
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feeding Your Family - Make Ahead Meals

Some people don't like to cook and spend a lot of money eating out. Or they think that they don't have time to cook so they order takeout. It all adds up to a lot of expense.

I've never known how to cook for one or two people.  We've always made enough for extra people or so that we can have leftovers.

I love to cook - but sometimes work and life just don't leave enough time for me to make those great big meals.  So when I am making something special like Lasagna - make two and freeze one for later!

When I make soup or pasta sauce - you can't just make a little bit!  I make a great big pot and freeze containers for those days that I just don't have time to cook. It's cheaper to pull out a frozen container of great food that you made yourself than to spend a fortune on feeding a family at a restaurant or even a fast food place. And it's much healthier.

When making chicken or a roast - make a little more than needed for that meal and use the rest later in the week. Get creative and save money!

When I make muffins I always make a double or triple batch and individually freeze them for later use. If you pull one out in the morning and stick them into your lunch it will be thawed and delicious by lunch time.

Get healthy, save money and spend time as a family - at home.

All it takes it a little "organization"!

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Making Tax Time Easier

Taxes - something everyone hates dealing with. And I'm no exception.

To make your life easier make a simple list of all of your bank accounts (with account numbers), 401K statements, mortgages, business information, donations, medical information and anything else that you might need for your tax preparer.

I update my list every year and just check off the statements as they come in. That way I'm sure that I have not forgotten anything.

Tax time is very stressful and even the most organized people dread it.

But by having a list to check off all of the needed documents it will make your life much easier and you won't miss anything.

Another good use for this list is for your family - just in case you were in an accident or in preparation for your death.  I know that it might sound morbid - but your family should know where all of your financials are located to make their lives easier.  Coping with the loss of a loved one is not easy and having to sort through a lifetime of paperwork at that time is not something anyone wants to do.

Being organized is not always about you. It helps your family too!

Now - get back to your taxes before that deadline!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 3, 2014

Stuck Inside? - Organize!

It's winter, snowing and cold (or so they say!).  Some of us are enjoying the beautiful and peaceful snow by going on long winter hikes through the forest. While others are complaining that they are stuck inside with nothing to do.

Nothing to do?  Really?  There's always something to do!

Maybe you don't want to start any big projects and just want to sit in front of your T.V. and be warm and cozy.  That's fine. We all need to do that at times. But you can still accomplish some tasks that you have been putting off.

How about grabbing that stack of mending that's been sitting on your table - waiting for you?  I finally got around to hemming and patching numerous pairs of pants, socks and sweaters that needed a bit of attention. You can do that while you sit on the couch!

Or if you want a few quick "chores" during the commercials - how about:

*    cleaning your coffee maker - run some vinegar through it to clean it out
*    clean out the lint in your dryer
*    dust a few pieces of furniture
*    polish some of your shoes to make them look more professional
*    make individual snack bags for your kids lunches for the week
*    write out this months birthday cards
*    go through your stack of magazine that are sitting on the floor and get rid of the ones you've already read
*    make a "to do" list of things that need to be fixed in your house

There are many "small" things that can be done while you are sitting under that blanket complaining about having "nothing to do".

So -  keep warm and get Organized!

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Resolutions - How Are You Doing ?

January is coming to a very fast close. So - be honest - how many of you made New Years Resolutions? And how many have actually kept them this far?

Everyone knows that by the time January nears a close most people that actually made resolutions have already let them go by the wayside. Don't beat yourself up - you are in the majority.

Everyone knows the reason for this - the resolutions are too hard, too big and "life changing".  And most people aren't ready to change their life in January.

Making changes is something that you have to be ready for. And just because you feel the pressure to make a change in January - when the whole world is promising to change - doesn't mean that you are ready. It's just a lot of peer pressure.

So give yourself a break. Step back and re-analyze your resolution. Is it really something that you are ready for? Is it something really attainable?  If you have bitten off more than you can chew - the only thing that will happen is nothing. You will quickly get disenchanted with your lack of success and stop. Period. Just stop.

Part of being organized is knowing your limitations and knowing what you need to get yourself motivated. That is why everyone joins a gym in January. So that they have someone to give them a push and hold them accountable. But with so many new people at a gym when a few fall off - no one really notices and you really don't matter. They aren't there just for you - but for the gym.

That is why a personal trainer is usually more effective. They know your weaknesses and try to find a way to motivate you into gaining the results that you are after.

