This is just another example of how disorganization and lack of time management can affect your life.
Everyone's idea of clean is different. But using the excuse of "not having a clean house" to avoid having people over to visit brings up a lot of other questions. Such as - "what are you really trying to avoid"?
Having an impromptu gathering should not be a stressful moment. Not everyone was taught how to clean and organize - so put that out of your mind for a moment. To get ready for company when you only have a few minutes there are a number of shortcuts that you can use.
First, get a basket and go through your main living area and put everything that does not belong in that room into the basket. Any toys or books or dishes....put them into the basket and get them out of there.
Grab a duster and quickly dust the surfaces. The less clutter that you have on your coffee table the easier it is to dust and clean.
Fluff some pillows. Light a candle for some nice atmosphere.
Enjoy your visitors and relax. They are not going to know that you just had a whirlwind de-cluttering session.
Is this the "normal" way to clean your home on a weekly or daily basis? No - but being social is sometimes more important than being perfect.
Having friends over can help relax and de-stress you.
But remembering the rule about "if it does not belong in the room - take it with you when you leave" is a great and easy rule to remember. Using a basket to go from room to room and getting everything picked up in one fell swoop is another easy way to get yourself organized.
Cleaning doesn't have to be an all day drudgery. Having a plan that works for you - on your schedule - even a few minutes a day - can make all the difference in the world.
Organizational Consulting Services