
Monday, October 10, 2011

Winterize Your Garage

It's time to winterize your garage and get ready for the snow. A good place to start is by taking everything out of your garage and giving it a good sweeping.

Throw out any broken items and put any items that you no longer use in the "donate" pile. That would include any toys that your kids have outgrown.

If you have any leftover gardening supplies (mulch, dirt, bulbs, seeds....) or anything that you won't be able to use next spring, get rid of it.

Re-arrange your garage to put the snow blower where you can easily reach it. Make sure that it is ready to use by doing any maintenance that it might need.

Make sure that you have access to any snow shovels or anything else such as salt for those snowy days.

Some people might still be able to use their lawnmower a few more times before the snow falls, but plan on having your lawnmower winterized and empty it of any liquids according to your manual.

By organizing your garage before the weather gets really bad you will save yourself a lot of headaches in trying to find everything when the bad weather hits.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 3, 2011

Winter Is Coming Soon ....Is Your Car Ready ?

It might only be October and some people really don't want to think about the cold and bad weather that comes with winter. But ignoring the fact that winter is just ahead won't make it stop coming.

So – the question is ..... are you prepared ?

Now is the time to stock your car with winter essentials.

In your backseat:
* Snow brush
* Ice scraper (or two – various sizes)
* Blanket
* Gloves (keep extra’s in your car)
* Hat
* Scarf

In your glove compartment:

* Paper
* Pen
* Matches (in something waterproof)
* Candle (in a tin) – this can be used if your flashlight doesn’t work or for extra heat
* Tissues
* Hand wipes
* Cell Phone Car Charger
* Flashlight (make sure the batteries are good – or get a windup one)

In your trunk:

* Salt or something to throw under your tires if you get stuck
* Extra Windshield Fluid
* Extra Antifreeze
* Spare Tire
* Shovel
* Jumper Cables
* First Aid Kit (basic)
* Towel (this can also be used as an extra blanket)
* Rope
* Bungee Cords
* Duct Tape (so many uses!)
* Tire Gauge
* Tire Repair kit
* Road Flares
* Fire Extinguisher (small one)
* Plastic Garbage Bags

If you are going to be driving outside of the city limits I would also suggest that you keep water and snacks in your car, especially if you have kids. You never know when an accident might keep you tied up for a long time and you will need water to keep you hydrated and snacks to keep the kids occupied.

Being prepared is always the best defense. Now relax and embrace the weather.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 26, 2011

Disasters - Emergencies - and everything in between....

Having just passed the anniversary of 9/11 we should all be aware of the fact that disaster can strike anywhere. The question is "are you ready"?

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Whether it’s the loss of power and electricity (which could last for days) or a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster…. Or a terrorist attack…

Being prepared is not an “option” anymore. Even if just the electricity went out…and you happen to have an “all electric” home….would you be able to survive? Do you have enough food to last you for a few days? What happens if all the stores are closed?

These are just some things to think about….. especially if you live in a remote area and don't have quick access to a store.

There are numerous websites and articles that tell you to be prepared to survive for at least three (3) days if an emergency occurs. The “72 Hour Kit” as some people call it.

Besides the basic kit, you also need to have an emergency plan in place. Below is a basic list that will give you some ideas to get you started (there are numerous variations of this kit).

Basic Kit:

Water – one (1) gallon per person , per day for at least three (3) days
Food – 3 days supply of non-perishable food. Some ideas are: soup mix, granola bars, trail mix, crackers,
peanut butter, beef jerky, fruit cups….
Plastic / paper – plates, cups, napkins…
Radio – battery powered
Flashlight – with extra batteries
First aid kit – basic kit
Can opener
Garbage bags & plastic bags (various sizes)
Sleeping Bag
Clothes – for three (3) days
Coats & rain gear & cold weather gear
Personal hygiene products such as: shampoo, lotion, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine
products, sunscreen…..
Wet wipes
Toilet Paper
Sewing Kit
Paper & pencils
Matches / lighter (in water proof container)
Basic tools (wrench, pliers, scissors….)
Water purification tablets (or Chlorine Bleach)
Hand Sanitizer
String / rope / cord
Cooking appliances (portable stove with fuel….)

Some things (like medications…) cannot pack ahead of time…so have a checklist prepared for those items.

Checklist for supplies that need to be packed last minute:

Prescription medication
Infant formula
Pet food
Family documents (passport, birth certificates, identification cards, bank info, insurance info….)
Games for kids

Start thinking about how you and your family would handle an emergency….and start planning for it today…before that emergency strikes.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 19, 2011

Organizing Your Purse (Briefcase / Backpack)....

