
Showing posts with label NEW YEARS RESOLUTION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEW YEARS RESOLUTION. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2019

A New Year is Coming......

 Well - it's almost the end of 2019!

So much to do to get ready for the New Year.

There are New Years Resolutions to make (and break....) . 

Tax information to start gathering.

A new calendar to bring out and update with all of your family and friends birthdays and special occasions.

Vacations to schedule for the year.

Gardens to start planning for the spring.

So much to look forward to....  

Start the new year off right - by sitting back and thinking about all of the things you have to do and more importantly - want to do - and then scheduling them - so that you actually do them!

By starting the new year off Organized - you will be happier and Less Stressed! 

Check out the Products page of our Organizing website - for products that can help you get and stay Organized!

Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 15, 2018

Starting a New Year by Getting Organized

Getting Organized is one of the biggest "New Year's Resolutions" that people make. But are they being realistic?  Don't make promises (even to yourself) that you can't keep.  You might try - for a short while - but then it becomes too much of a hassle and you stop.

Wanting to change, to make things better is a good thing. But - be honest with yourself, know your limitations and set realistic goals. Don't bite off more than you can handle.

Being more organized is a good thing!  There is no downside to it!  But after looking at the "big picture" - break it down into smaller pieces and realistically set goals based on what you know you can accomplish - in a given time frame.

Male sure that you have some type of filing system in place for all of your financials and important papers. Make sure that you have a 2017 Tax File - for all of the documents that you will be receiving shortly. Pull out all of last years information and box up what you need to keep (for tax purposes) and pitch the rest (remember to shred!).

This is not the most fun project - but a necessary evil.  Just do it - and get it over with.

Why don't you start the New Year off right by promising to try and GET ORGANIZED.  The key word is try.  Make a real effort - to at least think about it.

Don't make big promises that you can't or won't keep. Don't say that you are going to organize your entire house - when you probably won't.  Make a commitment to think about changing your life by becoming more organized.

One step at a time.......   You can't rush organization.  You can't change your habits in one hour or one day. It takes time.

Making a commitment is scary to a lot of people.  But once you do - and once you start the actual organizing process - you will wonder why you waited so long.

And it is a "process".  Having an organizing coach - a Professional Organizer -  just like your workout coach - will help keep you focused and going in the right direction.

So, make a plan. Any plan. How about "organizing your office".  Or "organizing your kitchen".

Break it down into manageable pieces. One drawer at a time. One hour at a time.

Once you have accomplished one task and can physically see the difference - you will be inspired to continue.

So make that New Years GET ORGANIZED !

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New Year - New Beginnings

January is under way and everyone is starting to collect all of their financial papers and documents for our favorite time of year. Yes, I’m talking about “tax time”.

January is “get organized” month. And most people don’t even bother to make New Years resolutions anymore.  W4’s and financial papers will be showing up in everyone’s mailbox.

A a lot of people are feeling a bit stressed right now. They are trying to gather all of their papers and get everything organized to take to their accountants. And some people are feeling a bit cranky. Because they don’t know where anything is or they haven’t documented anything or it’s in piles everywhere.

So what’s the answer….. “make a resolution to get more organized this year”.

New Years resolutions on New Years day - well - no one takes them seriously anyway. But a resolution later in month -  after you have had plenty to time to think about it - must be a “serious resolution”.

Get your files in order. If you don’t have a filing system, create one. Put your bills and receipts into the proper files as they come in. Keep accurate records. Have a plan in place to work on your bills and financials at a specific time (every week, every other week... whatever works for you).

Decide now that you don’t want to feel stressed and cranky this time next year -  by making a resolution to become more organized now.

And then….. do it !

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year - 2017 !

Wishing all of you a very  HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!

May it be filled with lots of joy.....  and no clutter ! 

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 4, 2016

Getting Organized in 2016

2016 is finally here! People are making New Year's Resolutions.....but are they being realistic?  Don't make promises (even to yourself) that you can't keep.  You might try - for a short while - but then it becomes too much of a hassle and you stop.

Wanting to change, to make things better is a good thing. But - be honest with yourself, know your limitations and set realistic goals. Don't bite off more than you can handle.

