
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Excuses for Not Staying Organized

I hear a lot of excuses from people, especially parents telling me that they can't "stay organized" for very long or that their kids won't stay organized for more than a couple of days.

It's an excuse. Very simple. It's sort of like saying " I don't really see the benefit of school so why bother doing homework". Would you let your child get away with that? "No" is the answer.

NO EXCUSES ! Yes, all new "habits" take time. And that's exactly what "organizing" is. A new "learned habit".

Kids love organizing! It's a game to them. "See what piles to put things into". "Learning how to sort". It's a "learning experience" for them.

Even adults need to "re-learn" things. And unfortunately a lot of adults were never "taught" how to be "organized". It's a stange, uncomfortable, "new thing" that they have to do.

It will feel "strange" and will feel "forced" for a long time. It takes 90 days to learn a new habit.

So if after a few days you or your child decide that you are tired of "continuing" the process and "stop organizing" .... then you will have gained nothing except frustration.

Sort of like "dieting". Everyone is hung-ho the first few days and then it's back to eating junk food and sabotaging your health.

For a lot of people it's not easy. Not everything in life is easy.

But eating healthy food instead of junk food keeps you healthy and gives you more energy.

Staying organized keeps you on time, decreases your stress and saves you money.

And if your kids are organized you aren't constantly yelling at them to hurry up and find things and being late for appointments.

Everyone wins.

So.... stop making excuses. Stick with the program. Keep plugging away.... one small pile at a time.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 2, 2012

Are You Really Ready To Get Organized ?

Getting organized is a great idea. For some people the road to even thinking about getting organized is a long one. And even when someone thinks they are finally ready to "get organized" and take control of their life... panic sets in and they take a step back.

A lot of people don't understand the trauma that "organizing" brings to some people. They think "what's the big deal....just clean up already". But that's not how it works.

For a lot of people the thought of "organizing" is traumatic. It brings a lot of stress and emotion into the picture. They think that they are going to have to "throw out" their possessions and they regress. They shut down and won't even contemplate trying to get their home into some type of order.

I have a lot of clients that call me that think they are "ready to organize"....but they aren't really ready.... yet. They might have taken the first step by calling me, but they really aren't ready to proceed.

Organizing involves a "process". Thinking about getting organized is just one step in the process. Reaching out for help is another step. Actually doing it is another step. A really, really big step.

And that's where a lot of people have a stumbling block. But that's O.K. They have acknowledged that they want to change, that they want and maybe need help.

For family and friends the "step back" and not continuing the process and actually "getting organized" is disturbing and annoying.

As a "professional organizer" it's a "normal" part of the "process".

I can wait. I know that you really have to be "ready". It has to be "your idea". Not your families or your friends.

"You" have to be ready. And when you are the process will continue. But it has to be a personal choice and you have to be ready.

No one can force you to be ready before your time.

Being organized is a wonderful thing. It frees up not only your space but your life.

When you are ready.... you will know it.

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Teaching Your Kids Organizational Skills

People always ask me "at what age" they should start teaching their kids some organizational skills...and the answer is "before they are even out of diapers".

It's never too early to start teaching kids how to be organized and how to pick up after themselves. Even a two year old can be taught how to pick up a toy and put it into a basket. To them it's a game. So let it be fun and make it a part of their everyday routine. Play time followed by "putting your toys away time".

But if you didn't start at a young age it's not too late! And don't worry if you aren't the most organized person in the world, you can still teach your kids how to be organized. It all starts with "ground rules". You have to be able to set rules on how things are done and when they are done. And you have to stick to your guns!

Yes, your children will probably say "but you don't XXXX" .... but I'm sure that they already say that about a number of things, so don't let that throw you.

Set some rules:

1) you have to put your dirty clothes in the clothes hamper (instead of on the ground)
2) you have to hang up your clothes in the closet (instead of on the ground)
3) you can only have clothes in your dresser drawers (instead of toys and garbage)
4) your dresser drawers need to be organized by "type of clothes" (socks, underwear, shirts...)
5) you have to put all of your homework in your back pack immediately after finishing it
6) your back pack needs to be set by the door before going to bed (so you don't forget it)
7) your clothes for the next day should be set out the night before school
8) bath towels do not belong on the bathroom floor (they need to be hung up to dry)
9) put your dirty dishes in the sink after eating
10) Mom and Dad are not your maids

Kids need rules. They need structure.

Set some rules. Enforce them. Watch the change.

It takes time but it's worth it to have an organized child. They will be less stressed and on time for school! And you will be less stressed and have time for yourself.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 19, 2012

Too Much Stuff !!!

How much "stuff" does one person really need? Do you really need 25 pairs of jeans? Or 50 pairs of shoes? Maybe the celebrities do but "everyday, ordinary people" who aren't millionaires really don't. Let's be honest!

"Stuff" overwhelms people. "Stuff" controls people. "Stuff" smothers people.

Don't get me wrong. I like to have nice things. I have things that I collect. But there is a difference between a collection and going overboard and having too much "stuff" clutter up your home and your life.

If you can't find things easily and continually buy the same things over and over again your space is too cluttered. You need some organizational help to get things under control.

But having too much "stuff" and continually buying more is not just a "space" issue but a deeper issue. An issue that is hard for some people to acknowledge and sometimes to understand.

Constantly buying things that you don't need might be fulfilling some emptiness inside yourself. Or it might be a way that you cope because of some things that are happening in your life. It can be an "escape".

Whatever the reason, stuff needs space. And if you don't have the space to properly store your stuff then you end up with clutter everywhere.

Sit down and be honest with yourself and try and figure out why you have the need to continually buys things that you really don't need, don't have room for or can't really afford.

It's not just about the "stuff".

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 12, 2012

Organizing Your Files

Organizing is an on going process. It's not a "one-time deal". And it's not something that you have to set aside an entire day for.

Organizing your files and your paperwork is extremely time consuming because you have to look at each piece of paper and make a decision. It's emotionally exhausting. So why wait until year end to go through that process?

For best results and the least amount of trauma make it a habit to go through your filing cabinet, files or desk drawer and clean out your paperwork at least once a quarter or every few months.

Go through each file and toss anything that you really don't need, anything that is expired (coupons or notices that are past the deadline....) or anything that you have not dealt with. This does not include anything related to taxes or any legal papers.

People tend to keep too much paperwork because they are afraid to get rid of things or because of their "good intentions" of doing something with it.

Make sure that your files are labeled according to what makes sense for you. Don't use a system that is too complex and that you will never use or keep up. It might work for some people but that doesn't mean it fits into your lifestyle.

Make sure that all of your papers are filed at least monthly to keep the mess at bay.

Only keep "current" files in your filing cabinet. Archive old files and store them out of the way. If your filing cabinet is too crowded and you cannot get into the files easily it will give you another excuse for not filing.

Keep it simple. Keep it organized.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 5, 2012

Organizing For Seniors - Moving Your Parents

I've had a lot of people call to tell me that they need help in clearing out and organizing their parents home due to a move to an assisted living or nursing home. It's a sad and stressful time for them.

Clearing out your own home is much easier because everything is yours and you can make the decisions. Helping your parents or other relatives clear out their home is much harder because you are making decisions for someone else and there are a lot of emotions involved. If you make the wrong decision about what to get rid of the person can harbor resentment. If you throw things out without asking you are opening yourself up to a lot of anger and rage. You might think that you are helping by "getting rid of the junk" ...but you are not.

It's complicated. It's emotional. It's exhausting.

If you have to put your parents or other relatives into an assisted living or nursing home there usually are not a lot of things they can take with them. What do you do with the rest of the stuff?

