
Showing posts with label Organizing Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organizing Ideas. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Getting Your Calendar Ready for 2018

It might only be August - but I like to get a head start on organizing my calendar for the new year. I'm picky about the type of calendar/daytimer that I use. Therefore, I start looking early - so that I can get one that works for me. 

I like one that has a month at a glance so that I can see all of the appointments I have during the month. This helps me spread out my appointments and obligations so that I have plenty of time for family and friends and don't feel stressed because I try to cram too many things into one week.

I start my new calendar by putting everyone's birthday and anniversaries on my calendar. I use a different colored pen for birthdays so that I can easily distinguish them from my appointments.

Then I highlight all of the important holidays. 

Next - you can add in any vacations that are already planned for the new year, any days that your business/school is closed, any appointments that are already made.

I also add notes to my calendar - about 4 months ahead of time - to make any doctors/dentists  appointments that I might need.

You could also add notes or reminders about ....anything. Write it down so that you don't worry about forgetting important events.

Get a head start on planning for next year. By doing it now instead of in December - you will avoid the stress of the holidays and might actually start the new year off organized!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Checklists For All Of Your Needs

RealSimple is a great magazine that has numerous articles on everything that you need to be ORGANIZED and it also has a great online magazine.

Below are some links that you might enjoy!

Checklists For All Of Your Organizing Needs

Pantry Organizing Checklist

Organizing The Kitchen Checklist

Daily Cleaning Checklist

Quick Dinner Cleanup Checklist


Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, July 25, 2016

Grab A Basket - Clear Your Clutter

It's summer and you should be outside enjoying the beautiful weather - instead of deep cleaning your house. Don't misunderstand me - you really do want a clean house - but sometimes some things are more important - such as spending time with your family.

So - grab your laundry basket (or whatever large basket or container you have handy) - and walk into your living room - and pick up things that don't belong there. Put them into your basket.

The clothes that are laying round. The magazines or books that are on the floor. The newspaper. Games, toys....  dishes, cups.... 

Put everything into the basket.  Only things that belong in the living room should be there.

Fluff the pillows and straighten the rug.

Now take your basket and walk into the kitchen and take the dishes & cups out of your basket and put them into the kitchen.

Take the books & magazines and put them back on the bookshelf or magazine rack.

Take your clothes and put them back in your closet or into the laundry hamper.

When the basket is empty - you've accomplished your task!  You've cleared a room of the clutter that did not belong there.

You can use this process on each room that is cluttered with things that don't belong.

It's a quick way to have an uncluttered room.

Another way is to always take anything that you brought into the room - out of the room when you leave the room.

Unlearning bad habits is hard. Remember - "everything should have a place of it's own to live".

Now that you've decluttered a room - go out and enjoy the great weather!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 2, 2015

In Five Minutes I Can .....

Do a lot of small organizing task!   Yes - you can accomplish a lot in just five minutes.  The problem is that most people spend more time than that trying to talk themselves out of doing anything at all!

Stop over thinking the process - and "just do it" !

In five minutes I can:

  • Hang up my clothes instead of leaving them on a chair or on the floor
  • Throw in a load of laundry in the washing machine
  • Fold all of the clean towels and put them away
  • Go through my stack of mail and throw out all of the junk mail - instead of letting it pile up
  •  Empty the dishwasher instead of letting it sit there for a week
  •  Put all of the dirty dishes in the dishwasher instead of letting them pile up in the sink
  • Pick up all of the things that are not supposed to be in the living room and put them where they belong
  • Make my bed in the morning so that the bedroom looks neater
  • Go through one drawer in the kitchen and organize it - get rid of things I never use
  •  Go through the fridge - one drawer at a time and clean it out - get rid of expired food
  • Go through one shelf in the bathroom and get rid of products I never use
  • Decide what I'm going to wear in the morning and get it ready - so that I don't waste time in the morning 
  •  Polish my shoes so they look clean and more professional
  • Sew a button on a shirt that's been sitting in a pile for weeks
  •  Write out a couple of birthday cards for the month

There's a lot you can do in just five minutes.  So - what are you waiting for?   Let's get started!