Being more organized is a good thing!  There is no downside to it!  But after looking at the "big picture" - break it down into smaller pieces and realistically set goals based on what you know you can accomplish - in a given timeframe.

I've already made all of my new spreadsheets for 2016 and starting logging information as it comes in.

I've made new files for my bills and a file for 2015 taxes where I can put documents as they are mailed to me. I am going through my filing cabinet and pulling out last years information and boxing up what I need to keep (for tax purposes) and pitching the rest (remember to shred!).

This is not the most fun project - but a necessary evil.  Just do it - and get it over with.

Once you start taking down all of your holiday decorations you might also want to do some extra cleaning and some more purging.  If anything is broken or old - don't just put it back in the box - get rid of it!

If you haven't put away your new holiday gifts - think about getting rid of the old things (clothes, toys, gadgets....) that you haven't used in a while.

Start 2016 off with a clean slate.

Happy Organizing!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 28, 2015

End of the Year - DeClutter for 2016

2015 is coming to a fast close.  The New Year will soon be here. Before the year ends take a realistic look at all of the new things that you acquired over the holidays. I'm sure that you probably have duplicates of things that you already have. Newer, of course - but duplicates.

Before year end - go through some of your gifts and decide if it's not time to "release" your old things. 

If you received some new clothes - go through your closet and decide what you can get rid of.  Anything that is too small, doesn't fit properly, you never actually wore....  

Be realistic - unless you have tons of extra closet space that you have never filled up - something has to give!

Get rid of your old sweaters or shirts that you rarely ever wear.

Get rid of books and movies that you have finished.

Get rid of anything that you have not used in the last six months.

Someone out there can probably use it - so - donate it!

By making more room in your closet  you are actually taking better care of your clothes. They are not so cramped. They will hang better and you will actually be able to see them - thus - you might actually wear them.

Start 2016 off by being ORGANIZED!

One small step at a time....

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Years Resolutions - Reality Setting In

January is winding down. Most people have already put away all of their Christmas decorations. Everything is getting back to "normal".

And with "normal" comes a reality check. This promises that you made to yourself - and probably told a few people - have probably already gone out the window.

The "I am going to lose weight",  "I am going to start exercising" and my favorite "I am going to get more organized".

Good intentions - but follow through always seems to be a problem.

Everyone gets so caught up in everyone's enthusiasm that they make promises that are hard to keep. It's not that people are intentionally breaking their "promises" (or goals). It's just that it's hard - especially when you don't see immediate results and have no one around that is pushing you - being your cheerleader - telling you what a great job your doing.

Which is one reason those exercise tapes don't work. You can turn them off and ignore them. Not so much when you are at the gym and the trainer is pushing you to your limit.

It's for your own good!

That's why having a workout buddy is a good thing. You can each push the other person to give their "all".

Being organized - getting organized - is a process. And it's not always a fast process. Things get messier before they get neater and more organized. You don't always see results in the first hour or the first day.

You (your home or office) didn't get disorganized and cluttered in an hour - and it's going to take more than an hour to get organized.

It's one step at a time -  one small space at a time - one room at a time.

Progress will come. Maybe slowly for some. There could be some slight resistance - not intentional - but it's there. For some people it's a slow process to get to the point where they are "ready" to let go and get their space to be clutter free.

Being - and getting organized - is an ongoing process. One that you have to stick to - even when you don't feel like it.

As a certain sports company says "Just Do It"!

Now stick to your resolutions and get yourself organized!

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Clearing Your Clutter in the New Year

Some people are starting to put all of their holiday decorations away. So take it one step further and start the New Year off right by clearing all of the clutter throughout your home.

The easiest things to clutter - are flat surfaces!  People get into the habit of just putting things down wherever there is a surface. The problem is - they never pick it up and move it to where it's actually supposed to go.

As Professional Organizers like to say "everything should have a home".

So as you are putting away all of your holiday decorations - clear everything off of each surface (each coffee table, desk, dining room table, kitchen table, counters.....).

Then take a step back and decide what should go there - what actually belongs in that room and on that surface (table).

Keep out only what you actually need or use every single day. If it's an item that you only use once in a while - put it away (somewhere that makes sense).

The less that you have on the surface - the cleaner and less cluttered it will look.