So there are a number of lessons here:

1) Don't make resolutions that are too broad - be very specific - such as "I will organize my kitchen cabinets" - instead of  "I will organize my entire house"

2) Be honest with yourself and set a realistic time frame based on your level of energy.  "I will spend one (1) hour a day working on my kitchen until it's done" instead of "I will organize the entire kitchen in one afternoon".   If you get tired and frustrated before you are done - you will stop and never continue.

3) Know your limitations. "I am not an organized person and I have no idea how to get the best use out of my space".  If you don't know how to fix your plumbing - you call a plumber. So if you don't know how to organize - call a Professional Organizer.

4) I always start projects - but never finish. Again - a lot of people need a coach / mentor - to help them reach their goals. Look at all of the workout tapes on the market - and still - in January - people sign up for a gym - because they need the push of a "real person".

5) After setting realistic goals that you can accomplish in a time frame that is reasonable and do-able for you - be proud of yourself for that small goal and stop beating yourself up because you didn't organize an entire house in an hour.

Remember....  organizing is a process. An ever-evolving and on-going process.

So - step back and re-analyze your situation. One small step at a time.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 20, 2014

Filing Your Taxes - Are You Prepared ?

It happens every year. Taxes are due. People everywhere are eagerly awaiting their W2's so they can file their tax returns. Right?

Maybe not - there are a lot of people that put off getting all of the needed paperwork together until the very last minute. Why?  Because they aren't organized. They can't find the information they need. It's not in a convenient location or in a convenient format.

Receipts have been misplaced or are non-existent. Stress builds up and all thoughts of taxes are pushed out of their thoughts. Until April. And then the panic sets in. Again.

This happens every year. So why not break the cycle?

Put together a list of all of the things that are needed to file your taxes. Then make folders and as these things come into your home - put them in the appropriate folder.

Make sure that you have a "donation" folder - for all of your donation receipts.

Have a folder for your investment information. A folder for your medical bills. A folder for childrens expenses. A folder for major purchases.

The system has to work for you. Each person is different and has different information that they need to capture.

Use this year - as you get ready to prepare for your taxes - as a learning tool for what kind of information you will need to capture for next year.

By being organized - by having all of the needed information in one place - your life will be much less stressed.

Tax time is not a fun time for anyone - except tax accountants.  So take the stress out of the equation by being more organized.

Keeping good records throughout the year will make year end and tax time a breeze.

So take a deep breath and get your paperwork in order and resolve to make next year a better one.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 13, 2014

January - Get Organized Month - (GO Month )

January is " GO Month ".   "Get Organized".

It's a time when there is a big push to let people know that being "Organized" is important and that it can change your life. It's a time when Professional Organizers get out there and help other organizations get organized to give them a boost in confidence and show them how organization can lead to better productivity.

"During GO Month, NAPO's annual national public awareness campaign promoting the benefits of getting organized, NAPO professional organizers and productivity specialists help individuals, families, organizations and businesses in their communities kick off the new year by regaining control over their surroundings, time and possessions. Each January, NAPO chapters and individual members host local and online events, appear in the media, and use blogs and social media to help empower people to streamline their home and work habits to save time, save money and reduce stress."

Organization plays a huge role in our lives. From having an organized life, home or office - being organized reduces stress.

Something as simple as getting ready for work in the morning can induce stress if you are running late or your can't find your briefcase or can't find your black blouse to match your suit.

Juggling kids and a job and getting everyone where they have to be - on time - requires being organized.

Getting through your hundreds of emails and completing your work or school project requires organizational skills.

There are so many areas where being organized plays a critical part of our day.

So start now - and think about how your life could change for the better if you were more organized.

Remember -  "Less Clutter = Less Stress" - in your home, office or life.

Happy GO Month!

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Resolutions - A More Organized New Year

It's New Years Eve....and tomorrow is the start of the New Year!  It's the day that everyone makes New Years Resolutions.....  What is yours going to be?

Why don't you start the new year off right by promising to try and GET ORGANIZED.  The key word is try.  Make a real effort... to at least think about it.

Don't make big promises that you can't or won't keep. Don't say that you are going to organize your entire house....when you probably won't.  Make a commitment to think about changing your life by becoming more organized.

One step at a time.......   You can't rush organization.  You can't change your habits in one hour or one day. It takes time.

