
Showing posts with label LIFE COACH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFE COACH. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2011


Being organized is not only about having an uncluttered and orderly space. It’s about having an organized life and about having less stress in your life.

By having “a place for everything and everything in its place” you are saving time and money. I’ve said that numerous times before. And it’s true.

What I’ve found is that a lot of people think that money grows on trees. Because I seem to find it wherever I go. Not only do I encounter a lot of loose change all over the house, the floors, counters, couches and everywhere else I also find $5, $10, $20 bills in piles everywhere and on the floors. And I seem to be the only person that notices this. But it all adds up! Even the dimes and quarters add up to a lot of money. Once I had a client make fun of me for handing them the dimes and quarters that I found throughout the house. But I found at least $20 in just a couple of hours. That’s not peanuts. It pales in comparison to another client where I literally found over $200 in change and small bills on the floors throughout the house.

I guess it must be nice not to have to worry about money and to just walk over it and not care. But not everyone has that luxury.

Another example of wasting money is by not having a system in place for your bills and then accruing finance charges and ruining your credit rating because you don’t pay your bills on time. And the number one reason is because the bills are just thrown in a pile somewhere and then just overlooked. Or accidentally thrown out and forgotten.

Disorganization costs you money. A professional organizer can help save you money by showing you how to make some minor adjustments in how you do things. Some people can benefit by using a life coach to teach them skills that they don’t have. Stop throwing away your money. Get organized.

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 20, 2010


There are so many things that we juggle every day. Work, family, kids, friends, school, extracurricular activities…. How do we manage to fit it all in? How do we manage to keep it all together?

How do we manage not to get lost in our lives?

Everyone is so busy today… and we are all being pulled in so many directions. How do we know if what we are doing is right or wrong?

Sometimes we doubt ourselves. And our life choices.

So how do we get back on track?

One way is to use a “life coach”. Why not? You have a coach for other things in your life.. like your workouts / health, business consultants, career coaches… Why not have a “life coach” that can help with balancing “all” the areas of your life. Balance between work and family. Balance between what you are doing with your life and what you “want” to do.

A life coach will help you figure out your priorities. They can help you figure out what’s stopping you from achieving your goals. They can help you figure out what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.

If your life is in transition they can help you find your direction in life. What’s important in your life. They can help you with a “plan”.

Most people know what they want their life to be like. They just need someone to push them in the right direction. Coaching is a partnership. A life coach will ask you “where you are now”, “where do you want to be” and “what’s stopping you”.

They point you in the right direction…. They help you find it inside of yourself.

Life coaching can cover many aspects of your life. From stress management, career planning, business coaching, family and life balance, time management and so much more.

A life coach looks at things from a different perspective than you do. They are an outsider who can see things that you can’t. They help you get and stay on track.

But…. before you can utilize a life coach you must be ready to change. You must be ready to achieve your goals. To find your direction in life. To listen.

Once you have made up your mind that you want a better life, happier life or more balanced life you will be open to the guidance that a “life coach” can give you.

If you can organize your home and your business… isn’t it about time that you organized your life?

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, February 15, 2010


People have asked me “Why do people hire you to organize their home? Can’t they just do it themselves?”.

The simple answer is “NO, they can’t”.

But there is nothing simple about the “real” answer.

It’s sort of like asking “why do people hire someone to mow their grass?”. The answer, “because they don’t have the time”. Or “because they don’t like yard work”. Or simply “because they don’t want to do it themselves”.

Yes, a lot of people are “capable” of “organizing” their own home. But they need someone to stand over them to direct them and to make them do it. They tend to second guess themselves and really need an outsider’s opinion and direction.

People that have a disorganized workspace or home are not less educated, in fact a lot of people with disorganized spaces and clutter are actually very bright and highly educated. And that’s part of the problem. They think that the task of “organizing” is “boring” and they can’t stay focused long enough to get anything accomplished.

Some people just get overwhelmed when they try to start organizing a space. Instead of focusing on one aspect at a time they look at the entire room and just see one big mess and start hyperventilating. Then they just throw up their hands and call it a day.

A professional organizers job is to get the client to focus on one aspect at a time and go through a “process”. They need to keep the client on track to get the job done.

Some people were just never taught any organizational skills when they were younger.

Some people just let things go too long and the clutter got out of control and they know that the project is too big for them to handle.

A lot of people think that being “organized” is too time consuming. They don’t understand that once you are “organized” you will actually save a lot of time because you will be able to find things easily. Maintaining an organized space is also a lot less time consuming because you aren’t spending a lot of time thinking about how you are going to organize the space, it’s already organized. You are merely putting things into designated spaces.

When you have an entire family that is disorganized it is really important that everyone is on the same page if you are going to get your space de-cluttered and organized. If your family won’t cooperate with your plan to organize your home it’s almost impossible to have an organized home. Another reason why people tend to throw in the towel. “Why bother, they are just going to mess it up anyway”.

