
Monday, March 4, 2024

Your "To Do" List is Overwhelming

Getting things done requires organization. You need a goal and a plan for completing your "task". 

Even things as simple as "grocery shopping" or "picking up painting supplies so that you can paint your living room" are tasks that should be scheduled - so that they actually happen. Making a list of what you need to get done each day helps you stay on track and makes sure that you don't forget something important.

In our busy lives - sometimes we just forget things! It happens.....  

Having a "To Do" list is great - BUT - for a lot of people - it's ovewhelming. And there is a difference between a "Daily To Do" list and a "running To Do" list. 

A lot of people (especially homeowners) have some type of a running list of things that they need to get done - to fix - to buy - to pick up - to drop off .....  And that list can be very, very long. It's basically a "brain dump" of anything and everything that they want to (or think they want to) accomplish. The list can be pages and pages long. Some people call it a "honey do" list.

The problem of overwhelm comes in when someone looks at that list and thinks that they have to get everything done in one day - or be labeled as a "failure". If you have 10 things on your list and you only accomplish 2 or 3 items on your list - you are a "failure" - according to your psyche. 

A "Daily To Do" list should only contain a few (3 - 5) items. They should be things that you can realistically accomplish in your day. If you accomplish 3 out of 5 items - then you can consider it a success.  But if you had 10 items on your list - only accomplishing 3 items would have been considered a failure.

You want to set yourself up for success - by being realistic in what you can accomplish given your time constraints. 

Each day (either the first thing in the morning or the previous night) - you want to take a look at your "running to do" list - and pick a few items to put on your "daily to do" list.

Set yourself up for success - keep your daily list short and your overwhelm under control.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

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Sunday, February 25, 2024

It's Time to Declutter Your Bathroom

Decluttering - room by room...

When was the last time that you declcuttered your bathroom

How old is that makeup?

How many creams and lotions do you really need?

A place that is seldom decluttered and organized is the bathroom. And it usually has a lot of "stuff" crammed into the drawers and cabinets.

Makeup and lotions expire - beleive it or not! It is a good idea to put a date on your makeup and lotions so that you know how long you have had them. 

Start with one drawer at a time and take everything out. Wipe out the drawer - it usually will have a lot of make-up dust in it. If you have dividers in the drawer - wipe those out also. Then take out each item and ask yourself when you actually used it last. Is it empty? Is it almost empty? Do you really like the item?

A lot of people buy makeup in a variety of colors - and then decide they really don't like the shade - but it never leaves the drawer! If you don't like it or are not using it - get rid of it!

If it's old - get rid of it. You don't want to take a chance of getting an infection by using make up that is old or has been contaminated.

If you don't have drawer dividers in your drawers - get some! They are really helpful in separating your makeup, lotions, brushes, hair clips....  It's much easier to find things when they are all together in one group. Also - you will probably use the items more if you can actually find them in the drawer - instead of  having to dig through a pile of "stuff".

Medicines expire - check all of the medicines - including such things as cough and cold  medicines, antacids,  pain relievers, sun screen, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic cream, laxatives.....  and anything else in your medicine cabinet - for expiration dates. If it's expired - throw it out! 

Make it a habit to declutter your bathroom at least a couple of times a year. It's much easier to maintain a space then to constantly have to take everything out and start from the beginning.

Happy Decluttering!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Friday, February 16, 2024

Declutter Your Kitchen

Decluttering and Organizing is not a "one and done" process. It's a "continuing process".  As we age - so do our "things". 

Each room of your home should be decluttered and organized on a regular basis. 

Today we'll talk about the kitchen.

We all know that there is a drawer in your kitchen that has tupperware without lids. Not sure where those lids disappeared to - but they are gone! You probably have tupperware that is cracked and badly stained (and doesn't look good). It's time to purge those old, beat up, lidless containers! 

What about old chipped glasses or dishes? They should probably be thrown out (they are not safe to use).

Then there are those old pots and pans with the non-stick surface that is all scratched up and coming off. These can release toxic compounds into your food - so into the garbage they go!

We are making progress - so keep on going!

