
Friday, May 19, 2017

Aging in Place

Aging happens - to all of us - ready of not. Don't wait until you have to make hard decisions to make those decisions. Be realistic - think ahead - make the decisions on your own terms.

It's not always about "being old".  Sometimes it's about the "empty nest" - and having too much space - that you don't want to or have time to clean.

Sometimes it's about wanting to be near family and friends or having more social contact.

Sometimes it's about the physical limitations of aging - not being able to reach or bend like you used to when you were younger.

Don't stick your head in the sand. Think about the future - and age as you want to - on your own terms.

Read some of the older articles on aging, downsizing and organizing your life.

Looking Ahead - Aging - Disabilities and Home Design

Professional Organizers Called Upon As Seniors  Downsize

Seniors and Downsizing - Moving to a Smaller Home

Rightsizing - Downsizing for Your Current Life Style

Information Organizing - Medical and Life

Organizing for Different Types of People

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

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