How do you make the decisions on what they should take?

During this time period you are usually also going through a lot of complicated paperwork and a lot of decisions about their care. Organizing for their move could be made easier by using an outsider (such as a Professional Organizer) that has experience in dealing with seniors and downsizing. They are a non-judgemental third party that can get the job done without all of the emotions that a relative has.

In some assisted living facilities there are people that can also help the seniors with coordinating the move and making decisions on what will fit into their new space.

It's a tough time in a persons life. The child has to acknowledge that their childhood home might be no more .... and the parent is forced to let go of a lot of things they have collected over the years. Not an easy thing to do.

As your parents age and while they still have their memory it is a good idea to encourage them to start the process on their own. Encourage them to give away some of the things that they would leave to people. By doing it while they are still alive they get the pleasure of seeing the people enjoy their gift.

Downsizing is a long and emotional process. Encourage your parents to think about it years before they even think about moving. By doing it on their own time it will be a lot easier.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring Is Around The Corner - Is Your Closet Ready ?

I know that it's still February... but if you've been to the mall lately you will see a lot of spring and summer clothes out already. There are sales everywhere and I'm sure that some of you just can't resist. It's O.K. .... really.

But when you bring home new clothes you have to have somewhere to put them. Do you? Is there room in your closet?

Since the winter weather is winding down it might be time to take a look at your closet to see what you can put in the "donate or get rid of" pile. You might also re-examine your spring / summer clothes to see if they are in good condition and if they still fit.

Take some time and go through your closet with a new perspective. Do you really like the clothes in your closet? When was the last time you wore them? Are they in good condition?

Make a list of things that you might need to buy. That way you aren't just buying random items but things that you really need.

Remember the "one in - one out" rule. Unless you have unlimited closet space you will probably need to purge some things out of your closet to make room for your new clothes.

Organizing your closet is time consuming and very emotional. Break it down into smaller sections so that you are overwhelmed.

Keep the bigger picture in mind. Clean out and organize your closet first and then shop. That way you know what you have and what you need and aren't buying things that you already had hidden in the back of your closet.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 20, 2012

Moving - Avoid the Nightmare - Document Your Belongings

Spring is fast approaching. The time of year that sees an increase in house sales and people moving.

You aren't in the market to move? But you might five or ten years from now when you have outgrown your home or are downsizing. So now is the time to start planning and getting yourself organized. It's always easier if you do things at a slower, more relaxed pace and you aren't staring at a deadline.

Moving involves many things including picking a reputable moving company. When I moved across the country last year I found, what I thought was a reputable mover. A national moving company, Mayflower. Jump forward almost a year later and I am still trying to get them to take responsibility for all of the damage they caused and the lost boxes of items that I will never be able to replace.

Yes, I had lists upon lists and everything that was packed had a number on the box and a corresponding number on my spreadsheet that listed the contents.

BUT, that is not the issue. Who among us has receipts for a couch that is ten years old (and in perfect condition because you never let anyone sit on it)? Who has receipts from a family heirloom that was given to you years ago?

Do you have receipts or pictures of the antique ornaments that you bought five years ago? Receipts, yes. Pictures, yes....but those were in one of the boxes that the moving company lost. Convenient for them.

As organized as you are you will still need to document every single item that was lost or damaged. You will need to prove that the item was in perfect condition prior to your move.

So as you set up your home document all of your belongings. Keep a file with receipts of any items that you care about and include pictures of those items. Keep that file in your possession when you move.

Instead of getting rid of paper clutter the moving company expects you to have every receipt that you ever had. This assures them that most people will just take whatever they give them as payment for the damage and walk away. Otherwise they will drag out the process and torment you with paperwork.

Moving day can be stressful.... BUT, do not let the movers leave your driveway without asking them if they noted any damage of your possessions on their list. They won't tell you that they noted any damage and you will be shocked to find that your furniture was damaged and abused prior to their moving it (according to the movers). By the time they deliver your furniture it's too late to object and they won't listen when you try and tell them that your furniture wasn't damaged.

Protect yourself..... DOCUMENT your home. Take pictures of everything so that you can prove that your belongings were in good condition prior to your move. I had pictures of my furniture but did not have close up pictures of every angle.

If at all possible, try and have a friend or neighbor there to help you when the movers are unloading so that you have a witness to how the movers handle your belongings. If you notice any damage at all take pictures immediately.

And DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING without reading it. You will be bombarded with dozens and dozens of pieces of paper that the mover will want you to sign after unloading. They will try and coerce you into signing them. You will be totally exhausted by the end of the day...but DON'T SIGN the papers until you have read every single word and have accounted for every single box.

They won't like it. But you need to protect yourself.

Even a national company like Mayflower will try to intimidate you to sign things that you are not comfortable with and they will not accept responsibility for their actions.

So start now and document your belongs. Take pictures and keep a file (by room) with all of your receipts. You never know when you might need them.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 6, 2012

Revising our Resolutions

We are now entering our second month of the new year. Most people have made some type of "New Years Resolution".

So.... how is that working out for you? Have you been keeping up with them?

My guess would be "no". But don't worry, you are probably not alone. So now is the time to "get real" and take a look at what you really wanted to accomplish and change your expectations.

If you haven't accomplished everything that you wanted to in this new year or you aren't as far as you planned....then maybe you set yourself up for failure. And we don't want that. So change your expectations to be more realistic. It's not a bad thing. It's a reality check.

Wanting to be organized and being organized are two totally different things. You have to be honest and realistic with yourself. If you only have a limited amount of time then you can't expect to get everything done in half the time it really takes.

Look at your plan and redo the time line. Break your project down into smaller more manageable projects that you can actually finish in the time you actually have.

As your mother probably said "your eyes are bigger than your stomach". Don't bite off more than you can chew. Pick a project that you can finish so that you will be successful.

Then you will have accomplished your goal and you will feel successful. And in turn you will want to go on to your next project. And eventually you will have accomplished everything that you wanted to in your New Years Resolution. One bite at a time.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Taxes and Paper Piles

It's the end of January and everyone has been swamped with paperwork. All relating to taxes. I know that it's overwhelming. Papers everywhere. Piles everywhere. Come on. I know about the piles. But for tax purposes i'll let it slide.

You can start out with one big "tax" pile or you can separate your piles into piles such as personal, medical, business related, house expenses.... Anything that makes sense to you, depending on how you do your taxes.

By grouping your papers into more manageable piles you will make it easier on your accountant and yourself. And you will be able to tell, at a glance, what papers you might be missing.

Once you have all of your papers in organized groups you can turn it over to your accountant and let him do the hard part.

But don't let this be the end of your paper organizing. Let this be the start. By creating your "organized piles" you have also created your very own file system. Use these piles to make new folders for the upcoming year. When you get any papers that might be related to taxes put them into their proper files and make your next tax year even easier.

By having a system in place you will make your life (and home) a lot less cluttered and a lot less stressful. You will be able to find things easier.

But remember, make a system that works for you. Don't over thing it. Don't make it complicated. Make it "your" system. It doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to work for "you".

Now get going....and get your system in place.

Have a great day !

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Do It !

Even the most organized person doesn't always feel like organizing and putting things away in their place on some days. Believe it or not!

Some days you just want to do ..... nothing!

So go nothing....for an hour or two. But don't let things get away from you. Because if you let things go, it's sometimes hard to get motivated again. And then you'll end up with a big mess and you really won't want to get started on putting things back together.

It's easy to let things pile up. It's hard to get things back into place once that happens.

Being organized is a commitment. It takes work. But you have to make it a part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.