It's a quick and easy fix that will transform a room instantly!

Go through each room of your home and do the same thing. Look at each surface and decide what you really use on a daily basis - and put the other things away. Your home will instantly be refreshed.

Then take it one step further - and for your New Years Resolution - resolve to put things where they belong immediately - so that you don't end up in the same boat a week from now. It's not easy to break a bad habit and it's harder to make a new one feel natural - but stick with it - and soon you too will live in a clutter free zone.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy NEW YEAR - 2015 !

Wishing all of you a very  HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!

May it be filled with joy.....  and no clutter ! 

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Resolutions - How Are You Doing ?

January is coming to a very fast close. So - be honest - how many of you made New Years Resolutions? And how many have actually kept them this far?

Everyone knows that by the time January nears a close most people that actually made resolutions have already let them go by the wayside. Don't beat yourself up - you are in the majority.

Everyone knows the reason for this - the resolutions are too hard, too big and "life changing".  And most people aren't ready to change their life in January.

Making changes is something that you have to be ready for. And just because you feel the pressure to make a change in January - when the whole world is promising to change - doesn't mean that you are ready. It's just a lot of peer pressure.

So give yourself a break. Step back and re-analyze your resolution. Is it really something that you are ready for? Is it something really attainable?  If you have bitten off more than you can chew - the only thing that will happen is nothing. You will quickly get disenchanted with your lack of success and stop. Period. Just stop.

Part of being organized is knowing your limitations and knowing what you need to get yourself motivated. That is why everyone joins a gym in January. So that they have someone to give them a push and hold them accountable. But with so many new people at a gym when a few fall off - no one really notices and you really don't matter. They aren't there just for you - but for the gym.

That is why a personal trainer is usually more effective. They know your weaknesses and try to find a way to motivate you into gaining the results that you are after.

So there are a number of lessons here:

1) Don't make resolutions that are too broad - be very specific - such as "I will organize my kitchen cabinets" - instead of  "I will organize my entire house"

2) Be honest with yourself and set a realistic time frame based on your level of energy.  "I will spend one (1) hour a day working on my kitchen until it's done" instead of "I will organize the entire kitchen in one afternoon".   If you get tired and frustrated before you are done - you will stop and never continue.

3) Know your limitations. "I am not an organized person and I have no idea how to get the best use out of my space".  If you don't know how to fix your plumbing - you call a plumber. So if you don't know how to organize - call a Professional Organizer.

4) I always start projects - but never finish. Again - a lot of people need a coach / mentor - to help them reach their goals. Look at all of the workout tapes on the market - and still - in January - people sign up for a gym - because they need the push of a "real person".

5) After setting realistic goals that you can accomplish in a time frame that is reasonable and do-able for you - be proud of yourself for that small goal and stop beating yourself up because you didn't organize an entire house in an hour.

Remember....  organizing is a process. An ever-evolving and on-going process.

So - step back and re-analyze your situation. One small step at a time.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Resolutions - A More Organized New Year

It's New Years Eve....and tomorrow is the start of the New Year!  It's the day that everyone makes New Years Resolutions.....  What is yours going to be?

Why don't you start the new year off right by promising to try and GET ORGANIZED.  The key word is try.  Make a real effort... to at least think about it.

Don't make big promises that you can't or won't keep. Don't say that you are going to organize your entire house....when you probably won't.  Make a commitment to think about changing your life by becoming more organized.

One step at a time.......   You can't rush organization.  You can't change your habits in one hour or one day. It takes time.

Making a commitment is scary to a lot of people.  But once you do....and once you start the actually organizing process..... you will wonder why you waited so long.

And it is a "process".  Having an organizing coach....a Professional Organizer.... just like your workout coach.... will help keep you focused and going in the right direction.

So..... make a plan. Any plan. How about "organizing your office".  Or "organizing your kitchen".

Break it down into manageable pieces. One drawer at a time. One hour at a time.

Once you have accomplished one task and can physically see the will be inspired to continue.

So make that New Years GET ORGANIZED !  You will be glad you did !

Wishing you a very Happy and ORGANIZED New Year !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 30, 2013

Another Year ....How Did You Do ?

The year is almost over. I hope that your Holidays were good, not too stressful and filled with family and lots of great desserts!