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Favorite Organizing Tools

There are a lot of really great gadgets out there to get yourself organized. Some of them are really expensive. But spending more money on things doesn't mean that it will work better or keep you more organized.

Simplicity is the key.  And so is being inventive!

My most favorite (and cheapest and most versatile) organizing tool is - ZIPLOC !  I love Ziploc bags - for everything!

We just got back from a camping trip and having to have every little detail (and every meal) organized - and planned out -  Ziploc is your best friend!

I packed each meal in a Ziploc bag. All of the vitamins - in a Ziploc bag. All of the utensils, the napkins, the extra bags (always, always bring extra Ziploc bags when you go on a trip) - everything goes into a Ziploc bag.

Even the plastic containers of food - before they go into a cooler - go into a Ziploc bag.

Believe me - this will save you time in hunting for everything when you have everything in one easy to grab bag. The containers are protected from getting waterlogged in the cooler (one of mine had a leak).

I use Ziploc to capture all of the phone cords - so that we always have them in one place.

Then there are bags. Since everyone has gone to reusable bags there is an endless supply of bags. Use them to capture a 'grouping' of things. Snacks go in one bag. Cooking utensils in another.

You get the picture.....    "like with like" !

Of course - another favorite tool is "the list" - it makes packing fast and easy - and you don't forget a thing!

There are many simple tools out there that can make your life just a little bit easier!

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, June 24, 2013

Take Five Minutes

Time is a very important thing.  Something not to be wasted.  But we all do it....waste time.

We sit on the couch and watch T.V. in a daze..... while we complain that we don't have any time to do anything and our house is a mess.   Admit it....we've all done it.

So go ahead and watch T.V. ....but there are those commercials that give you plenty of time to get a few things done!  Really, take five minutes and organize something.  Do something.  Anything!

*   Bring your basket of clean laundry into the living room and fold your laundry

*   Organize your purse, briefcase or backpack

*   Organize a drawer

*   Make a list of things to do for the weekend

*   Go through your mail

*   Pay a couple of bills

*   Read your child a chapter in a book

*   Write out your grocery list

*   Write out next months birthday cards

*   Sew the buttons on a shirt

There are a lot of things that can be done during a commercial break.  Don't worry - those commercials will be on again (and again....) so you won't actually miss them!

Make better use of your time by doing small projects that you keep putting off.  This is one time where multi-tasking is O.K.

Happy Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Organizing on a Budget

I love organizing gadgets. Nothing makes me happier than looking at the variety of organizing gadgets on the market. But, unfortunately some of them are expensive.

Being organized and organizing has nothing to do with gadgets. It's about "order" and "functionality". Plain and simple.

There is not only one way to organize a room.  Each person has to organize their space to reflect not only how they will use the space but also how their mind organizes things.

Everyone is different. There is no "one size fits all"  in organizing.

I never tell my clients to go out and buy a bunch of organizing gadgets and then organize their space to reflect how I would do things. In fact, when I first talk to a client I very specifically tell them to "buy nothing" until I know what they want to do with the space and we figure out how to best accomplish their wishes. And then I try to utilize the things that they already have, re-purpose their existing belongings before we even consider any other options. 

You can be organized without spending any or very little money.  Just look around your home or look at some of the inexpensive containers at the Dollar Store that might work for your project.

Use Ice Cube trays to contain your jewelry or craft supplies. Or re-use glass jars to contain a variety of things. Contain the kids puzzle pieces in Zip Lock bags.

Organizing doesn't have to be expensive. Learn to "think outside the box".

Now get started.... you know you want to !

Happy Organizing....and remember .....  Less Clutter  =  Less Stress....

