
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Productivity & Time Management and Budgets - oh my......

Being organized involves a lot of areas.  It's not only about organizing your space - but it's about organizing your time and your life.

Organization affects all areas of  your life. From your closets, your living areas, your time, your thoughts, your social life, your money and so much more.....

To be successful you need to be organized and have a plan.  Being organized decreases your stress levels - because you know where you are at - and where you need to go.

Being productive requires organization. Time management is a huge part of being productive.

Time management and productivity is something that is usually not taught - yet it is a crucial part in a persons success.

Being successful also entails understanding your finances. Don't put your head in the sand and expect everything to turn out alright! Money is one place where you don't want any surprises!

Below are two products that can help you get a handle on your productivity & time management and help you understand and plan our your budgets.


Learn techniques for being more productive. Learn your productivity type and why down time is so important. Discover your peak energy time. Learn how to use your calendar more efficiently to become more productive.


Learn how to get comfortable with money. Learn how to create a decision making system that allows you to be in control of your finances. Learn now to track plan your long term goals and to create a budget. Not for business only!


Get to the root of what's holding you back from earning what you should. Learn what  your money blocks are. By changing your inner dialogue you can change your life. Dare to dream big and get comfortable with money.

Order at:    Organizational Consulting Services - Product Page

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, August 28, 2017

Productivity - How to Make It Happen

What is productivity?  According to the dictionary - it means "being efficient".
Are you being "efficient" in your life?  Are you being "efficient" in your "time management"?

By being organized - and purposeful - in your day - you can get more done with less stress.

So - how can you make it happen?

Start by planning your day - the night before. Even if you don't work "outside" the home.

Having some type of a calendar (either paper or electronic) - can make a huge difference.  Writing things down is a lot easier than trying to remember everything!

Write down all of your appointments on your calendar.  When going to your appointments - remember to leave yourself enough time to get there. Plan for traffic or other unexpected delays.

The night before your appointment - get everything ready that you might need (if it's a doctors appointment you might to take an updated list of medications or vitamins and write down any new problems or symptoms).

If you have a meeting scheduled - get everything ready for your meeting. Don't wait until the last minute.

Plan your day to make the best use of your time. Plan your driving so that you are not driving from one end of the city to the other numerous times.

If you can combine errands - so much the better.

Pack your lunch the night before. Get your clothes ready the night before. These two things alone will save you a lot of time and stress in the morning. If you start your day out stressed - it will continue through the day.  By starting with a stress free morning you will be more productive.

During working hours try to limit your interruptions. If people stop in your office - ask them to come back at a more convenient time - or schedule a meeting at a later time - so that you can finish your project.

Limit the amount of time you spend checking your email. Check your email a few times a day - instead of every time you receive a message. This will save you a lot of wasted time.

Being productive takes practice.

Start with small steps and soon you will be on your way to saving time and reducing your stress.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Certificate of Study in Time Management and Productivity

This certificate covers the principles of time management and productivity as they relate to working with the CD client. To earn this certificate, Fried was required to take attend numerous courses that explored topics such as how to deal with procrastination, managing priorities, working with clients with Autism and various other issues, time management techniques and more.

Karin E. Fried of Organizational Consulting Services has earned a Certificate of Study in Time Management and Productivity from the Institute of Challenging Disorganization (ICD). The purpose of ICD’s study series is to provide both basic and specialized topic education on issues, concepts, and challenges presented by client work with the chronically disorganized.

The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) promotes continued learning in this highly specialized field. ICD’s mission is to provide education, research and strategies to benefit people challenged by chronic disorganization. ICD explores, develops and communicates information, organizing techniques and solutions to professional organizers, related professionals and the public. 

This certificate focus on time management and productivity issues faced by people with chronic disorganization. To earn this certificate, Fried was required to attend numerous courses that explore topics such as how to deal with procrastination, how to manage your priorities, how to work with clients with Autism and various other challenges, time management techniques and more.

Prior to completing this coursework, Fried has also earned her Level II Chronic Disorganization (CD) Specialist Certificate, a Certificate in Basic Hoarding Issues with the CD Client, a Certificate of Study in Understanding the Needs of the Elderly CD Client, a Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the CD Client, a Certificate of Study in CD Client Administration, a Certificate of Study in Life Transitions, a Certificate of Study in Interpersonal Intelligence and a Certificate of Study in Mental Health Conditions and Challenges Affecting the CD Client.

The Specialist Certificate provides in-depth information on chronic disorganization and how to help CD clients manage more effectively in relation to getting and staying organized. 

“My ongoing education allows me to work with clients who are chronically disorganized in a very specific manner” said Fried. Increasing my knowledge will enable me to provide the highest quality individualized services to my clients”.

Organizational Consulting Services provides both business and residential organizing services. As a Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant, Fried works with a variety of clientele, from people who need just basic organizing help, people with chronic disorganization and hoarding issues, people with all types of issues such as TBI’s, Asperger’s, ADD; clients that need help with paper and time management, clients that need help with estate or life management and anything in between. Fried also provides virtual organizing to clients all over the world. 

For more information, please visit