
Showing posts with label Getting Organized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting Organized. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2020

Starting 2020 Organized and Clutter Free

          January – New Habits & Things to Do
#   # 1 ·         Make 4 Goals that are Measurable & Achievable. 

·                            Add them to your January calendar. 

·                            Each week give yourself an estimated percentage to 
                 complete for each goal. 

·        Seeing concrete results often helps you achieve goals sooner.

# 2 ·        Transfer all appointments and ongoing tasks to your
            2020 calendar or planner. 

       Don’t forget Birthday reminders, bill payments and anniversaries.

# 3 ·         Schedule ‘Me time’ for yourself at least once every week.
             Stick to it

# 4 ·         Make a repair and cleaning walk through list, from floor
             to ceiling.
·         Are you making the best use of space? 

·         Do the carpets need deep cleaning or the chandeliers dusting?

# 5 ·         Do an End-of-Year accounting to see how much you spent 
             on the holidays. 
·         Use it to save and prepare for next year's holiday season.

# 6 ·         It’s time to pack away the last remnants of the holidays. 
·         Store your platters and other serving dishes that you only 
       use for special occasions. 

       Be sure they are in good condition.

# 7  ·        Get in the habit of having a notebook or grocery list near
             your fridge or pantry to list items as you run out of them.

·         This will make grocery shopping a lot asier.

# 8 ·         Take some time to consider that your value does not 
             come from stuff.
·         Once we let go we can stop hoarding and start de-cluttering.

# 9 ·        Take a look at your home management / bill paying station.
·         Is it functional for what you need to do to make your life
       run smoother?

·         Do you have enough stamps, envelopes and other office

·         If not, add these to the shopping list so that you can stock
      up and be prepared.

# 10 ·     Set a declutter appointment on your calendar – to declutter
             one room or a closet.
·         Do you have the right containers & needed supplies?  
      If not, add it to your list.

# 11 ·     Disinfect your cleaning utensils. When was the last time 
            you replaced your toilet brushes, sponges and cleaning
            cloths that you use?

·         If it’s been a while, add them to your shopping list.

# 12 ·    Clean out and organize your purse. Containerize.
·         Keep a coupon bag in your purse – with coupons that are not expired.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, December 30, 2019

A New Year is Coming......

 Well - it's almost the end of 2019!

So much to do to get ready for the New Year.

There are New Years Resolutions to make (and break....) . 

Tax information to start gathering.

A new calendar to bring out and update with all of your family and friends birthdays and special occasions.

Vacations to schedule for the year.

Gardens to start planning for the spring.

So much to look forward to....  

Start the new year off right - by sitting back and thinking about all of the things you have to do and more importantly - want to do - and then scheduling them - so that you actually do them!

By starting the new year off Organized - you will be happier and Less Stressed! 

Check out the Products page of our Organizing website - for products that can help you get and stay Organized!

Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, October 21, 2019

Room by Room - Getting Your Home Organized

One of the best ways to get started organizing your home is to begin with each room.

Each room has specific organizational needs. That's why it helps to break things down. Here are some room-by-room tips to help you get your home organized.


One of the keys to successful bathroom sharing is organizing the space so that everyone's stuff is protected and itemized. Here are some ideas.

For family members sharing a bathroom, assign a clear bin for everyone's basic toiletries, such as make-up, hair brushes, razors, and hair clips. (Some family members might need two bins.) These bins can be stored under the sink or stacked neatly on shelves near the vanity. Family member's names should be on each bin.

In the shower, everyone can have his or her own hanging basket to store special soaps and personal shampoos. Wash cloths and towels can be color-coordinated per family member, or each family member can have his or her own special hook/rack to hang wash cloths and towels.

Bath toys for the kids can be stored in a plastic bin - just make sure it's uncovered so the toys can dry. A plastic dish pan works well.


The kitchen can be one of the more daunting of the rooms to organize, but it's one of the most essential rooms to get organized. It really can save time if your kitchen is laid out in a way that makes sense, and if you know what you have on hand.

If you're not using an appliance more than once a year, give it away or recycle it. Consider the usefulness of various kitchen appliances before you take up precious space storing them - do you really need a citrus juicer, meat grinder, or iced tea maker? If you do, by all means keep them (more on organizing appliances in a moment). But if you don't, get rid of them.

Appliances can be placed in cabinets or on countertops; some homeowners like appliance "garages." These are basically sections of countertop with sliding/closing doors behind which the appliances sit, hidden, when not in use. It's a variation on the old television cabinet.

Things you use often like salt and pepper should be nearby and have their own spaces. Few things are more frustrating than trying to cook, wanting to find the salt, and not being able to!


For kids, getting stuff up off the floor can be challenging - especially since you want to make sure small people can reach these items to get them down again.

Over-the-door hangers are great for all kinds of items; they don't have to be for shoes. Fill them with your child's favorite small toys.

Stack clear plastic bins on shelves and organize them according to the type of toys in them.

A large, flat, plastic bin can hold all kinds of toys and be slipped under the bed for storage.

Adults' bedrooms can also benefit from organization. For under-bed storage, use the same method as for your kids; just make sure you don't have a pile of clutter under there.