Let's look in your cupboards - are there any small appliances that you never or rarely use? Yes - you probably had good intentions when you bought them - but if you aren't using them (making fancy drinks or chopping things into cute designs....) give them away - donate them - purge them. They are taking up valuable real estate in your kitchen.

Next, check out your spices. Are they old and expired? If so, toss them. 

Next - the freezer and refrigerator......   you probably have food (or a science experiment - because you have no idea what it actually is - because you didn't label and date it) that is expired. Toss it out!

Make it a habit to label all of your food (in containers or in the freezer) - with the contents and date.

You have just gained valuable space in your cupboards and refrigerator and freezer!

Make it a habit to go through your kitchen on a regular basis - at least a couple of times a year - to clear things that are broken, missing parts, not used or expired. 

Well - that was a good days work! Keep it up!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Did You Make New Years Resolutions? How to be Successful...

We are now in our 2nd month of 2024. Have you already thrown out your New Years Resolutions?

At the beginning of every year a lot of people "resolve" to start or stop some new or old habits. By February - everything is forgotten.

Why is that?

Maybe it's because the goals we set were unrealistic. We have great intentions but we tend to bite off more than we can chew. Instead of saying (for example) that we are going to lose 50 pounds six months (which could be unrealistic) - we should plan on changing our lifestyle and eating healthier. 

Another reason that people can't meet their goals is that most people need an accountability partner and without one - they will not be successful.

Having goals means making a plan. Making a plan means Time Management. Without time management people tend to get off track. And once people are off track - it's hard to get back on track. Time Management is an important component in being successful in life.

When all of these things don't fall into place - people tend to give up.  And there goes your New Years Resolution.

Being organized in your life means having a goal, then having a plan to meet your goal. Then breaking it down into manageable pieces. Putting those pieces into your calendar and managing your schedule and your time.

And most important of all - having an accountability partner to keep you on track.

Be successful in life by being realistic about what you can accomplish. If you need help - ask for it. Successful people surround themselves with knowledge and are willing to ask for help from people that have more experience then they do. 

If you need help in figuring out to make your goals a reality, or you have problems managing your time or paperwork  - reach out to a Professional Organizer who can help get and keep you on track!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Decisions to be Made Before You Organize

When some people decide that they want to organize their home - they just start "organizing". They go out and buy some bins and baskets and put random things into these bins without having made some very important decisions.

Such as:

What am I trying to accomplish?

Do I have a specific place for this item to go?

Do I really want or need this item?

Do I have room for this item?

Is this item in good shape - or does it work or fit?

And one very important question that not a lot of people think about ---

    What is the intended use of this room?

You don't start the "organizing process" by organizing - you start the process by decluttering first!

Start by picking up any trash (wrappers or other things thrown on the floor or left out instead of in the garbage).

Next - do a quick pick up of things that don't belong in the room and remove them from the room (anything on a kitchen island or dining room table that doesn't belong there). 

Doing these two things will make a huge difference immediately.  

But - then you need to take a step back and decide what it is that you actually want to accomplish. And you also need to decide what you want each room to function as.

Do you want the living room to be a room where the family watches TV or they play games or the kids do their homework? 

Does your bedroom also need to function as your "office" (since a lot of people might still work from home)?

Do you want your kitchen to also be the place that the kids do their homework or that you use as your "office"?

Is your entryway closet going to be used as a coat closet or as a toy cabinet? It's your home - you get to decide how each room and each space will be used. 

Once you decide how each room and each space will be used - then you need to start the planning process. Unfotunately, this is the step that most people skip over. Take your time and come up with a list of things that you migth need to make your project a success. This will save you time so that you aren't constantly running to the store or to different rooms to get something that you need. Get everything in place before you start.

Then you need to step back and really think decide if the way you set up the room (or space) is really working for you. If not - you need to figure out why. Move things to other areas or drawers. Consolidate all like items in one place. Whatever it takes to make it function better for you.

Start the organizing process by making these decisions before you start doing any organizing! 

Good Luck and Happy Organizing!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Setting Yourself up for Success - Not Failure!

It's a new year and everyone wants to get Organized! That's great! But where should you start?

The answer is simple:  start with what bothers you the most! There is no right or wrong answer. If an area of your home bothers you - fix it!