You brush your teeth everyday. Don't you ????

So even though you might want to let things pile up....don't. Or you will end up with a big mess that you really won't want to tackle.

Just pick up all of those things that are laying around where they shouldn't be. Get those dishes out of the living room. File those bills in your "bills to pay" slot instead of just letting them sit on the counter.

Just do it !!!! It only takes a few minutes.

Your house and office will be much more inviting and you can stop feeling guilty about letting things get out of control.

You probably spend more time trying to convince yourself to start doing things than the project actually takes.

So..... Just do it !!!

And spend the rest of your time relaxing.....knowing that you accomplished something today.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 16, 2012

Where to Start ?

You have decided that you want to get organized. You have taken that first step. Now what ?

Everyone has good intentions at the beginning of each year. They promise to do a variety of things. Then they immediately come to a standstill. Now what ? Where do you start ?

Most people make things too complicated. There is no right or wrong answer. You start anywhere that you want. You start at the place that bothers you the most. The kitchen. Your bedroom closet. The family room. The basement. The garage.

It doesn't really matter. Don't over think it.

Just the fact that you are ready and willing to do something is a great first step. Now answer the question "what bothers you the most ?". And that's the place to start.

If it's the bedroom closet then you really need to be honest with yourself as you take everything out of the closet. Yes, take everything out. Be honest with yourself and if you have not worn it get rid of it.

If the kitchen bothers you the most then you take one cabinet at a time and take everything out and if it's expired...throw it out! If you don't have matching lids to your tupperware containers...get rid of them.

If the basement bothers you the most you might have to be even more honest and admit that all of those "projects" that you started are never going to get get rid of them.

Start anywhere....but start somewhere.

Be honest and get rid of things that you never use (that means donate or recycle....).

Take one small step at a cabinet at a drawer at a time...

Just pick a place..... and start.

I would love to get some feedback on "what room / disorganized space bothers you the most...and why". Send an email to with the heading "disorganized space".

Now go and pick a spot....and start organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 9, 2012


January is GO MONTH. NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) has made this month the month for Professional Organizers to turn up the volume and get noticed. It's the month where we give back to the community and teach everyone that being organized can make a huge difference in our lives.

Being organized allows us to function better and more effectively. It helps us save time and money. It decreases stress.

And let's face it..... It makes our homes and offices look better!

For business, a professional image, even if you are a home based business, can make a huge difference. By having an organized office you are showing your clients that you care and presenting the image of success. First impressions make lasting impressions. If they see a messy and disorganized office they probably will think twice about doing business with you.

I've had many residential clients say that they don't invite people over to their house because they are embarrassed by the clutter. So their social life suffers.

Take charge of your life and your surroundings and start the new year off on the right foot by making a commitment to GET ORGANIZED !

Learn more about getting organized by calling a Professional Organizer and seeing how they can help you.

For January GO MONTH check out our SPECIAL DISCOUNTS and FREE LECTURES for NON-PROFITS. (see website for contact info).

Remember ....

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year - New Goals

Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year !

As in every new year everyone seems to make a lot of "promises" on how they are going to change their behavior. And as most of you never works. Not for more than a few weeks at least.

In the upcoming new year what you can do is reflect on what you didn't like about your life last year and come up with a list of reasons why you want to make this a better year. Without reasons to change you won't actually make the changes. Be honest with yourself and let yourself know that (insert what you want to change) bothered you because (insert reason) and you want to feel better this year by changing it.

Make the resolutions very narrow. If they are too big then you will never follow through.

Don't say "I will be more organized this year".

Say "I will organize my kitchen" or "I will organize my office" or "I will organize my garage".

Pick one thing. Don't say "I will organize my entire house". That goal is too big and once you start you will get tired and give up on the entire goal.

Pick one small area to organize.

Be realistic on how long the project will take.

Pick an "end date" of when you want to have the project done.

Be realistic on how much time you have to spend on the project each week. Then further break it down into each day.

Make a list of what tools and accessories you will need for the project. Then make a time table of when you will go out and get the needed things for the project.

If the project is something like "organize the kitchen" get everyone involved. If there are multiple people using the space you are going to organize they will need to know where you moved things to and why.

Knowing the "why" is very important. By explaining your new "system" to everyone you will have a better chance of getting them aboard with the changes and have better luck in keeping your new organized space.... organized.

Once you have established a list of goals and a time table you need to take some time to sit back and make sure they are realistic for you and for your busy schedule. If they really aren't then you won't ever be successful. Be honest with yourself. Just because you want a new organized space and you have a plan, doesn't mean that will follow through. Only you can know that.

Sometimes we need help and someone to push us to follow through with our goals. There is nothing wrong with that. Knowing that upfront will save you a lot of time and frustration.

The year has barely started. Take this week to think about your goals and what you really can accomplish. If you know that you will need help to accomplish those goals....ask. Only then will you be successful.

There are so many ads out there now for people trying to lost weight and all of the support systems out there..... so don't think that by asking for organizing help you are any worse off than all of the other people that need a coach to push them to their ultimate goal.

And yours for this year is to "GET ORGANIZED .... one step at a time " !


Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 26, 2011

After Christmas Sales - Shop with Caution

It's the day after Christmas and all through the land people are scurrying to get what they can.

It's bargains galore and Buy One, Get One Free.

Where will I put it? says the inner me.....

Yes, the bargains are many and this is a great time to stock up.....BUT, if you have no room and have no plan for what you are going to do with all of the "bargains" that you buy....and probably won't even use some of the things it really a bargain?

If you can take advantage of the sales and have a plan in buying Christmas cards for next year or things that you can use as birthday presents in the upcoming months....and have a place to store them....then it's fine.

But, if you don't have the storage space and don't really need all of the "stuff", then is it really a bargain?

A lot of people shop just to shop. It's an emotional thing. But you have to look at the reality of your finances and your storage space. If there is no room for all of the "stuff" then you are just causing yourself more stress by overcrowding your home with things that you don't really need. Once the "adrenaline" of shopping for bargains wears off you will be left with a pile of things that you don't have any room for or any use for.

So take a step back and ask yourself "do you really need this item?". If the answers is "yes" and you have the extra money and storage space then go ahead and save yourself 75% and buy it. But if you don't have the space or the money then it's not really a bargain.

Being organized is about thinking and planning ahead. It doesn't mean that you can't take advantage of a great sale. But step back and think beyond today's shopping excursion and make sure that you don't overextend yourself financially and shop yourself out of space!

Have fun shopping for bargains !

Organizational Consulting Services

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Wishing all of you a very

As in our German tradition we will eat a very special meal of German white sausage. Topped off with some desserts and then the best part.... opening our Christmas presents!

Then off to midnight mass with Christmas songs to fill the air.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Time Management During the Holidays

It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year! If you have your 2012 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. For example:

* Write out cards

* Start Xmas shopping

* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day of the next week to get the rest of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can let go of at this point.... LET IT GO! For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Organizing Your Closets For Christmas

The holiday season is upon us and as always it comes at the end of the year. To those of us that are extremely organized we are not only dreaming about the holidays, presents and snow, we are also thinking about all of the things that we have to do before the end of the year and the beginning of January.

Prior to Christmas is a great time to de-clutter and organize. It's the time to go through your closets and get rid of things that you have never or rarely worn, things that no longer fit, things that are worn out.

DONATE... DONATE... DONATE... >>>> read >>>>> TAX DEDUCTION !

Have the kids go through their clothes also. They outgrow things quickly and therefore a lot of their clothes are barely worn. Or, as kids, they tire of them very quickly and haven't worn them in forever and won't wear them anymore anyway. So donate them to someone that can use them.