You can admit it... your purse (or briefcase or backpack) is a bottomless pit. You throw things in there never to be seen again. We all do it...admit it!

Everything we have is important so we have to keep it. The problem is that we don't have an endless amount of space in our purse (briefcase or backpack).

There are a number of things that we could or should do on a regular basis. Clean it out! Take a few minutes, yes only a few and empty the entire thing. Shake out the dirt and bits and pieces of things that have accumulated on the bottom.

Separate everything into piles, just like in your home. Must keep, goes somewhere else, garbage.

All of those receipts that you just threw in there need to go into a file or somewhere else. It's a good idea to keep a small envelope in your purse just for receipts so that they don't end up all torn up or lost. When you buy something that you might need a receipt for (such as clothes that you might want to return or appliances....) put it into a receipt file. At least once a week go through that envelope and put the receipts in your permanent file or check it against your credit card statement and then toss it.

There are a number of great purse organizers in all sizes that have a lot of different sized pockets that let you keep your purse organized and clutter free. I have a number of them in different sizes that are great to use in all kinds of purses, briefcases, backpacks, luggage and more. Or you could just use Ziplock plastic bags for things like makeup and other small things that might get lost in your big purse.

Being able to find things quickly in your purse makes like so much easier. And you all know that by cleaning out your purse at least once a month you will lose a few extra pounds of weight that you really didn't want anyway!

Happy Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grandparent's Day

Wishing all of you a very Happy Grandparents Day !

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Making Organization Part of Your Routine

Being organized is not easy for everyone. Some people even think it's not important. But organization makes everything run smoother and makes people a lot less stressed. If everything is in its place and you can find things easily you are less likely to be running around frantic and you are not yelling at your kids or spouse. Sounds logical doesn't it?

Yet a lot of people still resist the idea that organization makes life easier. It's not a fad. It's a way of life.

Being organized takes practice. It takes time. Just like any other new learned process it doesn't always come easy to some people. It sometimes takes months of "forced organization" to become a part of your everyday routine.

But knowing where everything is and being able to find things easier and quicker is such a simple concept that most people don't realize how much of a difference it really makes in your life.

Try getting all of your clothes, your lunch, your briefcase & purse ready before you go to bed at night. You aren't wasting time in the morning making decisions about what you are going to wear. Your briefcase & purse are right there so you don't have to search for them. You've saved yourself time and frustration in the morning, a time when you really don't have a lot of it to spare. You get out of the house on time instead of running late. You are less stressed.

A simple experiment. A simple example of how organization can make a difference in your life.

Now take that example and use it in the rest of your life. Your work. Your living spaces.

Organization can have an impact on all of the parts of your life. Just learn to make it a part of your life and your will have more time for other things.

Happy Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hoarding Is Still Out There

A lot of people think that Hoarding is starting to go away because more people are now aware of the problem. But it's not.

I have been getting a lot of emails and phone calls from families of hoarders that are looking for help. They worry about the health and safety of their family members. And they should worry. But it's not only the physical health problems that they worry about. It's the psychological problems and how they affect the family.

Many people out there have family members that are hoarders but it's still a well kept secret. Because if they told someone then their friends might think that they too have mental health issues. But it's not something to be ashamed of. Just as you can't control your family and friends in other aspects of their lives, you can't control people that have hoarding issues.

They have to be the ones that ask for the help. They have to be ready to try and change their lives. They have to be willing to part with some of their possessions and clean up their homes.

It has to be on their terms. If you or a family member just go into their home when they are not there and clean up and throw out what you term "worthless garbage" you will cause severe emotional harm to that person.

It is a hard concept for families and friends of hoarders to understand. But just going into someone's home and taking their possessions - no matter what the conditions of those possessions are - you will cause emotional distress.

How would you like it if they came into your home and took your stamp collection or your Hummell collection or your 50 pairs of shoes because they thought it was a waste of space and money? It's not the same you say? Well, to hoarders it is.

Everyone has a right to their "things". Unfortunately, hoarders "things" can cause them harm because of the quantity of things. And because the quantities are out of control and can cause physical harm. And because hoarding can cause isolation.

But that does not mean that you rush in to "save" them. It takes a person with experience in the many aspects of hoarding to be able to help a hoarder. And it usually takes a variety of people to help a hoarder and that may include a professional organizer, a therapist, a social work and a variety of other people.

Hoarding is a complex issue. It can't be solved by simply "cleaning out the house".

As a Professional Organizer I take my education very seriously and have acquired the following certificates:

Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization
Certificate of Study in Basic Hoarding Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in Understanding the Needs of the Elderly CD Client
Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in CD Client Administration
CD Specialist - Level II Certificate