It is crucial that the entire family is on board with the organizing plan. A professional organizer can transform a space…but if the family isn’t on board with the idea, the space will just go back to the cluttered mess that it was before the organizer got there.

A Professional Organizer does more than just de-clutter and organize a space. They also educate the client (and the entire family) on why a space should be organized. On how to organize a space. On how being organized saves you time and money. And on how “being organized” is a crucial lesson that will stay with them the rest of their lives and will be something they use in all aspects of their life.

Being “organized” isn’t only about space management and clutter control. It’s about time management, paper management, project management and life management.

Organization affects all aspects of your life.

Start today and have a more “organized” life.

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, February 4, 2010


A professional organizer isn’t just great for helping you organize your closet.

They can help you in many ways that you probably never thought of.

They can help you with space management, showing you how to use your space more efficiently.

They can be a life coach, guiding you through the clutter of your life.

They can be a business coach, helping you organize your procedures and workflow.

They can help you with time management, showing you how to make better use of your time.

They can help you with paper management, dealing with all of the incoming paper and creating a filing system.

They can help you with project management, defining your goals and coming up with a game plan.

They can help you with organizing and planning meetings and events.

By becoming more "organized" you will also become "less stressed", "more efficient" and will "save time and money" .

Less Clutter = Less Stress ….. in your home, your business and your life.

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, January 24, 2010


January is winding down and everyone is starting to collect all of their financial papers and documents for our favorite time of year. Yes, I’m talking about “tax time”.

January is “get organized” month. And most people don’t even bother to make New Years resolutions anymore. And W4’s and financial papers are showing up in everyone’s mailbox.

What does any of this have to do with anything?

Well… it seems that a lot of people are feeling a bit stressed right now. They are trying to gather all of their papers and get everything organized to take to their accountants. And some people are feeling a bit cranky. Because they don’t know where anything is or they haven’t documented anything or it’s in piles everywhere.

So what’s the answer….. “make a resolution to get more organized this year”.

New Years resolutions on New Years day.... well... no one takes them seriously anyway. But a resolution at the end of the month... well... you’ve had plenty to time to think about it... so it must be a “serious resolution”.

Get your files in order. If you don’t have a filing system, create one. Put your bills and receipts into the proper files as they come in. Keep accurate records. Have a plan in place to work on your bills and financials at a specific time (every week, every other week... whatever works for you).

Decide now that you don’t want to feel stressed and cranky this time next year….by making a resolution to become more organized now.

And then….. do it !

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, January 22, 2010


A lot of people are working out of an office at home these days. For a variety of reasons.

* They are self-employed and don’t need an office outside of the home
* They work in sales and don’t need a desk at their companies office
* Their company is letting them “telecommute” from home so that they can save money on
office space
* The company doesn’t want to lose a valuable employee who has children and wants to be at

The list goes on and on….

Working from home also saves you money (on gas, wear and tear on the car, clothes, lunches….). And it also cuts down on pollution from your car.

But working from home also brings about some challenges. There are a lot of distractions.

You might have a tendency to throw in a few loads of laundry while you are downloading some software or waiting for an important phone call. Or you might want to run the vacuum cleaner and dust while you are waiting for a fax to go through.

In order to work at home you must be very disciplined. You have to act in a professional manner just as if you were in an office outside of the home. That also means getting dressed and not working in your pajamas (who knows if your boss might stop over?).

My old accountants had an office at home in their basement. They had remodeled it with state of the art computer equipment and if you didn’t know you were in the basement you would have thought you were in a first class office building! Every morning they put on their business suits and worked from 9 am till 5 pm. They were always ready for a client to stop by or to go off to a business meeting. They ran their home office like a real business. They saved a lot of money by not paying for additional office space and therefore they were able to keep their overhead down.

On the other hand, some people never get out of their pajamas when they work and the clients on the other end of the phone don’t know the difference.

Being professional when you are talking to a client on the phone, no matter what you are wearing, is crucial in having a home office.

Working at home if you have small children brings on a whole new set of “challenges”. Having a child screaming in the background when you are trying to talk to a client is not very professional. By scheduling your calls to clients while the children are sleeping or while they are busy with a project of their own is one way around that problem.

Having a “dedicated” work space is very important. If you treat your “at home” business like a real business you will be much more successful. By having a desk or workspace set up with all of the essentials and having a filing system in place you will be much more organized and efficient.

Working at home should not be an excuse for “slacking off”. You should have the same dedication and drive as if you worked in a “real office”. And you definitely have to be the type of person that can work by youself…without having someone standing over you telling you that you have a deadline to meet.

It’s not for everyone. Some people need the interaction that an outside office brings.

But if working from home is something that you want or have to do (maybe because you live in a remote area), then treat your office at home as if you worked in an office building.

Have the proper tools and the proper attitude. And you too can be successful and happy “at home”.

