
Monday, December 9, 2019

Organizing - At Your Own Speed

Everyone has a different way of organizing. And that's OK! There is no "one size fits all". Not matter what anyone says. There are a ton of books out there on organizing and everyone has their own idea.
It's important that you know yourself - your style - and how your brain works. If you try to use someone else's method - and it is too complicated - you won't keep it up. You have to look at your lifestyle and how you use your home - before you can come up with an organizing solution.

Don't make things over complicated. Don't go out and buy a lot of "organizing products". 

Start slowly - start with the basics. 

As always - you start by decluttering first. This is a crucial step that you can't skip.

Then, the organizing process can take place. Keep it simple. It needs to make sense to "you" - not the Organizer.

Know yourself and your body. Be sure to take frequent breaks so that you don't get overwhelmed.

Know that it always gets worse before it gets better. When you start clearing things out - they need to go somewhere. Make sure that you have enough time - so that you can put things back where you want them (in an organized fashion). People tend to underestimate how long an organizing project will take. 

If you can't finish a project all in one session - know and understand that you might have a mess on your hands until you can get back and finish your project.  

Plan your projects out by scheduling them on your calendar. That way they might actually get done in a timely manner.

If you don't know where to start or are overwhelmed at even the thought of organizing your home - reach out to an experienced Organizer. 

We live to Organize!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

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