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 31, 2012

Organizing for the New Year

It's New Years Eve....and tomorrow is the start of the New Year!  It's the day that everyone makes New Years Resolutions.....  What is yours going to be?

Why don't you start the new year off right by promising to try and GET ORGANIZED.  The key word is try.  Make a real effort... to at least think about it.

Don't make big promises that you can't or won't keep. Don't say that you are going to organize your entire house....when you probably won't.  Make a commitment to think about changing your life by becoming more organized.

One step at a time.......   You can't rush organization.  You can't change your habits in one hour or one day. It takes time.

Making a commitment is scary to a lot of people.  But once you do....and once you start the actually organizing process..... you will wonder why you waited so long.

And it is a "process".  Having an organizing coach....a Professional Organizer.... just like your workout coach.... will help keep you focused and going in the right direction.

So..... make a plan. Any plan. How about "organizing your office".  Or "organizing your kitchen".

Break it down into manageable pieces. One drawer at a time. One hour at a time.

Once you have accomplished one task and can physically see the will be inspired to continue.

So make that New Years GET ORGANIZED !

Wishing you a very Happy and ORGANIZED New Year !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, April 4, 2011


Cleaning your home is not everyone’s idea of fun. But it is something that all of us have to do. In the spring we have a yearly ritual called “spring cleaning” that I am sure everyone is really looking forward to.

We drive ourselves crazy and clean the entire house from top to bottom in one or two days. We clean things that we have ignored all year long.

So…. let’s get started.

In the Kitchen:

Wash all of the appliances. Both outside and inside.

  • Refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stove
  • Wash the stove drip bowls in the dishwasher (or buy new ones)


  • Take down all of the magnets – throw out old ones that you really don’t need
  • Remove all of the shelves in refrigerator and wash them
  • Remove all of the bins in the refrigerator and wash them
  • Defrost the freezer
  • Put fresh baking soda in the freezer
  • Clean under the refrigerator


  • Clean your oven (self cleaning or with oven cleaner)
  • Rinse the oven thoroughly after it has been cleaned

Shelves / Counters

  • Take everything off of your shelves and counters and wash them thoroughly


  • Wipe down your backsplash all around the kitchen


  • Wash your kitchen floor with a good de-greaser

Living Room

  • Clean drapes and curtains
  • Wash your blinds (this can be done in the bathtub)
  • Shampoo your carpets
  • Wash throw rugs or air them out …outside
  • Vacuum the entire house….pull out everything from the wall….
  • Vacuum your couches (pull out the cushions and clean underneath them)
  • Use furniture polish for an extra shine on your furniture
  • Dust ceiling fans, fixtures and lampshades
  • Wax your floors

Dining Room

  • Take all of your books & knick-knacks off of your hutch or bookshelf and dust each piece
  • Dust the bookshelf / hutch
  • Wash the chandelier (if the pieces come off they can be run through the dishwasher)


  • Wash your mattress pad, blankets, quilts, pillows
  • Turn over your mattress
  • Dust ceiling fans & fixtures & lampshades
  • Vacuum under the bed


  • Wash the windows throughout your entire house
  • Clean attic & basement
  • Scrub deck & patio
  • Wash outdoor furniture
  • Bring out your spring / summer clothes
  • Clean out your car (move winter stuff to storage)
  • Dryer – check lint filter… it doesn’t cause a fire - vacuum behind the dryer

If you don’t want to do all of this in one weekend….that’s O.K. Break it down into smaller projects over a couple of weeks. Once you have accomplished everything on the list your home will be clean and ready for spring.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 21, 2011


Have you ever tried to make soup for one? Or even two? Well, let me tell you ….it can’t be done !

Well, at least not by me. But then again…. I’ve never been able to cook for just one or two people.

So the other day I wanted to make a white bean soup with ham, potatoes and carrots. Sounds delicious doesn’t it.