Also, have the kids go through their toys and donate those that they have outgrown or don't play with anymore. Let it be their "idea" so that they feel empowered and are not upset with you for getting rid of their toys. This is a great learning experience for them.

Everyone knows that you will be getting new things for Christmas - so make room now!

You can only fit so many things into your closet so now is the time to take a realistic look at the room you have and what you have in your closet. Be honest with yourself. If you haven't worn it and it's taking up room that you don't have, get rid of it.

By getting a jump start on organizing your closet now you will be much happier after the holidays when you are trying to squish things into a crammed closet.

Remember, by de-cluttering and donating now you can get it into this years taxes.

Happy Organizing and Happy Holidays !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 5, 2011

What are the Holidays About ?

It's December. The stores are filled with decorations and lights and there bargains are everywhere.

It's also a time that creates a lot of stress for a lot of people. Maybe it's time to remember what’s important. A time to celebrate what you have, not what you don’t.

Opening presents is fun and exciting. Not only for kids. Adults love getting presents also. Whether they admit it or not.

But in this rush to buy presents step back and think about the person that you are buying a present for. Get them something that they like not that you like. If you are unsure if they will like what you picked out …put it back !

Don’t just buy things for the sake of buying things. If they don’t like it they will just smile and pretend that they do and they will never use it (or wear it). Then it will end up being clutter. Stuff they they feel they cannot get rid of. Because you bought it for them. Guilt will set in. The clutter will be there forever. Reminding them that they cannot throw it out.

So remember that when buying gifts. If you aren’t 100 % sure that they will absolutely love the gift don’t buy it. Save everyone the emotional trauma of having to pretend.

The holidays aren’t about gifts. They are about being together as a family and friends.

Give the gift of time. That is something that everyone will love. And remember forever.

Happy Holidays !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lists....and then What ?

Being organized involves many things. Even the most organized people need a little help. I know that I can't remember every single thing that needs to be done in my day, so I am constantly writing out lists.

This helps me remember what I need to accomplish during the day or week. But a "list" is not the "end all" of being organized.

If you constantly write things down, does that make you "organized"? The answer is "no". Writing things down, on your calendar or on a piece of paper (or electronically) does not make you organized.

Once you write things down you actually have to take the next step: do them! If you write things down but never actually follow through with completing your tasks you are no closer to being organized than if you never wrote it down in the first place.

After you make your list you need to take a good look at it and make sure that you can accomplish everything (or most things) on your list. If you can't, take it off the list.

Then you really want to "prioritize" the list by importance.

Next, you want to "schedule" the items on your list. Put it on your calendar. Set a date and time that you need/want to have the item accomplished. Be realistic. Allow yourself enough time to get the task done. Allow time for interruptions or traffic.

By scheduling your "to do" list you have taken the next step to accomplishing your goals.

Now follow your schedule and cross the item off of your list!

And don't forget to put "scheduling your week" on your "to do" list and schedule. Because if you don't schedule "planning" time you will have left out an important step.

Being organized in your life takes just as much work as in your job. Give it the same importance.

Have a great week!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 21, 2011

Another Thanksgiving....Are You Prepared ?

It's only a few days before Thanksgiving and people everywhere are rushing around trying to get everything done. They make food they haven't made all year, some of it most people don't even like.

Why? Because. That's all. Because that's what you are "supposed" to have for Thanksgiving.

So if no one in your family actually eats cranberries why do you continue to serve them?

Serve food that you and your family actually like and make the holiday something special for "you".

The pressure of trying to please everyone, especially parents and doing things “exactly” like when you were little and everything was perfect is how the “stress” starts.

It’s your house and your dinner party. You can start new traditions. I didn’t say that it would be easy or that you wouldn’t get some flack, but all “traditions” started somewhere. Make your own. You deserve some happiness.

You can make Thanksgiving as simple or as complicated as you want….it all depends on how organized you are willing to be.

A good way to keep the stress levels down is to divide and conquer.

Enlist your family for help. Don’t take “no” for an answer. This is your holiday too and you have a right to enjoy it.

And we all know that old saying “if Mom isn’t happy, no one is happy”.

Don’t attempt to make something new for dinner or try out a new dessert that day. It could turn out to be a disaster and that would cause you more stress. If you really want to try a new dish….test it out prior to Thanksgiving.

Start new traditions! It’s not easy to buck the system but once you make up your mind that you deserve to be happy and stress free on a Holiday you will wonder why you waited so long.

Remember, the whole point of a Holiday is family and friends and spending “quality” time together. Everything does not have to be perfect. Be thankful for what you have and not for what you don’t.

By starting early and making lists and getting as much done ahead of time as possible you will avoid a lot of stress.

A few days before Thanksgiving:
* Shop for all of the essentials, including as much of the food as can be purchased ahead of time
* Make sure that you have enough spices and things that you will need for the food (and rarely buy)
* Do any of the baking or make any desserts that can be made ahead of time
* Thaw the turkey (the size will determine how many days it takes to thaw in the refrigerator)
* Buy the wine or any beverages

The day before Thanksgiving:
* Buy any last minute items at the grocery store
* Chop anything that can be chopped ahead of time (vegetables, bread for stuff…but do not stuff the turkey ahead of time) and put them in plastic bags so that you will be all ready to go the next day
* Make sure you have enough ice
* Prepare any of the food items that can be made ahead of time
* Make your family aware of exactly what you need them to help you with on Thanksgiving.
* Having assigned tasks for your kids and spouse ahead of time takes away some of the stress of what’s expected of them the next day.

The night before Thanksgiving:
* Set the table and get out all of your platters and serving dishes.
* Make sure that you have enough dishes and silverware. If you don’t, now is the time to call one of your guests and ask to borrow something. Don’t wait until the last minute to find out that you broke the gravy boat last Thanksgiving and never replaced it.

But again…..the Holiday and family and friends are what’s important….not the china or the food. So if you aren’t the type of person to pull off a sit down dinner with all the decorations don’t beat yourself up. There are only so many Martha Stewarts around. And she has a staff to help her!

Thanksgiving Day:
* Wake up early so that you can have some “you” time to have coffee and relax before
the day starts (it will get stressful enough later, so the morning might be the
only time you have)
* Read over your lists and timetable
* Gather all of your food and cooking utensils, pots and pans ....
* Measure out everything that you can ahead of time and set it aside
* Follow your time table and start making the food according to the schedule
* Once the food comes out of the oven let it rest a while (you can cover it with
* Start cutting the meat and plating the food
* Have family members start their assigned tasks (setting out and serving food,
pouring the drinks…)

ENJOY your meal…… sit and talk…..

After the meal:

Have a plan in place to clear the table. Since I always make a ton of extra food so that my guests can take home leftovers I start with portioning the leftovers into plastic containers and putting each family’s containers into a plastic bag and setting it near the door so that they don’t forget them.

Once I have the leftovers divided up and mine put away in the refrigerator and freezer I then start to collect the rest of the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I don’t start the dishwasher until after they leave so that we won’t be bothered with the noise.

Again, this is where your family members can jump in and help clear and stack dishes. It makes quick work of things when you have other people help.

I need to have as many things cleared up and put away as possible before I start serving dessert. This also gives everyone time to rest and relax before they start eating again.

Some people like to leave the dishes and the mess until the next day. And sometimes I wish I could too, but its worse the next day when you get up and walk into a mess. I’d rather get it done and over with.

Make quick work of it (or as much as will fit into the dishwasher) and then sit and relax and spend time with your family.

