
Monday, March 18, 2013

Time - Life - Balance: Is It Possible ?

 Working, a career, family, kids, volunteer work, hobbies.....  put them all into a pot and you have stew - a mixture of everything and not one thing stands out on its own.  That's life !

But - is one thing more important than another?  If so, which one?  Your job or your family?  The never ending dilemma. How do you balance it all?  Or do you?   Without a job you can't support your family - we all understand that. But after that - things get blurred.

Is balance really important? Does having a "balanced life" really have an impact?  If so, how?

All of these are really important questions - and they are all very complicated questions.

Yes, some jobs might "seem" more important than others- such as doctors, surgeons, lawyers....but does that mean that your family life, your kids, your own personal happiness and fulfillment have to suffer?

At different points of your life and your career you might make some sacrifices based on your future goals.  But - when you are older and more established or when you are retired - you might second guess the decisions that you made when you were younger.

The bottom line is - you can never turn back time.  So the decisions that you make, though they might seem "right" at the moment - are decisions that you might regret later in life.

Family and your health, both physical and emotional are something that most people take for granted - or at least take too lightly.

By "planning" time for your family and yourself - actually scheduling "family" and "you" time - you will be more likely to have a "balanced" life - and you will be more likely not to regret putting your job first and your family last.

Life goes by too quickly - don't let it pass you by.  Give your family the priority it deserves and organize your life to include your family.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Want To Get Organized - Really I Do !

 I hear people say  "I want to get organized - really I do" - a lot. They say "I keep telling my husband (mother, sister,  friend...) that I am going to "organize my kitchen (bedroom, office, garage....)".

 I head it all the time.  Then I hear nothing.  Because after saying that they have all of these good intentions - the novelty of "getting organized" seems to wear off - like it's "too exhausting" to think about it any longer.

Getting organized takes planning. It takes effort.  It takes work.  It takes more than an hour - unlike the shows on T.V..  It takes getting everything out of the closet or room and making decisions.  It takes "thinking" about what hasn't worked and how you actually want things to work.  It's more complicated than most people think - yet, as an Organizer we get down to the simplest detail and build things up.  We look at the big picture and then turn if off and start small - one small area at a time in manageable pieces.

It you really wanted to "get organized"  you would. If you don't actually start the process - then maybe you weren't really ready.

You can't force someone to organize their space or their life - they have to be ready.  Only then will it actually work and be successful.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 4, 2013

Making Time Work For You

I'm sure that you've heard the old say  "You Can't Manage Time - You Can Only Manage Yourself".  It's true - but people still think that they can manage their time without any responsibility for how they manage themselves.

Sounds complicated doesn't it. But it's really very simple. If you want to be more efficient with your time, if you want to better manage your time, if you want to really accomplish everything that you put on your calendar for the day - you have to manage yourself instead of managing the time.

What that means is that you have to be responsible for your actions or in this case - your non-actions. There are so many distractions out there today that people get very easily sidetracked numerous times throughout the day and they don't really stick to their schedule or their priorities.

For a lot of the things that we have to do there is a definite time period that it takes to accomplish the task. We can't change that. But we can change the fact that we drag that time out because we get sidetracked - whether it's by checking our email numerous times during the day instead of working on a report that is due that afternoon or by seeing something that needs to be "fixed" so we stop to "fix" it as we go from one room to another in the house - even though we are working on a project in the basement.

Sticking to a schedule and getting your work or chores done, even though you don't really want to, even though other things are calling out to you, will make you accomplish your tasks in a timely manner. Then it's done and over with. And you will feel better for having accomplished the task - even though it might feel like a hardship at the time. Plow through it - get it done - and sit back and be proud of having accomplished something.

Everything in life doesn't have to be fun. We have a lot of  "normal - daily living" things that we need to do every day or every week. Putting them off just makes our job harder.

Plan your day - plan your time - stick to your schedule - don't get sidetracked - shut the door on distractions and make time work for you.

Don't let time get away from you by outside distractions. It only drags out your day and you still will have to get things done.

It might help you if you put everything on a calendar so that you can see how much time you have left in your week. Then you can rearrange your schedule to accomplish the highest priorities first and you can track where you went off schedule and where you might want to change your priorities to better fit your life.

Time should not be managing need to control how you manage your time.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 25, 2013

Closets - Make Them Work For You

Being organized is a lot easier when you have a properly functioning space. That means that the space is suited for what you want to put into it. Whether it's a clothes closet, kitchen cabinets or any other space - the actual space and how it's laid out makes a huge difference.

My having the space work for you and how you live, not your neighbor, you will be much happier and better able to function. For example - let's say that you are a female executive and wear mostly suits and dressier clothes. Your closet should fit your clothes. That might mean multiple hanging bars for skirts, jackets and blouses.

Your neighbor might work in a very casual atmosphere and wear only pants and sweaters.  They might need more shelving for their folded sweaters and they never wear suits so they don't need a lot of hanging room.