Most people don't start an organizing project until things get so bad that they can't stand it any lonoger - and then they go overboard!

They want to do a "whole house" organizing without really thinking about what exactly that entails - and being realistic on how long it takes. They jump right in - without planning anything. Because planning things involves time - and they want to get started right away - while they are "in the mood". 

And things don't go smoothly..... because they didn't take into account how long it really takes and they only have the weekend to complete the project,  what supplies they need, or that they need a lot of extra help with things.

If you want to be successful - you have to have a plan. A realistic plan (based on your abilities) that also includes a realistic time line. Most people underestimate the time it takes to do anything. For example - if you want to organize your kitchen pantry - you have to first take everying out of your pantry, then decide if any of the food is expired and throw that out - or if you actually use or like any of the things in your pantry and then decide if you want to keep it. Here we go again - making a lot of decisions - which all take time.

Once you've narrowed down what to keep and what to purge - you have to decide where it goes. Does where you had it make sense? Is it really conveneient? If not - where should it go? Does your pantry really make the best use of the space? 

Lots of things to think about....   And now you are out of time and everything is laying out all over the kitchen and you have to get to an appointment. 

Being realistic about how long things take (it's different for everyone), what tools and supplies you need, and your ability - is really crucial to your success. 

Set yourself up for success - by having realistic expectations. Time Management is crucial.

Instead of saying that you are going to do a "whole house organziing" this weekend - break it down into smaller projects. Start with one room or one corner of the room. Complete your organizing project and celebrate your success! Then on to the next smaller project. Eventually - you will have completed your "whole house organizing".

Set yourself up for SUCCESS - not FAILURE!

Keep on Organizing......

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Monday, January 1, 2024

Get Organized this GO Month!

January is Get Organized & Be Productive (GO) Month and there’s no better time to consult an organizing or productivity professional.

Clutter and disorganization can drain your energy and contribute to unwarranted stress, frustration, and anxiety. Ready to start the new year off right by getting organized and increasing productivity? Here are our top tips:

·      *   Clear out your files to start the new year off right! Go through each file and get rid of any papers that are not needed for your taxes or are not for any items that you no longer own. Be sure to shred any documents that have identifying information.

·     *    Make a folder for Tax Information and put anything related to your taxes into this folder.

·      *   If you have backup documentation for your taxes – put all of that together into one folder and mark it for the tax year. Keep all of your documents with your taxes in a separate tax box.

·       *   If you have spreadsheets that you use to keep track of anything, like donations or medical expenses – make new spreadsheets for the new year.

*   To make life easier when you are pulling all of your tax information together – make a spreadsheet of everything that you need to give to your accountant. List all the forms that you are expecting – such as W9’s, investment account information, as well as any spreadsheets with donation or medical expense information or anything else that you usually give to your accountant. By having a spreadsheet (or list) – you won’t forget to include things and you will know at a glance what documents you are still waiting for.

As a member of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO), I work to improve my clients’ lives by helping them create environments that support productivity, general health, and well-being. After all, working with a Professional Organizer & Productivity Consultant is no different than choosing an accountant, personal trainer, doctor, or other service provider!

About NAPO

The National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) was founded in 1985 as a nonprofit professional educational association for professional organizers. Today, NAPO has approximately 3,500 members worldwide, representing the full spectrum of the global industry:  professional organizers, productivity consultants, authors, educators, trainers, manufacturers, service providers and more. NAPO’s mission is to be the leading source for organizing and productivity professionals by providing exceptional education, enhancing business connections, advancing industry research, and increasing public awareness. Visit to learn more.


Karin E. Fried, CPC, EMT-B, CTACC

Professional Organizer & Productivity Consultant

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Member: National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO)
Member: Institute For Challenging Disorganization (ICD)
Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization
Certificate of Study in Basic Hoarding Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in Understanding the Needs of the Elderly CD Client
Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the CD Client

Certificate of Study in CD Client Administration
Certificate of Study in Life Transitions
Certificate of Study in Time Management and Productivity
Certificate of Study in Interpersonal Intelligence
Certificate of Study in Mental Health Conditions and Challenges Affecting the CD Client
CD Specialist - Level II Certificate

Hoarding Specialist - Level II Certificate

Certified Life & Business Coach