Remember, a Holiday is supposed to be enjoyable. If it’s not, figure out why it isn’t and change it. Skip the big complicated meal, the fancy desserts and the good china and make it as simple as you are able to handle.

Start your own tradition….and make it about family!

Happy Holiday !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 14, 2011

Stress and Lack of Organization

It seems that every day I hear people tell me that they are totally stressed out by their situation. Too much clutter, can't find things, embarrassed to have people over, feeling totally out of control.

And I say to them "take a deep breath, this is normal". The feelings I mean. Most clients that I have call me up or email me and I hear the same stories. They are at the end of their rope and they want help and want everything to be perfect. Now.

So I keep telling everyone "your feelings are normal, you are not alone, don't be embarrassed by your clutter and step back, breathe and let's take it slow".

Things didn't get this way overnight and they won't get fixed in a day. It's not only about all of the stuff, it's about a skill that wasn't learned and the way you were brought up. It's about environment and so much more.

And of course now that the holidays are near everyone wants everything to be perfect and the normal holiday stress is adding more stress to the mix.

But, at the same time, people are starting to realize that clutter and chronic disorganization does cause stress. And that's a big step in the learning process.

The next step is doing something to change your behavior and the way you live your life. And that's a really big step. It takes time. Time to learn new ways of doing things. And new things are always a bit uncomfortable. By realizing and accepting the fact that you are stepping into unkown territory and will be leaving your comfort zone you have taken another step into becoming more organized.

Baby steps. One thing at a time. Don't think that you are going to be just like one of the T.V. shows and your house and life will be totally transformed in one hour. It won't be. So don't set yourself up for disappointment. Learn to accept and appreciate the small steps and know that you are starting on your way to being more organized and will eventually get there.

But don't stress yourself out in the process and understand that it is a process. And it's a process that will take time. But it's a process that is worth going through.

Being organized will make you feel better and you will have more time to do the things that are really important.

Just take it one step at a time.

Remember: Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Planning Ahead for Year End

This is a really busy time of year. The holiday season has started and some of us are already thinking about Year End and taxes. Well, maybe you aren't but I know that some of my clients are already dreading the end of the year and the piles of receipts that they have waiting for them to sort through.

Now is the time to take a deep breath spend a few minutes thinking about where you dumped all of your receipts and tax related papers. Yes, I did say "dumped". Or was that shoved, as in shoved into a drawer never to be thought of again? It sounded like a good plan at the beginning of the year. "Deal with it at year end and get a whole year of not thinking about it".

Well, the end of the year is near. And now I hear by clients moaning about "the piles".

So take a deep breath and deal with it now.

* Make a list of the files that you need to create.
* Make a list of all of your documents that you will need to gather for the accountant.
* Separate your receipts into piles such as: house related expenses, business expenses, donations....
* Make an appointment with yourself to sit down for 30 minutes at least once a week to get some of your papers into order.

By taking some time now to think about the end of the year and what you will need to gather for taxes and your accountant, you will spread the "tax stress" out so that you are not hit with it all at once.

And also, think about how to create a better system for next year so that you don't have to go through the "year end tax stress" every year.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 31, 2011

Multi-Tasking - How Effective Is It Really ?

A lot of people talk about "multi-tasking"and how they can do two or three things at once. Maybe they can. But how effective are they really being? Are they giving 100 % of their attention to one particular project? Obviously not.

It's impossible to multi-task and give your complete attention to one project. So they are short-changing someone or something. If you are at work and "multi-tasking" you are opening yourself up to a lot of mistakes. You can't constantly start and stop a project and be effective. Every time you stop one project and answer a question about another project your brain has to "stop" and remember where you left off and re-think what you were doing and what you were going to do on the project that you left off on. See, it's complicated.

Even a thirty second break in your thought process will require your brain to go back a few steps to remember what you were doing and start again. So that's one step forward in another project and two steps back in your main project. Maybe it doesn't sound like a lot of time but it all adds up when you are constantly starting and stopping instead of finishing one project before going on to another.

Even if you were just on the phone talking to someone and you were interrupted by someone else who just wanted to ask you a simple question, you have to stop, answer them and then try to remember exactly where in the conversation you were with the person on the phone and then re-start that conversation.

When you are working on things that require a lot of concentration like a work presentation or accounting or dispensing drugs at a pharmacy multi-tasking can cause serious problems.

When you are looking at things such as driving and texting...well, we all know how dangerous multi-tasking is in that scenario.

You can multi-task in some situations such as throwing some laundry into the dryer and watching T.V. until your dryer buzzer goes off. But if it requires much more thinking than that you are really not getting ahead by trying to do two or three things at once.

If you want to give a project or your family your undivided attention you need to do just that "not divide" your attention and give them the time they deserve.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 24, 2011

Organizing Questions - Let's Hear Them !

I know that a lot of people have organizing questions that they would like to have an answer to. So let's hear it !

What are some of your most challenging organizing dilemma's ?

What do you want to know about organizing or being organized ?

Which room of your home bothers you the most ? And why ?

Are you more disorganized in your home or with your time management ?

What great organizing tips would you want to share with others ?

Send in your organizing questions and tips and let's share them with others.

Put "Organizing Questions / Tips" in the subject line and send me an email at

We will put the questions, answers and tips in upcoming blogs.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 17, 2011

Planning Ahead for the Holidays

With the weather turning colder the thoughts of the upcoming holidays and everything that we have to do is not far behind.

I am sure that you have all seen the Christmas decorations already out there and 50 % Off Sales are starting to spring up everywhere.

Starting early in your holiday preparations and shopping is actually a good thing. BUT you can't let yourself get carried away by going overboard on your spending.

If you don't have the money or the space to store all of these "great deals" then you shouldn't be buying them.

But, if you do start shopping early then it's a really good idea to make a list of what you bought and who you bought it for. Because if you don't you will forget and keep buying more presents for the same person. This is especially true if you start your holiday shopping really early in the year.

By having a designated place for your holiday presents and having a list you can avoid overspending.

Starting early can let you enjoy the holidays without having to worry about last minute shopping.

Now that I've planted the seed start thinking about what you want to get each person on your list and just keep your eyes open. By spreading it out over the next ten weeks instead of cramming it into a couple of days you won't feel the pressure of having to buy.

But first....let's enjoy the holidays as they come...that means that Halloween comes before Christmas.... no matter what the retail stores try to tell you!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 10, 2011

Winterize Your Garage

It's time to winterize your garage and get ready for the snow. A good place to start is by taking everything out of your garage and giving it a good sweeping.

Throw out any broken items and put any items that you no longer use in the "donate" pile. That would include any toys that your kids have outgrown.

If you have any leftover gardening supplies (mulch, dirt, bulbs, seeds....) or anything that you won't be able to use next spring, get rid of it.

Re-arrange your garage to put the snow blower where you can easily reach it. Make sure that it is ready to use by doing any maintenance that it might need.

Make sure that you have access to any snow shovels or anything else such as salt for those snowy days.

Some people might still be able to use their lawnmower a few more times before the snow falls, but plan on having your lawnmower winterized and empty it of any liquids according to your manual.

By organizing your garage before the weather gets really bad you will save yourself a lot of headaches in trying to find everything when the bad weather hits.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 3, 2011

Winter Is Coming Soon ....Is Your Car Ready ?

It might only be October and some people really don't want to think about the cold and bad weather that comes with winter. But ignoring the fact that winter is just ahead won't make it stop coming.

So – the question is ..... are you prepared ?

Now is the time to stock your car with winter essentials.