Making a commitment is scary to a lot of people.  But once you do....and once you start the actually organizing process..... you will wonder why you waited so long.

And it is a "process".  Having an organizing coach....a Professional Organizer.... just like your workout coach.... will help keep you focused and going in the right direction.

So..... make a plan. Any plan. How about "organizing your office".  Or "organizing your kitchen".

Break it down into manageable pieces. One drawer at a time. One hour at a time.

Once you have accomplished one task and can physically see the will be inspired to continue.

So make that New Years GET ORGANIZED !  You will be glad you did !

Wishing you a very Happy and ORGANIZED New Year !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 30, 2013

Another Year ....How Did You Do ?

The year is almost over. I hope that your Holidays were good, not too stressful and filled with family and lots of great desserts!

Now is the time to reflect on the year gone by and what you've accomplished. Did you get everything done that you wanted to?  If not, why not?  I'm sure there are many excuses - some good and some are just excuses.

It's been a really difficult year for us. The loss of numerous family members and friends and therefore some of the things I would have liked to accomplish - well - I just didn't. And that's o.k.  Sometimes you need to take time to step back and just catch your breath.

"Situational disorganization"  happens to all of us. Even the most organized person has a right to "do nothing" and let life happen. Without everything being perfectly in place.

But there comes a time when you have to take back control of your life and pick up your clutter and get your house in order. Sometimes manual labor is the best medicine there is.

Put your house in order. Put everything back where it belongs. Get rid of the clutter and see how much better you feel in a clean and organized space.

Sometimes organization is all the therapy you need.

Look back at your year and think about how you would like to make the next year better.

One small step at a time.

Let's close 2013 with a look at a better 2014.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year!  If you have your 2014 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. That way you will be ahead of the game for next year.  For example:

* Write out cards
* Start Xmas shopping
* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day to get the some of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can't realistically get done at this point.... LET IT GO!  For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

For more great organizing ideas during the Holidays: 

Re-read:  Holiday Gift Ideas.... or Dont's

Re-read:  Planning Ahead for the Holidays

Re-read: Organizing Your Closets for Christmas

Remember - the Holidays are about family and friends - not stuff.  Don't let the stress of trying to do everything at the last minute ruin the true meaning of Christmas.

Sit back and watch some of those great old holiday movies and enjoy the holidays.  It's been a long year - you deserve it!

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter in the West - Is Your Car Stocked With the Essentials ?

It's cold out there ! Below zero !

Living out in the west - and driving long distances without a town or gas station in sight - brings about it's own problems.

Unlike being in a big city where there is a gas station and help within a block - living out in the west - with lots of land and few people - presents it's own challenges.

So – the question is ..... are you prepared ?

Now is the time to stock your car with winter essentials.

In your backseat:
* Snow brush
* Ice scraper (or two – various sizes)
* Blanket
* Gloves (keep extra’s in your car)
* Hat
* Scarf

In your glove compartment:

* Paper
* Pen
* Matches (in something waterproof)
* Candle (in a tin) – this can be used if your flashlight doesn’t work or for extra heat
* Tissues
* Hand wipes
* Cell Phone Car Charger
* Flashlight (make sure the batteries are good – or get a windup one)

In your trunk:

* Salt, cat litter or something to throw under your tires if you get stuck
* Extra Windshield Fluid
* Extra Antifreeze
* Spare Tire
* Shovel
* Jumper Cables
* First Aid Kit (basic)
* Towel (this can also be used as an extra blanket)
* Rope
* Bungee Cords
* Duct Tape (so many uses!)
* Tire Gauge
* Tire Repair kit
* Road Flares
* Fire Extinguisher (small one)
* Plastic Garbage Bags

If you are going to be driving outside of the city limits I would also suggest that you keep water and snacks in your car, especially if you have kids. You never know when an accident might keep you tied up for a long time and you will need water to keep you hydrated and snacks to keep the kids occupied.

Being prepared is always the best defense. Now relax and embrace the weather.

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, December 6, 2013

Growing up German, St. Nicholas Day was a very big deal for us. And still is. A boot is put outside the door on the night of the 5 th of December.

St. Nicholas fills the boot with candy, chocolate and small gifts. As kids we liked to use my Dad's shoes because they were obviously bigger, which meant more candy! In the morning we would race to see what St. Nicholas brought us.