I soaked the white beans overnight. Wow, did they ever expand. I guess maybe I shouldn’t have used the entire bag. But I got out my huge stockpot and started making the soup. It smelled really good when it was cooking and really hit the spot that night.

And I made enough to feed a huge family. But since everyone is off at school I really didn’t need that much soup for dinner. So I froze it in a few containers for later use when I didn’t have as much time.

And then I thought about how most families don’t eat very well and eat a lot of take out and junk food.

Not very healthy and eating out can really add up.

It didn’t really take much longer to make a huge pot of soup that could be divided and frozen than it did for making bean soup for one or two. A few more potatoes and a few more carrots.

It’s homemade, it’s healthier, and it’s cheaper. And you can’t just make bean soup for one.

So when you do have the time to make dinner at home….throw in a few more pieces of chicken or a little more pasta…. and you can freeze the extra for a later meal or have a delicious, healthier and cheaper lunch instead of the fast food that you might normally eat.

By planning ahead you can save time on meal preparation and money on your food budget.

And really….. have you ever tried to make bean soup for one?

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 2, 2010


Pack up items that you haven’t used in a while and store them in the basement / attic. Put a date on the box. After three (3) months have passed and you haven’t missed the item…. get rid of it ! Obviously you didn’t really need it / use it….so why should it take up valuable space in your house.

Look at your calendar and make a list of all of the birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions that you have during the year. Count them up and buy the appropriate number of cards for each occasion. Go to the store and buy all of your cards at one time.

Use a pendaflex file organized by month and insert the cards into the appropriate month. At the beginning of the month fill out that months cards (address & stamp). You can put the actual date in a corner or back of the card. At the beginning of each week pull the cards that need to be mailed for that week and put them in the mail.

Keep a basket of healthy snacks in a basket for your kids on a kid level shelf. That way they can help themselves to snacks and you know what they are eating.

Use shelf dividers in your kitchen to double the space in your cabinets.

Check your medicine cabinet for expired medications. Don’t forget to look at non-prescription bottles and lotions.

Check your make-up. There are guidelines for make-up expiration. Be safe. Be healthy.

Create a spot near the door for your purse, keys, briefcase / backpacks…so that you can find things in the morning.

Plan all of your errands for the day before you leave the house so that you take the most direct route and don’t drive aimlessly from one side of town to the other…over and over again.

Sit down with your family Sunday night and go over the weekly schedule so that everyone is on the same page and there are no surprises during the week.

Have everyone in the family make a list of their five (5) favorite meals. Then put them on the calendar for the month. By doing this everyone gets a turn getting their favorite meal. For added “family time” have them help make that meal. Or you can have them make a list of all of the requirements for that meal so that you have a grocery list all ready.

Pick a day and have everyone in the family go through their closet and gather clothes that they no longer wear or that don’t fit. Remember to donate them and you can get a tax write-off !

Have a set spot for mail. Have 3 baskets. Whoever gets the mail should immediately divide it into: bills, personal mail, other. That way the bills don’t get lost or forgotten and you can deal with them immediately (at least put them in the appropriate bill spot for paying bills). Junk mail should immediately be put in the trash.

Trade “chores” with your neighbors or friends. If they take the kids to sports practice you can run your errands …alone… and get them done faster. When they need to do something you can swap kid duty with them…. or any other chore…. If they like mowing the lawn but hate weeding…and you like weeding because it’s relaxing….trade with them. Lots of possibilities….

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, May 10, 2010


Some people are morning people…and some people aren’t. I am. My sister, well you never want to call her before noon. I always laid out my suit the night before and made sure that my briefcase was all packed. I knew where everything was and I liked to get in to work early and get a lot of things done before everyone else got there.

There are a lot of things that you can do to make the mornings go a lot smoother.