Dresser tops can be organized with baskets, trays, and decorative boxes.

Living Room / Family Room

Get DVDs, videos, and books organized in labeled boxes or on shelves (organized by type).

Magazines and catalogues can go into magazine racks; clean these out weekly or monthly so they don't accumulate. Check with local businesses such as doctor's offices to see if they are interested in taking your back issues for their waiting rooms.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, September 23, 2019

Getting Organized and Staying That Way

It can be so discouraging to get your home organized and then watch helplessly as the clutter makes its way back in. How does that happen? It's basically a mindset - to get organized is one thing, but to stay that way means you need to approach each day with it in mind. Rather than give up, try working some habits into your family life to make organization stick around. Here are some tips for getting organized and staying that way.

Grow with Your Family

Organization needs change over time, and it's good to be adaptable and change methods along the way. One of the ironies of staying organized is that rigid inflexibility tends to make things worse - if not in actual clutter, then in feelings of resentment and being stifled.

So it only makes sense that you will have to "update" your organization from time to time to keep up with growing kids, changing jobs, and various phases. Here are some tips.

* Toy bins will need to make way for space for age-appropriate items, like journals, art supplies, electronics, and other teen interests. You can update the bins or sell the old ones and replace them, but it's going to require some reorganizing as your kids grow.

* Get rid of the old to make space for the new. Nothing scraps organizational efforts like accumulating stuff on top of stuff. As your kids' interests change (yours, too), don't be afraid to get rid of the things you no longer use and create space for the new stuff.

* As your kids grow, the level of organization they are responsible for will increase. Begin to delegate tasks and try to let family members do it their own way. This is part of letting organization grow with your family.

Personalize It
If you are using organizational methods that just aren't you, or just don't fit with your family dynamic, then it's no wonder you can't keep up with them. You may not be the type to do spreadsheets, for instance, even though your friends rave about how much they helped them. If a dry-erase board or piece of paper and pencil work for you, go with it. Some people do better with an old-fashioned pocket calendar than fancy software.

The same is true in your home. If you are using the methods others have told you about, they may not work for your family. Organization should flow naturally from your lifestyle and be at a level you're comfortable with. It's okay, for instance, if there are some things you prefer not to have too organized.

The Need for Space

Space needs definitely change within a family. Babies, for instance, take up little space in and of themselves, but their stuff can take over the house! Teens, for example, may need more personal space but fewer square feet than, say, an active first grader. And even the adults in the house may go through phases where personal space is more of a priority than at other times. So be ready for these changes and adapt your organizational methods to fit them.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Goals for 2019

A lot of people make New Years Resolutions and never keep them. But few people make goals.

Without goals - where will you end up? By having a roadmap for your life - by being organized and having a plan - you can get to where you want to be.

Being organized takes on a variety of roles.You can be organized with your time, your space and your life.

If you have goals, you need to be organized in how you are going to accomplish them. By having a list of goals, a timeline, a checklist for what needs to be done and how you are going to accomplish each item - you will be successful!

Don't let life's limitations - or your perception of limitations -  stop you from setting goals.

Dream. Dream big!

Only by reaching for the stars can we get off the ground.

Sometimes we need a push to get there. By having an accountability partner to help you navigate the many challenges that life holds you can be one step ahead of the rest.

For more information on how coaching can help you - visit:   North By Northwest

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, November 16, 2018

Getting Your Family to Help with Clutter and Organization

One of the most asked questions that I receive as a Professional Organizer is "how do I get my family to help me keep our home clutter free and organized"?

Well - the answer is not easy. And every family will have a different way of doing things.

A few suggestions:

Start when the kids are young. Have them put away their toys and clothes. It's never to early to start them on the road to an organized life. They can start as early as 3 (yes, they can put away their toys - one toy at a time).

Near the end of the evening - stop whatever you are doing - and spend 10 minutes picking up after yourselves. Hang up the coats, put away the shoes, take the dishes & cups out of the living room and put them back into the kitchen. If everyone picks up after themselves - it does not fall on "the mom" and the house will look much better. 

Try setting an alarm for 30 minutes and have everyone clean one area. If everyone pitches in - the house can look spotless!

Make a chore list for each member of the family. Have a special treat for whoever finishes all of their chores.

If you have kids - and have a chore list - rotate the chores with the kids. That way they get to do different chores each week. Some they will like and some they won't. By doing this one person isn't always stuck doing the "yucky" chores.

Have a chore bowl.  Let everyone pick a chore out of the bowl and give them a deadline as to when it must be done.

Don't save all of the chores for the weekend. Spread them out over the week so it won't feel like you are wasting your weekend on cleaning.

Do something fun after a big cleaning episode!  Reward yourself. Something as simple as going out for a hike and enjoying nature. Or have an ice cream!

By breaking up the "must do because that's life" chores with some fun and rewards - it will help your family act as a family unit.

Everyone lives in the house - everyone works together.

That's what a family is all about !

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Friday, January 26, 2018

GO Month 2018 - Get Organized in the New Year

 GO Month 2018

January is Get Organized (GO) MonthSM,  a month long campaign by the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) to promote the benefits of working with an organizing or productivity professional who is committed to professional development.