To me St. Nicholas Day is super special. It reminds me of my heritage. It is also the start of the Christmas season.

I want to wish all of you a very HAPPY ST. NICHOLAS DAY !!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wishing you and yours a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING !

Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Cards - Start Now

It's not even Thanksgiving but already the stores are primed for Christmas.  Sales and Santa's are everywhere.

You can't get away from it. It's sad. Thanksgiving is over before it even gets here and commercialism has taken over.

It's hard to enjoy one holiday at a time when they all seem to run together. But this is the time to remember your family and friends and reach out to people, your friends and family, that you have neglected over the past year. It's not entirely your fault. We are inundated with so many obligations that we can barely keep up with all of the kids activities that friends sometimes go by the wayside.

So instead of sending Christmas cards where you barely sign your name to the card - write a short note that really means something.  Not a "form letter" that you send to every person in your address book. Write something special and meaningful to each person individually. A few sentences mean a lot.

Start now. A few cards every day so that you are not overwhelmed. Make it personal.

With email and texting, cards and real letters seem to have gone by the wayside. But getting a piece of real mail means something. Something special.

So start now - one card at a time. And before you know it you will be done.

Happy Holidays!

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Organizing Your Events - When To Let Go

Special events - such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays - are - special. And you want them to be perfect. And they should be. Even if they are bigger than your normal events and even if you are planning them yourselves and doing all of the work - either because you want to or for financial reasons.

But sometimes the added stress and chaos that follows is not worth the "savings" that you think you are getting.

If you are the "center of attention" - the bride, anniversary couple or birthday gal - it pays to let go. You probably don't want to - either because you are a perfectionist, need that control or you think you can do it less expensively.

But when things start going wrong - and they will - even if you planned every detail - you will start to experience a lot of stress and emotions that you never thought you were capable of.

And emotions lead to rash decisions or lashing out at everyone around you.

In organizing big events you can't do it all alone. You first need to have a team of people in place that can help you and that you can count on to handle the disasters that may occur. These people will need to be able to adjust and change gears quickly and not get flustered - because if everyone falls apart at the same time then disaster will strike.

And having everyone tell you that "everything will be o.k." - doesn't really help - especially when you are in an emotional crisis because the occasion you are planning is important to you.

So let go ..... be the center of attention and let someone else handle all of those details on your very important day. You will be glad you did.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hoarding - the Aftermath

Hoarding is a very serious and devastating situation. It is emotionally draining. For the Professional Organizers that work with Hoarding clients it is unlike what you see on the T.V. shows. It is much more personal and more devastating.

Sometimes clients come into your life and make an impact that you never expected. One such client of mine was a hoarder.  As with most hoarders Professional Organizers usually know to expect the worst. My client was a wonderful, highly educated woman with a problem. A problem that I always suspected would eventually lead to her death.

But - she was lucky. As I had anticipated a fire did break out in her home but she was pulled out of her house by some neighbors and she survived. Not without extensive physical damage. But she survived.

The fire did finally force her out of her home and she is now living in a nursing home where she is getting the treatment she deserves.

Not everyone is so lucky.

Hoarding is a serious problem.

Read some of the stories from the past:

Langley Collyer

He lived with his brother, Homer, who was blind and paralyzed, in a three story mansion in New York.

It was filled from floor to ceiling with newspapers, boxes, barrels, crates and 10 grand pianos.

On March 21, 1947, the New York police received a tip that there was a dead body in the house. They broke down the front door but couldn’t get in because of all of the stuff.

They climbed in through a second story window and found Homer, dead. He had died of a heart attack.

The house was a maze of nests & tunnels and was booby trapped. There were trip wires that would bring down debris on any intruders.

Workers cut through the roof and lifted out 136 tons of junk.

After 18 days they found the body of Langley Collyer who had been dead for weeks.

It appeared that he had been crawling through a tunnel to deliver dinner to his brother when he triggered one of his own booby traps and suffocated. Homer had then starved to death.

What was salvageable from the tons of junk that had been collected, sold for less than $ 2,000 at auction. The house, condemned as a health and fire hazard, was razed. Today it is a parking lot.

Grey Gardens

In the early 1970s, two women related to Jackie Onassis were the subjects of the critically acclaimed documentary, Grey Gardens, about eccentric behavior. The women, Edith Bouvier Beale and her mother, Edith Ewing Bouvier, were former New York socialites who spent their days holed up in a decrepit East Hampton mansion.