Some ideas:

* Get your coffee maker ready the night before
* Pack your lunch before you go to bead
* Decide what you are going to wear and lay the clothes out before you go to bed
* Pack your briefcase / backpack the night before
* Put your briefcase / backpack in a designated spot (along with your car keys)
* For kids > pack their backpack with their homework & put in a designated spot
* Pour your breakfast juice in your glass & put in fridge
* Set the breakfast table
* Set out your box of cereal and fruit for breakfast
* Cook hardboiled eggs ahead of time so that you have them all available for breakfast
* Pre-cook sausages ahead of time so that all you have to do is microwave them
* Make pancakes ahead of time & freeze them so that all you have to do is microwave them
* Stagger your kids wake up calls so that everyone has a turn in the bathroom & no one is late

By getting as much done the night before as possible….. you will have less to do in the morning. And if you're not a morning person…. you won’t forget anything.

By just changing the timing of when you do things…. you can be more organized.

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It’s getting cold outside and with that comes snow !

So – are you prepared ?

Now, before you really need it, is the time to stock your car with winter essentials.

In your backseat:
* Snow brush
* Ice scraper (or two – various sizes)
* Blanket
* Gloves (keep extra’s in your car)
* Hat
* Scarf

In your glove compartment:

* Paper
* Pen
* Matches (in something waterproof)
* Candle (in a tin) – this can be used if your flashlight doesn’t work or for extra heat
* Tissues
* Hand wipes
* Snacks (if you are stuck at an accident for a long time….or if you have kids)
* Water
* Cell Phone Car Charger
* Flashlight (make sure the batteries are good – or get a windup one)

In your trunk:

* Salt or something to throw under your tires if you get stuck
* Extra Windshield Fluid
* Extra Antifreeze
* Spare Tire
* Shovel
* Jumper Cables
* First Aid Kit (basic)
* Towel (this can also be used as an extra blanket)
* Rope
* Bungee Cords
* Duct Tape (so many uses!)
* Tire Gauge
* Tire Repair kit
* Road Flares
* Fire Extinguisher (small one)
* Plastic Garbage Bags

Being prepared is always the best defense. Now relax and embrace the weather.

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, November 13, 2009


There are a million different ways that you can be organized and more productive. Below are just a few. Not all of these tips will work for “you”. Each person has to find what works for “them” and what changes can enhance “their” life.

A Professional Organizer listens to you and gives you advice that is very specific for how you function. What works for one client doesn’t necessarily work for another.

So take what you can and try it for a while….. and see if it can make your life run smoother.

When are you most productive?:
One of the first things that a Professional Organizer will do is ask you about your work habits and go over your daily routine. One of the things they will learn from this is “when do you function your best?”.

If you are a morning person, that’s when you want to do most of your work. If afternoons work better for you then schedule most of your work in the afternoon. By scheduling your work around your most “productive” time you will obviously accomplish a lot more. Sounds simple, yet most people don’t follow this method.

Trying to start your day with a huge workload when you are definitely not a morning person will just make you miserable and you won’t get everything done anyway. By simply rearranging your day to best take advantage of your “optimum” work time you will not only accomplish your tasks but you will also be much happier!

Everything has a place:

Being organized means that everything has a place and everything has a function. Once you have established a place for everything you must then get into the habit of keeping it organized. Not an easy change for a lot of people. It takes weeks to change a habit.

Start with one thing and once it becomes second nature work on changing another habit. For example: designate a specific place for your purse, briefcase, keys, mail…

By having a designated spot for these items you will always know where they are and will always able to find them. No more wasted time searching for things.

Just fifteen (15) minutes a day:
Set aside just fifteen (15) minutes a day to clean / straighten up / organize one area in your home. It may not seem like a lot of time but if you do it every day you will see a dramatic change in your life. Set a timer so that you don’t need to be checking your watch every few minutes.

By setting aside just fifteen (15) minutes a day you will cut your cleaning / straightening up / organizing time significantly. Instead of dreading spending almost two (2) hours cleaning your house on a Saturday you might have more time to spend with your family doing something fun.