In your backseat:
* Snow brush
* Ice scraper (or two – various sizes)
* Blanket
* Gloves (keep extra’s in your car)
* Hat
* Scarf

In your glove compartment:

* Paper
* Pen
* Matches (in something waterproof)
* Candle (in a tin) – this can be used if your flashlight doesn’t work or for extra heat
* Tissues
* Hand wipes
* Cell Phone Car Charger
* Flashlight (make sure the batteries are good – or get a windup one)

In your trunk:

* Salt or something to throw under your tires if you get stuck
* Extra Windshield Fluid
* Extra Antifreeze
* Spare Tire
* Shovel
* Jumper Cables
* First Aid Kit (basic)
* Towel (this can also be used as an extra blanket)
* Rope
* Bungee Cords
* Duct Tape (so many uses!)
* Tire Gauge
* Tire Repair kit
* Road Flares
* Fire Extinguisher (small one)
* Plastic Garbage Bags

If you are going to be driving outside of the city limits I would also suggest that you keep water and snacks in your car, especially if you have kids. You never know when an accident might keep you tied up for a long time and you will need water to keep you hydrated and snacks to keep the kids occupied.

Being prepared is always the best defense. Now relax and embrace the weather.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 26, 2011

Disasters - Emergencies - and everything in between....

Having just passed the anniversary of 9/11 we should all be aware of the fact that disaster can strike anywhere. The question is "are you ready"?

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Whether it’s the loss of power and electricity (which could last for days) or a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster…. Or a terrorist attack…

Being prepared is not an “option” anymore. Even if just the electricity went out…and you happen to have an “all electric” home….would you be able to survive? Do you have enough food to last you for a few days? What happens if all the stores are closed?

These are just some things to think about….. especially if you live in a remote area and don't have quick access to a store.

There are numerous websites and articles that tell you to be prepared to survive for at least three (3) days if an emergency occurs. The “72 Hour Kit” as some people call it.

Besides the basic kit, you also need to have an emergency plan in place. Below is a basic list that will give you some ideas to get you started (there are numerous variations of this kit).

Basic Kit:

Water – one (1) gallon per person , per day for at least three (3) days
Food – 3 days supply of non-perishable food. Some ideas are: soup mix, granola bars, trail mix, crackers,
peanut butter, beef jerky, fruit cups….
Plastic / paper – plates, cups, napkins…
Radio – battery powered
Flashlight – with extra batteries
First aid kit – basic kit
Can opener
Garbage bags & plastic bags (various sizes)
Sleeping Bag
Clothes – for three (3) days
Coats & rain gear & cold weather gear
Personal hygiene products such as: shampoo, lotion, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine
products, sunscreen…..
Wet wipes
Toilet Paper
Sewing Kit
Paper & pencils
Matches / lighter (in water proof container)
Basic tools (wrench, pliers, scissors….)
Water purification tablets (or Chlorine Bleach)
Hand Sanitizer
String / rope / cord
Cooking appliances (portable stove with fuel….)

Some things (like medications…) cannot pack ahead of time…so have a checklist prepared for those items.

Checklist for supplies that need to be packed last minute:

Prescription medication
Infant formula
Pet food
Family documents (passport, birth certificates, identification cards, bank info, insurance info….)
Games for kids

Start thinking about how you and your family would handle an emergency….and start planning for it today…before that emergency strikes.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 19, 2011

Organizing Your Purse (Briefcase / Backpack)....

You can admit it... your purse (or briefcase or backpack) is a bottomless pit. You throw things in there never to be seen again. We all do it...admit it!

Everything we have is important so we have to keep it. The problem is that we don't have an endless amount of space in our purse (briefcase or backpack).

There are a number of things that we could or should do on a regular basis. Clean it out! Take a few minutes, yes only a few and empty the entire thing. Shake out the dirt and bits and pieces of things that have accumulated on the bottom.

Separate everything into piles, just like in your home. Must keep, goes somewhere else, garbage.

All of those receipts that you just threw in there need to go into a file or somewhere else. It's a good idea to keep a small envelope in your purse just for receipts so that they don't end up all torn up or lost. When you buy something that you might need a receipt for (such as clothes that you might want to return or appliances....) put it into a receipt file. At least once a week go through that envelope and put the receipts in your permanent file or check it against your credit card statement and then toss it.

There are a number of great purse organizers in all sizes that have a lot of different sized pockets that let you keep your purse organized and clutter free. I have a number of them in different sizes that are great to use in all kinds of purses, briefcases, backpacks, luggage and more. Or you could just use Ziplock plastic bags for things like makeup and other small things that might get lost in your big purse.

Being able to find things quickly in your purse makes like so much easier. And you all know that by cleaning out your purse at least once a month you will lose a few extra pounds of weight that you really didn't want anyway!

Happy Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grandparent's Day

Wishing all of you a very Happy Grandparents Day !

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Making Organization Part of Your Routine

Being organized is not easy for everyone. Some people even think it's not important. But organization makes everything run smoother and makes people a lot less stressed. If everything is in its place and you can find things easily you are less likely to be running around frantic and you are not yelling at your kids or spouse. Sounds logical doesn't it?

Yet a lot of people still resist the idea that organization makes life easier. It's not a fad. It's a way of life.

Being organized takes practice. It takes time. Just like any other new learned process it doesn't always come easy to some people. It sometimes takes months of "forced organization" to become a part of your everyday routine.

But knowing where everything is and being able to find things easier and quicker is such a simple concept that most people don't realize how much of a difference it really makes in your life.

Try getting all of your clothes, your lunch, your briefcase & purse ready before you go to bed at night. You aren't wasting time in the morning making decisions about what you are going to wear. Your briefcase & purse are right there so you don't have to search for them. You've saved yourself time and frustration in the morning, a time when you really don't have a lot of it to spare. You get out of the house on time instead of running late. You are less stressed.

A simple experiment. A simple example of how organization can make a difference in your life.

Now take that example and use it in the rest of your life. Your work. Your living spaces.

Organization can have an impact on all of the parts of your life. Just learn to make it a part of your life and your will have more time for other things.

Happy Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hoarding Is Still Out There

A lot of people think that Hoarding is starting to go away because more people are now aware of the problem. But it's not.

I have been getting a lot of emails and phone calls from families of hoarders that are looking for help. They worry about the health and safety of their family members. And they should worry. But it's not only the physical health problems that they worry about. It's the psychological problems and how they affect the family.

Many people out there have family members that are hoarders but it's still a well kept secret. Because if they told someone then their friends might think that they too have mental health issues. But it's not something to be ashamed of. Just as you can't control your family and friends in other aspects of their lives, you can't control people that have hoarding issues.

They have to be the ones that ask for the help. They have to be ready to try and change their lives. They have to be willing to part with some of their possessions and clean up their homes.

It has to be on their terms. If you or a family member just go into their home when they are not there and clean up and throw out what you term "worthless garbage" you will cause severe emotional harm to that person.

It is a hard concept for families and friends of hoarders to understand. But just going into someone's home and taking their possessions - no matter what the conditions of those possessions are - you will cause emotional distress.

How would you like it if they came into your home and took your stamp collection or your Hummell collection or your 50 pairs of shoes because they thought it was a waste of space and money? It's not the same you say? Well, to hoarders it is.

Everyone has a right to their "things". Unfortunately, hoarders "things" can cause them harm because of the quantity of things. And because the quantities are out of control and can cause physical harm. And because hoarding can cause isolation.

But that does not mean that you rush in to "save" them. It takes a person with experience in the many aspects of hoarding to be able to help a hoarder. And it usually takes a variety of people to help a hoarder and that may include a professional organizer, a therapist, a social work and a variety of other people.

Hoarding is a complex issue. It can't be solved by simply "cleaning out the house".

