
Monday, December 23, 2019

De-Stress Before the Holiday

A few more days before Christmas! If you aren't done with all of your shopping and holiday preparation - take a deep breath, make yourself a cup of tea and ask yourself "what can I let go of?".

The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful, happy time. I know...I know...they are usually stressful because we try to make everything "perfect". But if you are behind - you either need to let some things slide (no one will notice....) or enlist help from your family.

People - especially women - put too much pressure on themselves to have the "perfect" holiday. The holiday might be "perfect" but you end up exhausted and not able to enjoy it.

It takes years of practice to be able to step back and give up some control.

Take some time for yourself (I know - I hate when people say that....), put on some holiday music and enjoy a few moments of the holiday magic.

By destressing your mind and body - you will actually be more productive.

Take some time to figure out what hasn't worked and make some notes for next year - so that next years holiday season can run smoother.

Now finish your tea and get back to work!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

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