Try mopping the floors on Monday, dusting on Tuesday, vacuuming on Wednesday…and so on…. Whatever works for you.

In your office you can spend Monday paying bills, Tuesday updating your spreadsheets, Wednesday filing……

There are a lot of uses for those fifteen (15) minutes…..and once you get in the habit of using your time efficiently you will have more time for the things you like to do.

Efficient use of time:
With technology taking over we all seem to be tied to our computer, emails, phones…. Whenever we hear that “you got mail” sound we all jump to check our email or check voicemail….. But this is really not an efficient use of our time. If you stop what you are doing every time you get an email the project that you are working on gets behind. Then you have to remember where you left off on your project and get back up to speed. It wastes time.

Set aside blocks of time during the day when you read all of your email or check your voicemail messages. (Handling email efficiently is another topic).

Plan your outings:
With gas prices going up and the economy going down we need to look at the way we manage our time and our car usage. By planning your day and planning your outings you can save time and money. Instead of running up to the store to get milk in the morning and then running up to the store again later to get school supplies for your kids and then again later to go to your exercise class plan one car trip and do all of your errands at the same time.

The key is planning ahead. By jumping in your car every time you need something you are not only spending money on gas but also on the wear and tear of your car and the biggest part… are wasting your precious time. And if you have a family you are pulled in enough directions already and time is something you don’t have a lot of.

Plan ahead and save time and money.

Plan your meals:
Everyone knows that you never, ever go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. We’ve all done it. But what happens? We buy things we normally wouldn’t and don’t really need (both economically and on our waistline). By planning out your meals for the week ahead of time and having a list when you go to the grocery store you will save money. Make that list and stick to it.

Plan your organizing projects:
You’ve been inspired and now you want to organize your entire house in one day. There are dozens of projects that you have been ignoring and you want them all done at once. Well, that’s a nice thought, but not very practical.

Your house / office didn’t get cluttered and out of control in one day …so it’s going to take more than one day to get your clutter under control. You’ve wanted to paint the living room and dining room for the last few years and put all of your photos from the past ten years into albums and re-landscape the yard.

But unless you’ve taken a leave of absence from your job to get it all done or hired people to do it for you it’s going to take time. And if you try to do it all at once….you are going to be very tired and will probably never want to do it again.

Don’t over-do things. Start simply. Make a list of all the things you want to do. Then pick one project to start with. Get that done and feel proud of yourself. Take a rest before tackling another project.

Soon all of the projects will be checked off of your list.

If you are at the store and you have the sudden urge to buy something…force yourself to stop and ask yourself “do you really need this?”. Is there a place for this in my home?

For a lot of people shopping is therapy. It’s psychological. It makes you feel better. It’s also how some people get caught up in the “clutter cycle”.

If you don’t have a place for the item or if you already have a blender, do you really need another one? Yes, I know it makes great smoothies…but can’t your regular blender do that ?

Make a habit of “one in – one out”. You buy an item, you get rid of an item. You don’t need two blenders or three mixers or ten black dresses. Replace things when need but don’t buy things you don’t really need.

Remember, when you donate something be sure to log it into your donation spreadsheet. That way you can deduct it from your taxes.

Children and toys:
When your kids are small so are the toys. And they are usually everywhere. Your house can be organized even when you have children. Start by getting some containers for the toys. Have one box for books, one box for dolls & accessories, one box for cars & trucks, one box for puzzles….and so on.

When the children are as young as two you can start by having them help you put away their toys at the end of the day (or at the end of a play period). No, they are not too young. Believe me, if you start them young it will become a habit and your house will be clutter free. Two year olds might take a bit longer to put away their toys so you need to allow enough time for them to do it.

If you are of the mindset that it takes too long or you don’t have time for them to do it…and you don’t do it for them….toys will take over your house. And your children will learn that clutter is “normal and acceptable”.

Help your children develop good habits at an early age.