As a Professional Organizer I take my education very seriously and have acquired the following certificates:

Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization
Certificate of Study in Basic Hoarding Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in Understanding the Needs of the Elderly CD Client
Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in CD Client Administration
CD Specialist - Level II Certificate

Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting Ready for School

It's almost time for the kids to get back to school. Most parents are happy, kids, not so much.

But the end of summer vacation is drawing to a close and parents and kids have to get back to their reality. That means getting up on time, getting dressed in something other than shorts and t-shirts, having their backpack and homework plus all of their signed parent notes all together and in their backpack.

Sounds easy enough. Yet the usual scenario is more like chaos with stressed out parents yelling at their kids for not being ready on time and kids yelling because they can't find their shoes or their favorite shirt.

So get a head start on being organized for the school year by talking to your kids about the upcoming start of school. Make sure that you have gone over a list of what they need, from clothes and shoes, to backpacks, lunch bags and school supplies.

Then their is "the schedule". Make sure that everyone is on the same page as to the upcoming new schedule. Getting up earlier, getting ready on time, who needs the shower when... yes, some people have to plan out a detailed scheduled to make things run smoothly. Unless of course everyone has their own bathroom (we all aren't so lucky).

If you have your backpack from last year, make sure that it is cleaned out and ready to go (this should have been done at the end of last school year, but if it wasn't now is the time). Make sure that there is a "place" to put backpacks and anything else the kids might need to take to school. A cubby for each child by the door or hooks or whatever works for you. But have a designated spot and make sure that the kids stick to it. There is no reason that they should be scrambling every morning looking for things.

Now is the time to talk to the kids about a new "organized" procedure for the school year. Make them unpack their schoolbags every night and go through any notes that you, the parent needs to sign, have them do their homework and immediately put it back into their schoolbag and then put the schoolbag by the door (or the designated spot).

By implementing an organized routine you have a better chance of not getting that phone call about the missing homework or the missing permission slip.

Kids need structure. They need a routine. And so do adults.

Being organized makes mornings much easier and stress free.

Enjoy the last few days of summer vacation and start your school year on an organized note.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 15, 2011

Organizing Your Junk Drawer

Admit it. You have a junk drawer. Don't be embarrassed. Everyone has one. Some are just more messy than others.

But today is the day to clean it out. Yes, you have to clean out that drawer. Come on, you can do it.

I know that you are thinking "how did this drawer get like this" or "why is this stuff in here and what is it?". Well, we all keep things. "Because we might need it". Bits and pieces of stuff.

Start by getting a garbage can and putting it next to the drawer. Take out each item and if you can't identify it or it's use, throw it right into the garbage can.

Anything that you think you might really have a use for (be honest) should be placed into a pile on the floor. If you can't remember why you kept the item, get rid of it because you probably don't need it. Next, try to place like items together.

The reason that most "junk drawers" look "junky" is that everything is usually just in one big drawer, all jumbled together. Depending on what you have in the drawer and the sizes of things you will want to get some dividers to keep things more organized.

There are numerous inexpensive options such as small plastic trays or ice cube trays that will do the trick. Any container will do. I have used the boxes that my checks came in as divider trays for my desk. Be creative. You don't need to spend a lot of money for this drawer.

By keeping things confined in smaller spaces within the drawer it will look less "junky".

And try to break the habit of just throwing things into the drawer because you don't want to find a place for it. Your junk drawer should be confined to a drawer, not the entire house.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 8, 2011

Organizing Wishlist

A lot of people wish they could be organized.

They wish that their home was neat and clutter free.

They wish that everything had a place.

They wish that everything was perfect just like on those decorating T.V. shows.

Well, what's wrong with wishing? Nothing!

But why don't you take it one step further and make that wishlist a reality?

Start by making an actual list. Write down all of the things that you dream of doing. Go ahead. Dream. Just start writing.

Give it a few days and write down as many things as you want to on that list. It's your list.

Then prioritize your list by what bothers you the most and what you would like done first, second ...and so on....

Now here comes the hard part. Step back and be really, really honest with yourself. Ask yourself why the things on your list bother you and why you haven't accomplished them. By doing this you might rearrange your priorities. Something that you thought was a huge problem might move down on the list.

Then take your calendar and pick a date to accomplish your first wish. It could be as simple as "I want to de-clutter my basement". Maybe you haven't organized it because no one could see it but it really bothered you. Well, now you have a date on your calendar that you want it done by.

As I said, don't overthink it. You are working backwards. First, you pick a "due date". Next, you make a list of exactly what you want to accomplish in the basement. Such as "clear out the old toys or excercise equipment you never used" or "organize your tools". Maybe you want to convert the basement into a playroom or workroom. What do you need to do to accomplish that?

Keep making your list and break it down into smaller pieces. Put a due date on each piece.

By doing this you are giving your home the same importance as you would give a project at work. You have deadlines to meet, therefore you are more apt to get it done.

And don't you deserve to have a nice home? Organized and clutter free.

By putting your wishlist on paper and then onto your calendar you are motivating yourself.

And once you are motivated you will find a way to get it done.

And once you are done with your project.... you will want to go down your list and cross off the next project. And before you know it your wishlist will be finished.

But you have to start by making your list. So go ahead. Start wishing.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 1, 2011

Kids, Clothes & Charity - How Are They Connected ?

I know that most people don't want to think about the summer coming to a close and everything that it entails, but being organized means thinking ahead.

The end of summer means the start of the next school year.

The start of the new school year means new clothes for the kids.

And that means that you will be taking their old clothes (and I mean clothes that don't fit, not tattered clothes) to Goodwill or another charity that could use them.

Kids outgrow things. Sometimes too quickly. You turn around and the next thing you know they are 4 inches taller than when they got out of school in June. It happens! So you have to buy them new clothes.

But before you just randomly go to the store and buy everything in sight you need to go through their closet and drawers and take an inventory of what they really need, not just want they want. BUT, you need to get them involved in the process.

This is not always fun for the kids and they will probably fight you on this, because they have better things to do than go through their clothes, things like playing outside or being with their friends. But as a parent this is a "teaching" moment. You are teaching them how to make decisions, how to organize their closet and drawers, how to recognize when clothes don't fit and the biggest lesson of all is why it's important to donate things that you no longer need to a worthwhile cause. And of course you know that you get a tax write-off.

Once you have gone through their closet and had them try on all of their clothes and put them into piles of "keep", "donate" or "trash" (because they were too worn out to donate) it's time to make a list of exactly what items they will need.

Making a list is very important because it will save you time and money at the store. You won't remember how many socks they had and they will try to get you to buy things that they don't really need.

Once you have the "needed items" (socks, underwear, pants...) you can look at "extras" but try and keep it in perspective. They don't need twenty pairs of jeans or twenty new pairs of shoes. Kids outgrow things very quickly.

By starting when they are young and helping them understand the concepts of "moderation", buying only what they really need and also buying only what they have room for, you are teaching them skills they will use their entire life.

Get into the habit of going through their closets at least once a season, especially when they are young and growing like weeds. And by the way, why don't you clear out your closet at the same time. You would be setting a great example!

Happy Closet Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, July 25, 2011

Making Excuses for Not Being Organized

When I talk to people about organizing a lot of people tell me that they want to be organized but for one reason of another they just can't get organized.

They have ADD
Their spouse won't get on board with organizing their home
Their kids won't help with keeping the house neat and organized
Their parents never taught them how to be organized
Their parents were hoarders so they are hoarders
There isn't enough time in their schedule to get organized
They are overwhelmed
They don't think their messy house / room / office affects anyone else
Their disorganization doesn't really affect their job

and on .... and on ....