When the Suffolk County Board of Health raided their house, they found piles upon piles of garbage amid human and animal waste. It was said that only three of the mansion’s 28 rooms were used, while the others were occupied by hundreds of cats, possums and raccoons.

When word of the deplorable conditions got o Jackie-O, she and her then-husband Aristotle Onassis paid $32,000 to clean the house, install a new furnace and plumbing system, and cart away 1,000 bags of garbage.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thanksgiving is getting closer....start getting ready now!

The decorations and cooking supplies are already out in the stores. The holidays will be starting soon.  There are a lot of things to think about and a lot of things to get organized. 

Here's an article that was written some years back - it's time to read it again:


Yes, “Organized“, “Stress Free” and “Thanksgiving” can be used in the same sentence.

It all starts with the word “organized”. Don’t let it scare you. Embrace it. By being organized and planning ahead you can actually enjoy a holiday.

Start by deciding on what you want your holiday to be like. Do you really want to serve a sit down dinner for twenty (20) people? Or would a buffet be acceptable for you? Would it be acceptable for your “family”?

The pressure of trying to please everyone, especially parents and doing things “exactly” like when you were little and everything was perfect is how the “stress” starts.

It’s your house and your dinner party. You can start new traditions. I didn’t say that it would be easy or that you wouldn’t get some flack, but all “traditions” started somewhere. Make your own. You deserve some happiness.

If you really want a fancy sit down dinner party but twenty (20) people is too much for you to handle then cut the guest list down.

If you really want all twenty (20) people there then maybe you should consider a buffet. It’s much easier and your family will eventually come to terms with the fact that maybe you aren’t serving a formal sit down dinner, but the food is just as good.

You can make Thanksgiving as simple or as complicated as you want….it all depends on how organized you are willing to be.

A good way to keep the stress levels down is to divide and conquer.
Enlist your family for help. Don’t take “no” for an answer. This is your holiday too and you have a right to enjoy it.

And we all know that old saying “if Mom isn’t happy, no one is happy”.

Start at least two (2) or three (3) weeks before Thanksgiving.

Decide on the type of gathering (formal or informal), the size of the guest list and the menu.

Don’t attempt to make something new for dinner or try out a new dessert that day. It could turn out to be a disaster and that would cause you more stress. If you really want to try a new dish….test it out prior to Thanksgiving.

Menu: Do you really want to serve cranberry relish and sweet potato’s even if you don’t like them and only serve them because “they are always served at Thanksgiving”?

Make up your own menu (yes, it is radical). Serve something different. Serve something you like!

If you are having a small Thanksgiving dinner don’t feel obligated to serve Turkey. I know, blasphemy! Last year I made stuffed Cornish Hen. It was wonderful and just as delicious as turkey. You can also stuff a small chicken or even a duck! Or be really different and have Ham! The possibilities are endless.

Start new traditions! It’s not easy to buck the system but once you make up your mind that you deserve to be happy and stress free on a Holiday you will wonder why you waited so long.

Remember, the whole point of a Holiday is family and friends and spending “quality” time together. Everything does not have to be perfect. Be thankful for what you have and not for what you don’t.

A great piece of advice: don’t attempt to clean your oven Thanksgiving morning before you put in the turkey. I did that once, years ago. I then found out that after the oven is cleaned it needs to cool down and the oven will stay locked for another hour or so after it’s done. And you can’t open it! It certainly put a dent into my dinner timetable!

By starting early and making lists and getting as much done ahead of time as possible you will avoid a lot of stress.

Once you have your menu planned work backwards and make up a timetable to what needs to be done. For example: if you want your dinner to be served at 6 p.m., what time do you have to put the turkey into the oven? What time do the potato’s and vegetables need to be started? Just make a list and put it on your refrigerator door so that you don’t have to second guess yourself and aren’t panicking at the last minute.

When your family or guests start to arrive your mind and attention will be elsewhere….so a list can help you stay on track. Don’t leave anything to chance.