Children and mornings:

It seems that mornings are always chaotic. The kids oversleep and they can’t find their homework. They are late for the bus and they don’t have time to make their lunch.

Sound typical? Children do not understand (they choose not to) that if they go to bed at a decent hour they won’t be tired in the morning and they will wake up on time. They will have plenty of time for breakfast and time to make their lunch and time to find their homework. But that doesn’t always happen.

Figure out how long it takes your child to get up, dressed and ready for school and add 15 minutes to that time. Set their alarm (make sure it’s really loud!).

The night before have them make and pack their lunches. Don’t wait until morning. That’s just added stress for you. Even if the children are too young to make their own lunches include them in the decisions and reinforce good nutritional choices. If you only offer them food that is nutritious they will eat it. They won’t let themselves starve.

After their homework is done at night have them immediately put it into their backpack. That way they will always know where it is. Make it a habit. Ask them if their homework is done and if it’s been put into their backpack. By reinforcing this over and over again it will become a habit for them.

Have them set the table for breakfast before they go to bed. That way it’s one less thing to do in the morning.

By getting as much done the night before as you can, your mornings will be a bit more calm.

Being organized is a way of life. Start with small steps. Make it a habit.

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Yes, “Organized“, “Stress Free” and “Thanksgiving” can be used in the same sentence.

It all starts with the word “organized”. Don’t let it scare you. Embrace it. By being organized and planning ahead you can actually enjoy a holiday.

Start by deciding on what you want your holiday to be like. Do you really want to serve a sit down dinner for twenty (20) people? Or would a buffet be acceptable for you? Would it be acceptable for your “family”?

The pressure of trying to please everyone, especially parents and doing things “exactly” like when you were little and everything was perfect is how the “stress” starts.

It’s your house and your dinner party. You can start new traditions. I didn’t say that it would be easy or that you wouldn’t get some flack, but all “traditions” started somewhere. Make your own. You deserve some happiness.

If you really want a fancy sit down dinner party but twenty (20) people is too much for you to handle then cut the guest list down.

If you really want all twenty (20) people there then maybe you should consider a buffet. It’s much easier and your family will eventually come to terms with the fact that maybe you aren’t serving a formal sit down dinner, but the food is just as good.

You can make Thanksgiving as simple or as complicated as you want….it all depends on how organized you are willing to be.

A good way to keep the stress levels down is to divide and conquer.

Enlist your family for help. Don’t take “no” for an answer. This is your holiday too and you have a right to enjoy it.

And we all know that old saying “if Mom isn’t happy, no one is happy”.

Start at least two (2) or three (3) weeks before Thanksgiving.

Decide on the type of gathering (formal or informal), the size of the guest list and the menu.

Don’t attempt to make something new for dinner or try out a new dessert that day. It could turn out to be a disaster and that would cause you more stress. If you really want to try a new dish….test it out prior to Thanksgiving.

Menu: Do you really want to serve cranberry relish and sweet potato’s even if you don’t like them and only serve them because “they are always served at Thanksgiving”?

Make up your own menu (yes, it is radical). Serve something different. Serve something you like!

If you are having a small Thanksgiving dinner don’t feel obligated to serve Turkey. I know, blasphemy! Last year I made stuffed Cornish Hen. It was wonderful and just as delicious as turkey. You can also stuff a small chicken or even a duck! Or be really different and have Ham! The possibilities are endless.

Start new traditions! It’s not easy to buck the system but once you make up your mind that you deserve to be happy and stress free on a Holiday you will wonder why you waited so long.

Remember, the whole point of a Holiday is family and friends and spending “quality” time together. Everything does not have to be perfect. Be thankful for what you have and not for what you don’t.

A great piece of advice: don’t attempt to clean your oven Thanksgiving morning before you put in the turkey. I did that once, years ago. I then found out that after the oven is cleaned it needs to cool down and the oven will stay locked for another hour or so after it’s done. And you can’t open it! It certainly put a dent into my dinner timetable!