Now is the time to reflect on the year gone by and what you've accomplished. Did you get everything done that you wanted to?  If not, why not?  I'm sure there are many excuses - some good and some are just excuses.

It's been a really difficult year for us. The loss of numerous family members and friends and therefore some of the things I would have liked to accomplish - well - I just didn't. And that's o.k.  Sometimes you need to take time to step back and just catch your breath.

"Situational disorganization"  happens to all of us. Even the most organized person has a right to "do nothing" and let life happen. Without everything being perfectly in place.

But there comes a time when you have to take back control of your life and pick up your clutter and get your house in order. Sometimes manual labor is the best medicine there is.

Put your house in order. Put everything back where it belongs. Get rid of the clutter and see how much better you feel in a clean and organized space.

Sometimes organization is all the therapy you need.

Look back at your year and think about how you would like to make the next year better.

One small step at a time.

Let's close 2013 with a look at a better 2014.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 31, 2012

Organizing for the New Year

It's New Years Eve....and tomorrow is the start of the New Year!  It's the day that everyone makes New Years Resolutions.....  What is yours going to be?

Why don't you start the new year off right by promising to try and GET ORGANIZED.  The key word is try.  Make a real effort... to at least think about it.

Don't make big promises that you can't or won't keep. Don't say that you are going to organize your entire house....when you probably won't.  Make a commitment to think about changing your life by becoming more organized.

One step at a time.......   You can't rush organization.  You can't change your habits in one hour or one day. It takes time.

Making a commitment is scary to a lot of people.  But once you do....and once you start the actually organizing process..... you will wonder why you waited so long.

And it is a "process".  Having an organizing coach....a Professional Organizer.... just like your workout coach.... will help keep you focused and going in the right direction.

So..... make a plan. Any plan. How about "organizing your office".  Or "organizing your kitchen".

Break it down into manageable pieces. One drawer at a time. One hour at a time.

Once you have accomplished one task and can physically see the will be inspired to continue.

So make that New Years GET ORGANIZED !

Wishing you a very Happy and ORGANIZED New Year !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 6, 2012

Revising our Resolutions

We are now entering our second month of the new year. Most people have made some type of "New Years Resolution".

So.... how is that working out for you? Have you been keeping up with them?

My guess would be "no". But don't worry, you are probably not alone. So now is the time to "get real" and take a look at what you really wanted to accomplish and change your expectations.

If you haven't accomplished everything that you wanted to in this new year or you aren't as far as you planned....then maybe you set yourself up for failure. And we don't want that. So change your expectations to be more realistic. It's not a bad thing. It's a reality check.

Wanting to be organized and being organized are two totally different things. You have to be honest and realistic with yourself. If you only have a limited amount of time then you can't expect to get everything done in half the time it really takes.

Look at your plan and redo the time line. Break your project down into smaller more manageable projects that you can actually finish in the time you actually have.

As your mother probably said "your eyes are bigger than your stomach". Don't bite off more than you can chew. Pick a project that you can finish so that you will be successful.

Then you will have accomplished your goal and you will feel successful. And in turn you will want to go on to your next project. And eventually you will have accomplished everything that you wanted to in your New Years Resolution. One bite at a time.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 9, 2012


January is GO MONTH. NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) has made this month the month for Professional Organizers to turn up the volume and get noticed. It's the month where we give back to the community and teach everyone that being organized can make a huge difference in our lives.

Being organized allows us to function better and more effectively. It helps us save time and money. It decreases stress.

And let's face it..... It makes our homes and offices look better!

For business, a professional image, even if you are a home based business, can make a huge difference. By having an organized office you are showing your clients that you care and presenting the image of success. First impressions make lasting impressions. If they see a messy and disorganized office they probably will think twice about doing business with you.

I've had many residential clients say that they don't invite people over to their house because they are embarrassed by the clutter. So their social life suffers.

Take charge of your life and your surroundings and start the new year off on the right foot by making a commitment to GET ORGANIZED !

Learn more about getting organized by calling a Professional Organizer and seeing how they can help you.

For January GO MONTH check out our SPECIAL DISCOUNTS and FREE LECTURES for NON-PROFITS. (see website for contact info).

Remember ....

