three or four things at once because your brain has to "stop" and "re-focus" on the task that you are picking up and continuing with.

It might seem that you are getting more things done, but you really aren't. And if you do manage to do multiple thing at once.....are they really being done "well" ?

In order to do your best work you really have to concentrate / focus on one thing at a time. That might not be what everyone wants to hear because people want to believe they are being more productive doing multiple things....but they really aren't.

It's like trying to have a conversation on the phone and having your kids talk to you at the same time. You really can't have two conversations at once, even if you are answering your children's questions, because you are missing what the person on the phone is saying.

You might be able to fold your clothes and watch T.V. at the same time....but double check that you put the right socks together. You never know!

Doing too many things at once, being connected 24/ your brain and your body no time to rejuvenated itself. You, your brain and your body need rest. Peace and quiet. Otherwise you can make mistakes that are costly.

With no "down time" you can feel stressed and disorganized. Disorganization causes stress. Stress causes a multitude of emotional, psychological and physical symptoms.

Turn off your phone and your computer. Unplug. Take a walk. Breathe some fresh air. Get rejuvenated.

Life is more than technology. Turn off your phone for an hour and you will realize that the world won't stop.

Now go talk a walk!

Organizational Consulting Services