Excuse after excuse .....

But all they are doing is .... nothing....

So how can the problem ever change? It can't. But first they have to acknowledge that their disorganization is a problem. And that's the hardest step.

Yes, disorganization does affect your job. And your family. And your life.

So if you want to change, you can. I didn't say it would be easy. It won't be. It will feel very foreign for awhile. But as with any new habit it will eventually feel "routine". It will eventually start to be just a normal part of your every day life.

First you will start to pick up your clothes off of the floor and put them away in your closet. Then you might put the dishes in the dishwasher immediately after a meal instead of piling them on the kitchen counter and leaving them their for a week.

You might even go through your mail on a daily basis and through out all of the junk mail as soon as you get it.

Or you might do all of your filing on a weekly basis.

The next thing you know .... you are organized!

Watch out ..... it can happen to you.

All you have to do is stop making excuses ..... and start .... anywhere....

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Fun .... Get Organized and Have FUN !

It's summer. The kids are home from school and they are bored. What's a parent to do?

Plan things our course! But get the kids involved. Don't let them sit around and complain! If they want things to do then let them come up with ideas.

There are a lot of things that are available...all you have to do is find them. Take a look in the various newspapers and neighborhood magazines that are available. They usually list the upcoming activities for the summer. There are usually a lot of craft fairs and concerts and family events throughout the summer.

Have everyone in the family highlight all of the activities that sound interesting.

Then grab a calendar and write them on the calendar. This is really important because you won't remember them later in the summer.

Don't worry about having too many activities. Just because you write them down doesn't mean that you have to do them...but at least you will have options.

Add in some of the things that you have neglected over the years...such as visiting the museums or the Zoo or the beach. Or how about penciling in some visits with friends that you haven't had a chance to visit with in a long time.

How about exploring your own city? There are too many people out there that have never been more than an hour away from their own neighborhood. Be daring....explore your own state!

By taking some time in the beginning of the summer and planning your schedule you can have a fun and exciting summer even if you can't afford to get on a plane and fly off to another country for a vacation.

Stop complaining and create your own fun! With a little advanced planning and organizing you can have a great summer!

Enjoy !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, July 11, 2011

Multi-Tasking - Is is Productive ?

A lot of people think that they are more productive when they "multi-task". But are they really?

What exactly is "multi-tasking"? It is "doing more than one thing at a time". Sounds like an easy explanation. But it's not that straight forward.

Most people think of multi-tasking as doing something like driving a car and talking on the phone at the same time. Sounds like a productive thing to do. But it's dangerous. Which is why a lot of cities are making it illegal to talk on your cell phone while you drive. You can't pay attention to the road and all of the other drivers while you hold a conversation with someone else. At least not if you expect to be totally involved in that conversation.

How can you make important business decisions or give legal or medical advice when you are trying to watch the road?

The answer is " you can't ".

In this example, multi-tasking can be fatal.

But doing the laundry and watching T.V. are also examples of multi-tasking. And in this example it's O.K. to throw in a load of laundry and go back to your favorite T.V. show.

Or reading a book or checking your email while you are waiting at the car dealership to have your car worked on.

Or planning your day while you are on hold on the phone.

There are "active" and "inactive" types of multi-tasking. "Safe" and "dangerous".

If you need to have your mind present while you are doing an activity you cannot do more than one thing at a time. Because if you do you will not be productive at either task.

The time it takes you to move from one task back to another overrides the effectiveness of "multi-tasking".

It might seem like you are accomplishing more by trying to do two things at once, but you really aren't.

Being productive does not mean doing everything at the same time. It means planning your activities so that everything gets done and gets done well. Cramming a lot of things into your day does not mean that you are organized or productive.

You have to pick and choose what you can accomplish in a day. Be realistic. If something needs your undivided attention give it the time it needs. You will accomplish more by doing less in a day.

Being productive and being organized go hand in hand. Just be aware of what you can and cannot do at the same time. For safety reasons as well as for productivity reasons.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, July 4, 2011

Organizing to Leave for a Vacation

It's almost time for your vacation and you are already thinking about what to pack and what you are going to do when you get there. But have you thought about what you are going to come home to?

The reality is that coming home from a vacation is almost more stressful than leaving for one. You will have piles of laundry, mail, messages and a dirty house. Makes you not want to come home!

Before you leave for your vacation there are some things that you can do to make coming home more pleasant.

* Leave your house clean. I know that getting ready for a vacation isn't always easy and if you work full time you probably won't think about cleaning your house before you leave because you have too many things to do to get ready for the vacation. But, if you give your house a quick clean before you leave (put fresh sheets on the bed, vacuum, dust, start the dishwasher before you leave....) you will be much happier when you return. You will be walking into a clean house instead of a whirlwind of a disaster. And having fresh sheets on the bed when you are too tired from traveling to do it when you come home is worth the few minutes it takes to do it before you leave.

* Have a neighbor or friend stock your fridge with a few simple ingredients so that you have something to eat when you get home and before you have a chance to get to the grocery store. Some bread, lunch meat, eggs, milk .... will hold you over until you get a chance to get to the store. It's a small thing that really makes a difference. And I always appreciate my sister doing that for me.

* Get someone to cut your lawn and take care of your yard while you are gone. You don't want to come home to an overgrown yard.

* Make sure that your mail is stopped before you leave for your vacation.

* Change your email to say "on vacation" so that people will know that you are not avoiding them.

* Make a copy of your credit card numbers and leave a copy with someone you trust in case you lose your credit cards.

* Make sure that you leave your contact information and itinerary with someone you trust in case of emergency.

Thinking about what you will come home to when you are planning a vacation isn't a top priority for most people, but a little planning ahead will take the stress out of coming home.

Now go and enjoy your vacation !

Organizational Consulting Services

Fourth of July

Wishing you all a safe and Happy 4 th of July !

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Parties - More Organized & Less Stress

It's summer. Time for parties and picnics. So make your life easier by keeping things simple and keeping things organized.

Spending time with family and friends should be easy. But a lot of people get stressed out when they think about entertaining. That's not how it's supposed to be. You can make entertaining more enjoyable by having things planned out and organized ahead of time.

* Step back and look at the big picture. Keep things simple.
* Decide on how many picnics, BBQ's and parties you will probably have this summer.
* Use paper plates and plastic utensils. Buy enough at the beginning of the summer to keep you stocked throughout the summer.
* Buy all of your beverages (pop and such....) ahead of time so it's always on hand.
* You can also buy any canned items or other munchies (chips, pretzels....) that are on sale.
* Plan simple meals. It's about being with family and friends, not impressing people.
* If you are having friends over let them bring a side dish or dessert so that you don't have to do it all.
* For a BBQ, buy some pre-made side dishes and just BBQ your favorite meat. There is no rule of entertaining that says that you have to make all the food.
* Don't feel that you have to "entertain" your's just about being together.
* Relax and enjoy yourself. It's not like on T.V. No one is going to judge you on how well you entertain.

For spur of the moment picnics:

* Keep a basket / bag filled with picnic essentials. Paper plates, cups, napkins, silverware, plastic bags for garbage.
* Keep a blanket in your car at all times for impromptu picnics or an evening at the beach.
* Pick up sandwiches and drinks at a grocery store on your way to the park or beach.
* Enjoy an hour or two at the beach / park at any time.

By planning ahead you will be able to enjoy the summer and have more time to relax with your friends.

Entertaining doesn't have to be nor should it be stressful. By planning ahead you too will be able to enjoy your summer.

Happy entertaining !

Organizational Consulting Services