A few days before Thanksgiving:
* Shop for all of the essentials, including as much of the food as can be purchased ahead of time
* Make sure that you have enough spices and things that you will need for the food (and rarely buy)
* Do any of the baking or make any desserts that can be made ahead of time
* Thaw the turkey (the size will determine how many days it takes to thaw in the refrigerator)
* Buy the wine or any beverages

The day before Thanksgiving:
* Buy any last minute items at the grocery store
* Chop anything that can be chopped ahead of time (vegetables, bread for stuff…but do not stuff the turkey ahead of time) and put them in plastic bags so that you will be all ready to go the next day
* Make sure you have enough ice
* Prepare any of the food items that can be made ahead of time
* Make your family aware of exactly what you need them to help you with on Thanksgiving.
* Having assigned tasks for your kids and spouse ahead of time takes away some of the stress of what’s expected of them the next day.

The night before Thanksgiving:
* Set the table and get out all of your platters and serving dishes.
* Make sure that you have enough dishes and silverware. If you don’t, now is the time to call one of your guests and ask to borrow something. Don’t wait until the last minute to find out that you broke the gravy boat last Thanksgiving and never replaced it.

When I entertain I love to use all of my special platters and dishes. I love to fuss over my family and I love to set a very special table. I don’t consider it extra work or a hardship or stressful. It’s my way of telling my family and friends just how special they are.

But again…..the Holiday and family and friends are what’s important….not the china or the food. So if you aren’t the type of person to pull off a sit down dinner with all the decorations don’t beat yourself up. There are only so many Martha Stewarts around. And she has a staff to help her!

Thanksgiving Day:
* Wake up early so that you can have some “you” time to have coffee and relax before
the day starts (it will get stressful enough later, so the morning might be the
only time you have)
* Read over your lists and timetable
* Gather all of your food and cooking utensils, pots and pans ....
* Measure out everything that you can ahead of time and set it aside
* Follow your time table and start making the food according to the schedule
* Once the food comes out of the oven let it rest a while (you can cover it with
* Start cutting the meat and plating the food
* Have family members start their assigned tasks (setting out and serving food,
pouring the drinks…)

ENJOY your meal…… sit and talk…..

After the meal:

Have a plan in place to clear the table. Since I always make a ton of extra food so that my guests can take home leftovers I start with portioning the leftovers into plastic containers and putting each family’s containers into a plastic bag and setting it near the door so that they don’t forget them.

Once I have the leftovers divided up and mine put away in the refrigerator and freezer I then start to collect the rest of the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I don’t start the dishwasher until after they leave so that we won’t be bothered with the noise.

Again, this is where your family members can jump in and help clear and stack dishes. It makes quick work of things when you have other people help.

I need to have as many things cleared up and put away as possible before I start serving dessert. This also gives everyone time to rest and relax before they start eating again.

Some people like to leave the dishes and the mess until the next day. And sometimes I wish I could too, but its worse the next day when you get up and walk into a mess. I’d rather get it done and over with.

Make quick work of it (or as much as will fit into the dishwasher) and then sit and relax and spend time with your family.

Remember, a Holiday is supposed to be enjoyable. If it’s not, figure out why it isn’t and change it. Skip the big complicated meal, the fancy desserts and the good china and make it as simple as you are able to handle.

Start your own tradition….and make it about family!

Happy Holiday !

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, October 25, 2013

Help to Organize Your Office

Whether you work in an office at home or in a regular office being organized is crucial to your success.  By being organized you will be able to complete your work in a more efficient manner with less stress.

By organizing your files, your email, your schedule.... you will be able to look more professional and won't constantly be looking for things.

File management, paper management - is very time consuming. Keep your business and yourself on track by being efficient.

Read some of the following posts to learn how to be more productive.

Organizing Your Email:

Organizing Your Files:

Organizing Your Home Office:

Business - Organizing Your Schedule and Paperwork:

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 14, 2013


Everyone has a different idea of what clutter is.  For some people their room can look like a tornado hit and "everything looks fine".  For other people, just having a few things out of place is traumatic.

Clutter is....stuff.  Stuff that is out of place, that should not be there, that doesn't belong in the room, that is not useful.  Clutter is whatever you think it is.  It's all about how "you" feel.

But  "clutter causes stress".  In the back of your mind you are probably thinking  "I should do something about this mess".  But you don't.....    You'll get to later.  But you never do.

Don't let clutter rule your life.  Get to it now!  Don't wait!

Just remember a simple rule.  If you bring it into a room .....take it out!  If it doesn't belong in the room ....take it out!  If it bothers you....take it out!

By letting clutter pile up you will only create more work for yourself later.  And you know that old saying "later never comes".  It will be there forever.  It will keep building and building until you are so overwhelmed that you don't know where to start.