Unfortunately most closest only have a single hanging bar. Pretty useless when it comes to an efficient closet.

By just putting in a second hanging bar you have doubled your closet space. By adding another shelf on top you have created a more manageable shelf space where your sweaters aren't falling over (they should never be stacked 8 high - it makes it hard to get them in and out).

These are just some basic examples of how you can make some minor changes in your closets and get a lot more room and make better use of your space.

There are some great closet companies out there that can really make your closets more efficient. There are also a number of  "do it yourself" closet systems that might work for you.

By just reorganizing your closet to fit your needs and not the previous home owners you will save yourself a lot of stress and time in the morning when you are looking for that perfect outfit to wear to work. Being able to find it easily in your closet will make a world of difference in starting your day.

Happy Organizing ! 

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 18, 2013

Organizing for Seniors

Organizing is not as straight forward as people might think.  "Just get rid of stuff. Just move things around" some people would say.   Yes, that might be part of the organizing process but it does not take into account the special needs of each client.

Organizing for various age groups and people with varying degrees of capabilities requires special considerations.

As people age they might not have the strength to do the job themselves. They might get tired more easily. They might not be able to bend or lift things like people that are a lot younger. This also applies to people with varying health issues ...but for this session we want to talk about the special considerations that you might want to make when you are organizing with people that are a bit older.

If you are helping your parents or relatives that are over 60 you might want to take a step back and realize that they have different levels of energy, different ideas of what they want to let go of, different ideas on a lot of things.

As a non-professional organizer you might not think about all of the issues that they are facing but rather think about your own desire to just help them. This is a normal mistake that a lot (if not most) people make.

The first step that might help you is to just take a step back yourself and ask yourself  "how would you feel if someone came into your home and just started throwing all of your prized possessions and memories out?".  I am sure that the answer would be "not good".  So put yourself into their place, take a step back and think about them and what they want and need as you help them. Don't make this about you.

Some issues that you might have to deal with when organizing for seniors are:

Memory issues - they can't remember where they put things. Because of this they might have gotten into the habit of leaving everything out in the open (therefore causing a cluttered house) so that they can see it.

They constantly buy more and more (food or clothes.....or whatever) because they forgot they already have it.

Physical issues - they don't have the strength or stamina to clean up after themselves so they don't. Again, this is one possible cause of their cluttered home.

Mental issues - they no longer care about their home because they have lost a loved one and are depressed. Their friends are all dying and they have no social interaction.

All of the above are just some of the reasons that seniors might have more issues with clutter.

But clutter itself can also cause physical problems in that it creates a dangerous situation in their home with them tripping over the clutter and causing physical harm to themselves.

When working with seniors be sure to limit the amount of time for each organizing session. Make sure that they get plenty of breaks and snacks to keep their energy up.

So as you see.... organizing isn't just a straight forward project. It is a complex process that is different in every situation.

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Being Organized - vs - Being Efficient

A lot of people think that being organized is the same as being efficient. It's not.

Being organized  - though it has many facets - is more about having things in place. Your belongs, your schedule, your life. It's about having things arranged in a certain order. It's about being able to find things in a short amount of time. It's about knowing where to find things. It's about things looking presentable, neat, orderly.

Being efficient means that thing are done in the best way possible.

Being effective means that we are doing what's best.

Time Management uses both efficiency and effectiveness. Time management is about activities while organization is about things.

You can't really manage time. You can only manage how you use it.

You can't be productive if you waste time. You can't be productive if you aren't organized. Just because you do more in a day doesn't mean that what you have accomplished is worth anything. If the quality of the work you produced is not up to par - then have you really accomplished more?  If you produced less but the quality of the work or product was better - wouldn't you really be further ahead?

It's complicated and for the best results organization, efficiency, effectiveness and time management must all work together.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 4, 2013

Organizing Your Taxes

January is over and by now we should have most of the documents that we need to get our taxes done.

Yes, it's everyone's favorite time. Not !  Too much paperwork. Too much pressure.

So how can we make it easier?   Well, by having had an organized plan throughout the year for starters.

Most people never think about taxes and tax time until right before the tax deadline.  And that's when they get stressed out.

By thinking about your taxes throughout the year and having a place for anything that might be tax related, your actual "tax preparation time" .... the time it takes you to get all of your documents, supporting documents and anything else that you take to your accountant...ready....  you will have a much easier and less stressed time.

That said, start by just having a file for anything tax related. Put anything that comes in over the year into that file. Anything related to your home, your business (in a separate file), your savings....should all go into a file for your taxes.  That way you are not searching for it at year end.

Make a checklist of all of your saving & financial accounts and all of the documents that you need for your taxes. By doing this, when you are getting ready to take your paperwork to your accountant, you won't forget anything and won't constantly have to "think" about what you might be missing. This will save you time and stress each year.

For most people doing their taxes is not fun.  By having a system in place throughout the year you will spend less time at the beginning of the year hunting for those needed documents.

Happy Tax Preparation !

Organizational Consulting Services