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year - New Goals

Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year !

As in every new year everyone seems to make a lot of "promises" on how they are going to change their behavior. And as most of you never works. Not for more than a few weeks at least.

In the upcoming new year what you can do is reflect on what you didn't like about your life last year and come up with a list of reasons why you want to make this a better year. Without reasons to change you won't actually make the changes. Be honest with yourself and let yourself know that (insert what you want to change) bothered you because (insert reason) and you want to feel better this year by changing it.

Make the resolutions very narrow. If they are too big then you will never follow through.

Don't say "I will be more organized this year".

Say "I will organize my kitchen" or "I will organize my office" or "I will organize my garage".

Pick one thing. Don't say "I will organize my entire house". That goal is too big and once you start you will get tired and give up on the entire goal.

Pick one small area to organize.

Be realistic on how long the project will take.

Pick an "end date" of when you want to have the project done.

Be realistic on how much time you have to spend on the project each week. Then further break it down into each day.

Make a list of what tools and accessories you will need for the project. Then make a time table of when you will go out and get the needed things for the project.

If the project is something like "organize the kitchen" get everyone involved. If there are multiple people using the space you are going to organize they will need to know where you moved things to and why.

Knowing the "why" is very important. By explaining your new "system" to everyone you will have a better chance of getting them aboard with the changes and have better luck in keeping your new organized space.... organized.

Once you have established a list of goals and a time table you need to take some time to sit back and make sure they are realistic for you and for your busy schedule. If they really aren't then you won't ever be successful. Be honest with yourself. Just because you want a new organized space and you have a plan, doesn't mean that will follow through. Only you can know that.

Sometimes we need help and someone to push us to follow through with our goals. There is nothing wrong with that. Knowing that upfront will save you a lot of time and frustration.

The year has barely started. Take this week to think about your goals and what you really can accomplish. If you know that you will need help to accomplish those goals....ask. Only then will you be successful.

There are so many ads out there now for people trying to lost weight and all of the support systems out there..... so don't think that by asking for organizing help you are any worse off than all of the other people that need a coach to push them to their ultimate goal.

And yours for this year is to "GET ORGANIZED .... one step at a time " !


Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year - Fresh Start

It's January. A New Year. A new start.

January is “get organized” month.

Decide now that you don’t want to feel stressed and disorganized this year….by making a resolution to become more organized.

And then….. do it !

Make a plan. One project at a time. One room at a time. One closet at a time. One drawer at a time.

By breaking things down into small projects you will be able to manage them more easily and will be more likely to follow through.

As you start putting away your Holiday decorations and presents remember a few basic rules:

* One in - One out >>> if you received some new clothes get rid of some old ones that you never wear or are worn out

* A place for everything >>> find a spot for those presents, don't just put them any old place

A New Year = A Fresh Start. Now is the time to start organizing your home and your life. Take a look at what takes up your time and stop doing things that don't bring you joy anymore. Life is too short to waste.

You have an entire year to get organized. Start now.... a little at a time. And soon you will wonder why you ever waited so long.

Happy New Year !

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, January 24, 2010


January is winding down and everyone is starting to collect all of their financial papers and documents for our favorite time of year. Yes, I’m talking about “tax time”.

January is “get organized” month. And most people don’t even bother to make New Years resolutions anymore. And W4’s and financial papers are showing up in everyone’s mailbox.

What does any of this have to do with anything?

Well… it seems that a lot of people are feeling a bit stressed right now. They are trying to gather all of their papers and get everything organized to take to their accountants. And some people are feeling a bit cranky. Because they don’t know where anything is or they haven’t documented anything or it’s in piles everywhere.

So what’s the answer….. “make a resolution to get more organized this year”.

New Years resolutions on New Years day.... well... no one takes them seriously anyway. But a resolution at the end of the month... well... you’ve had plenty to time to think about it... so it must be a “serious resolution”.

Get your files in order. If you don’t have a filing system, create one. Put your bills and receipts into the proper files as they come in. Keep accurate records. Have a plan in place to work on your bills and financials at a specific time (every week, every other week... whatever works for you).

Decide now that you don’t want to feel stressed and cranky this time next year….by making a resolution to become more organized now.

And then….. do it !

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services