By getting into the habit of putting things back where they belong instead of just leaving them where you dropped will cut down on your work and your stress.

Yes.... it does take a bit of practice to break your old habits.  It feels uncomfortable to do something completely different than the way you've done it for years.  But..... once it becomes part of your everyday life you will notice how much more time you have and how much neater and less cluttered your house looks.

And your running around to "get ready for company" will be cut down to a few minutes of fluffing a few pillows.

Your house does not need to look "perfect".....but living without clutter will give you many benefits that you never even thought of.

Happy Organizing!

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Organize Your Kitchen For the Holidays

It's getting near the Holiday season and I can smell the food already!  Cookies, pies and all kinds of great foods that we only make a few times a year will soon be seen in our kitchens.

Are you ready to start cooking?  Do you have everything you need?  Do you know where all of your special dishes are?  Your cookie cutters?  Your special molds?  Those seldom used special recipes?

Having an organized kitchen is the key to a stress free holiday season.  If you've been out to the stores lately you will see that all of the baking supplies are neatly stacked in the aisles ready for you to buy.  They are teasing you and reminding you to stock up now!

Start cleaning out those cupboards and make a list of everything that you will need to start planning your holiday season. Give yourself plenty of extra time so that you will enjoy the process and not feel forced to have "fun" in the kitchen.  By being prepared ahead of time and having everything you need at your fingertips you will be able to enjoy the atmosphere and the holiday spirit.

Baking and cooking for your family and friends for the holidays should be a fun and enjoyable experience.

By being prepared and having everything in your kitchen organized and ready to go will give you one less thing to be stressed about.

The holiday season is meant to be enjoyed.  Being organized makes life easier. Make it a family event and teach your kids how to make those special holiday cookies!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall is Here - Winter to Follow - Get Organized Now

Yesterday was the 1st day of Fall. My favorite time of year. But depending on where you live snow could be just around the corner - or in some places - have already happened.

Move your summer toys to the back of the garage and reacquaint yourself with your snow blower.

It's time to winterize your garage and get ready for the snow. A good place to start is by taking everything out of your garage and giving it a good sweeping.

Throw out any broken items and put any items that you no longer use in the "donate" pile. That would include any toys that your kids have outgrown.

If you have any leftover gardening supplies (mulch, dirt, bulbs, seeds....) or anything that you won't be able to use next spring, get rid of it.

Re-arrange your garage to put the snow blower where you can easily reach it. Make sure that it is ready to use by doing any maintenance that it might need.

Make sure that you have access to any snow shovels or anything else such as salt for those snowy days.

Some people might still be able to use their lawnmower a few more times before the snow falls, but plan on having your lawnmower winterized and empty it of any liquids according to your manual.

By organizing your garage before the weather gets really bad you will save yourself a lot of headaches in trying to find everything when the bad weather hits.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 16, 2013

Organizing - A Family Affair

Having an organized home has so many benefits. Your home looks good, you can find things easily, you save money by not constantly buying things that you already have and you are less stressed.

But at what cost?  Having that organized home takes time. And with everyone being so busy, time is something that most people don't have a lot of.

So how do we get around this problem?  Family !

That's right - everyone has to help. Isn't that what family means?  Helping each other?

Maybe cleaning up each persons room is "their" responsibility - but all of the "shared" spaces - like the kitchen, living room and bathrooms - should also be a "shared" responsibility.

When you are sharing space - you need to share the work of keeping it organized (and clean).

Everyone should have a "spot" in the bathroom for "their" stuff.  Everyone should pick up after themselves.

Everyone should be taught to put away their dishes in the dishwasher (or assign kitchen tasks).

Everyone should help prepare meals (either prep work, cooking, setting the table or after dinner clean up).

The kitchen is always the center of the home. Cooking together does more than get the meals on the table faster - it's a time to bond.  Or as the kids say "date time" (yes, we have exciting dates). It's a time to talk and go over your day.

In the living room - after everyone is done reading their magazines or books or playing with their toys - put everything back where it belongs.

You bring it out - you put it away !   A great motto !

Having an organized and clean (or tidy) home is a family affair.  And it cuts down on the time it takes to get things done.

Get your family involved and take the stress off of just one person.  Teach your kids something they can use in adulthood.

Organizing - it isn't just for grownups!

Have a great and organized day !

Organizational Consulting Services