By starting early and making lists and getting as much done ahead of time as possible you will avoid a lot of stress.

Once you have your menu planned work backwards and make up a timetable to what needs to be done. For example: if you want your dinner to be served at 6 p.m., what time do you have to put the turkey into the oven? What time do the potato’s and vegetables need to be started? Just make a list and put it on your refrigerator door so that you don’t have to second guess yourself and aren’t panicking at the last minute.

When your family or guests start to arrive your mind and attention will be elsewhere….so a list can help you stay on track. Don’t leave anything to chance.

A few days before Thanksgiving:
* Shop for all of the essentials, including as much of the food as can be purchased ahead of time
* Make sure that you have enough spices and things that you will need for the food (and rarely buy)
* Do any of the baking or make any desserts that can be made ahead of time
* Thaw the turkey (the size will determine how many days it takes to thaw in the refrigerator)
* Buy the wine or any beverages

The day before Thanksgiving:
* Buy any last minute items at the grocery store
* Chop anything that can be chopped ahead of time (vegetables, bread for stuff…but do not stuff the turkey ahead of time) and put them in plastic bags so that you will be all ready to go the next day
* Make sure you have enough ice
* Prepare any of the food items that can be made ahead of time
* Make your family aware of exactly what you need them to help you with on Thanksgiving.
* Having assigned tasks for your kids and spouse ahead of time takes away some of the stress of what’s expected of them the next day.

The night before Thanksgiving:
* Set the table and get out all of your platters and serving dishes.
* Make sure that you have enough dishes and silverware. If you don’t, now is the time to call one of your guests and ask to borrow something. Don’t wait until the last minute to find out that you broke the gravy boat last Thanksgiving and never replaced it.

When I entertain I love to use all of my special platters and dishes. I love to fuss over my family and I love to set a very special table. I don’t consider it extra work or a hardship or stressful. It’s my way of telling my family and friends just how special they are.

But again…..the Holiday and family and friends are what’s important….not the china or the food. So if you aren’t the type of person to pull off a sit down dinner with all the decorations don’t beat yourself up. There are only so many Martha Stewarts around. And she has a staff to help her!

Thanksgiving Day:
* Wake up early so that you can have some “you” time to have coffee and relax before
the day starts (it will get stressful enough later, so the morning might be the
only time you have)
* Read over your lists and timetable
* Gather all of your food and cooking utensils, pots and pans ....
* Measure out everything that you can ahead of time and set it aside
* Follow your time table and start making the food according to the schedule
* Once the food comes out of the oven let it rest a while (you can cover it with
* Start cutting the meat and plating the food
* Have family members start their assigned tasks (setting out and serving food,
pouring the drinks…)

ENJOY your meal…… sit and talk…..

After the meal:

Have a plan in place to clear the table. Since I always make a ton of extra food so that my guests can take home leftovers I start with portioning the leftovers into plastic containers and putting each family’s containers into a plastic bag and setting it near the door so that they don’t forget them.

Once I have the leftovers divided up and mine put away in the refrigerator and freezer I then start to collect the rest of the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I don’t start the dishwasher until after they leave so that we won’t be bothered with the noise.

Again, this is where your family members can jump in and help clear and stack dishes. It makes quick work of things when you have other people help.

I need to have as many things cleared up and put away as possible before I start serving dessert. This also gives everyone time to rest and relax before they start eating again.

Some people like to leave the dishes and the mess until the next day. And sometimes I wish I could too, but its worse the next day when you get up and walk into a mess. I’d rather get it done and over with.

Make quick work of it (or as much as will fit into the dishwasher) and then sit and relax and spend time with your family.

Remember, a Holiday is supposed to be enjoyable. If it’s not, figure out why it isn’t and change it. Skip the big complicated meal, the fancy desserts and the good china and make it as simple as you are able to handle.

Start your own tradition….and make it about family!

Happy Holiday !

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