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, January 1, 2010


It’s a New Year and everyone makes “New Years Resolutions”. Why don’t you make one that says “I will be more Organized”.

I don’t mean that you need to run out and buy all types of “organizing gadgets”. Or that you drive your family crazy with your new found organizing obsession.

What I mean is that you should start with small steps, such as making a list of ways that you can “organize” your home, business or life. Just like your resolution to exercise more will probably go by the wayside, so will your resolution to be more organized... if you don’t fully commit to it.

It took years to develop your behaviors and it will take you weeks or months or longer to change them. It’s a lifestyle change.

Once you have made a list of what you want to change in your home, business or life (and this has to be your idea or it won’t work) then you need to start implementing the changes. One at a time, otherwise you will become overwhelmed and you won’t stick to anything.

I’m a list maker. I have a list or an Excel spreadsheet for everything. My family makes fun of me but my motto is “why re-invent the wheel”. If you have repetitive tasks they can be turned into lists. I have a “what to take on vacation” list. Every family member has their own column and they check off things as they pack them. Now things aren’t forgotten and I don’t hear “Mom, I forgot my bathing suit”.

I have a list for “what to pack for college”. And yes, my daughter refused to use it the first year. But the following year I heard “Mom, can I have the college list...”. Music to a mother’s ear. I’m not as useless as I thought!

I have lists for school supplies, list for groceries, lists for vacations, lists for medical information, lists for donated items, lists for events that I go to every year and equipment I need to take, lists for meetings…… and on and on. There is no end in sight.

If you do it more than once ... make a list. That way you won’t forget anything.

If you have a list of spaces to organize or projects to do, break them down into manageable pieces. For example, break down the “I’m going to organize my kitchen” project into smaller projects. Such as:

* I’m going to organize the kitchen drawers
* I’m going to organize the kitchen counters
* I’m going to organize the kitchen cabinets
* I’m going to organize the kitchen pantry

That way you can start and finish each project in one sitting and feel like you’ve accomplished something, instead of getting tired or frustrated and never finishing it and then never starting another project. Start a small project. Finish a project. Feel proud of yourself. Go on to the next project.

Not everyone can become organized on their own. That’s why there are “Professional Organizers” that are there to help you and to teach you how to become more organized (teaching should be part of the organizing project).

Since most people call a plumber or an electrician when they have a plumbing or electrical problem, why shouldn’t you call a Professional Organizer when you have an organizing problem?

By having a Professional Organizer help you with your organizing dilemma you can get more accomplished in less time. A Professional Organizer is there to guide you through the process.

How many people have bought workout tapes for use at home but never used them? Good intentions but people tend to work harder when they go to a gym and have someone watch over them than when they try to work out by themselves.

So call a Professional Organizer and let them help you become more Organized – Less Cluttered – and Less Stressed.

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Professional Organizer 4 U

A Professional Organizer does more than "organize" your closets. Or your kitchen. Or the garage....

A Professional Organizer can help you organize almost every aspect of your life.

It isn't only "rooms" that need to be organized ....... but your entire life.

Stop and think about it. If you have a job you need to be organized. You need to know when you have to be at work. You need to know when projects are due. You need to get them done, in a timely manner, following certain steps, in a certain order.

If you have a family, you need to get the kids to school on time, get them to all of their doctors appointments, their after school activities... Plus, you have to make dinner and help them with their homework.

You then have to juggle your kids and your spouse and your job.

This can't happen if you aren't organized.

Well.... it can happen....badly....

But if you were organized things would run smoother....and you would be less stressed.

You would get to where you needed to be, when you needed to be there, with as little stress as possible.

Sounds like a fairy tale ?

No.... it really is possible. requires planning and organization.

School is going to be starting in a few weeks (believe it or not)...... Are you ready? Or are you going to wait until the last minute and be stressed out and fighting over the last of the school supplies with another parent that waited until the last minute?

That's just one example of how being organized can help you..... by keeping you on track and making your life run smoother.

Being organized in your job, having your office organized so that you can find things easily can help you save time and money.

Having an organized home to come home to will not only make your life less stressful but it can lead to downright happiness !

Sit back and think about walking into a cluttered mess where you can't find anything........ and then think about walking into a home where everything is in it's place and you feel a calm come over you and you can relax.

A Professional Organizer can help you organize your home so that you can feel calm and stress free in your sanctuary. They can show you how to make your home flow better and teach you how to keep your spaces organized.

A Professional Organizer can teach you how to de-clutter your home and your life. They can teach you structure and a way that works for "you".

And that's the important part..... it has to work for "you".

A Professional Organizer is non-judgemental and caring.

There is an entire psychology around being organized. So don't beat yourself up over not being organized. Maybe you were never taught to be organized.

An outsider.... a Professional Organizer.... can show you the way to a More Organized You !

Call us today....... and let us help you change your life !