January is the ideal time for GO Month, since getting organized is a popular New Year’s resolution.  During GO Month, NAPO professional organizers and productivity consultants across the country host events in their communities to empower individuals, families, businesses and organizations to regain control over their surroundings, time and possessions. By sharing proven organizing and productivity techniques and principles, NAPO members help people save time, save money and reduce stress.

The History of GO Month:

In 2003, NAPO established the “Get Organized Week”  Community Service Project Program, where NAPO members held events to help promote organizing in their communities. The success of the program led NAPO to officially proclaim January as Get Organized (GO) Month in 2005, and
develop a public awareness campaign to focus national attention on how getting organized empowers people to regain control over their time, possessions, inboxes, and surroundings.

NAPO professional organizers and productivity consultants across the country once again will
share their knowledge and host community events to help individuals, families, businesses and organizations bring time management, organization, storage solutions and productivity into their lives, and start the year with systems and solutions to improve efficiency long term.

2018 Theme: Get Organized and Become More Productive!

The natural evolution of the organizing professional to productivity consultant is the focal point of this year’s campaign. How does the process of becoming organized yield greater productivity? During the month of January, NAPO will share tips, articles, research and member stories that focus on the basics of getting organized and the tools that help to provide organization. NAPO will also share success stories about how better organizational practices have yielded greater productivity! And finally, NAPO will educate members and the public about the growing field of Productivity Coaches and Consultants.

Organizational Consulting Services plans to participate in the national public awareness initiative by offering free organizing tips to help people start the new year off right by getting organized.  Just email a request to – put “free organizing tips” in the subject line.

About NAPO
The National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) was founded in 1985 as a nonprofit professional educational association for professional organizers. Today, NAPO has approximately 3,500 members worldwide, representing the full spectrum of the global industry:  professional organizers, productivity consultants, authors, educators, trainers, manufacturers, service providers and more. NAPO’s mission is to be the leading source for organizing and productivity professionals by providing exceptional education, enhancing business connections, advancing industry research, and increasing public awareness.

NAPO is headquartered in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, and is on the web at

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life

Monday, January 15, 2018

Starting a New Year by Getting Organized

Getting Organized is one of the biggest "New Year's Resolutions" that people make. But are they being realistic?  Don't make promises (even to yourself) that you can't keep.  You might try - for a short while - but then it becomes too much of a hassle and you stop.

Wanting to change, to make things better is a good thing. But - be honest with yourself, know your limitations and set realistic goals. Don't bite off more than you can handle.

Being more organized is a good thing!  There is no downside to it!  But after looking at the "big picture" - break it down into smaller pieces and realistically set goals based on what you know you can accomplish - in a given time frame.

Male sure that you have some type of filing system in place for all of your financials and important papers. Make sure that you have a 2017 Tax File - for all of the documents that you will be receiving shortly. Pull out all of last years information and box up what you need to keep (for tax purposes) and pitch the rest (remember to shred!).

This is not the most fun project - but a necessary evil.  Just do it - and get it over with.

Why don't you start the New Year off right by promising to try and GET ORGANIZED.  The key word is try.  Make a real effort - to at least think about it.

Don't make big promises that you can't or won't keep. Don't say that you are going to organize your entire house - when you probably won't.  Make a commitment to think about changing your life by becoming more organized.

One step at a time.......   You can't rush organization.  You can't change your habits in one hour or one day. It takes time.

Making a commitment is scary to a lot of people.  But once you do - and once you start the actual organizing process - you will wonder why you waited so long.

And it is a "process".  Having an organizing coach - a Professional Organizer -  just like your workout coach - will help keep you focused and going in the right direction.

So, make a plan. Any plan. How about "organizing your office".  Or "organizing your kitchen".

Break it down into manageable pieces. One drawer at a time. One hour at a time.

Once you have accomplished one task and can physically see the difference - you will be inspired to continue.

So make that New Years GET ORGANIZED !

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New Year - New Beginnings

January is under way and everyone is starting to collect all of their financial papers and documents for our favorite time of year. Yes, I’m talking about “tax time”.

January is “get organized” month. And most people don’t even bother to make New Years resolutions anymore.  W4’s and financial papers will be showing up in everyone’s mailbox.

A a lot of people are feeling a bit stressed right now. They are trying to gather all of their papers and get everything organized to take to their accountants. And some people are feeling a bit cranky. Because they don’t know where anything is or they haven’t documented anything or it’s in piles everywhere.

So what’s the answer….. “make a resolution to get more organized this year”.

New Years resolutions on New Years day - well - no one takes them seriously anyway. But a resolution later in month -  after you have had plenty to time to think about it - must be a “serious resolution”.

Get your files in order. If you don’t have a filing system, create one. Put your bills and receipts into the proper files as they come in. Keep accurate records. Have a plan in place to work on your bills and financials at a specific time (every week, every other week... whatever works for you).

Decide now that you don’t want to feel stressed and cranky this time next year -  by making a resolution to become more organized now.

And then….. do it !

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life

Monday, December 4, 2017

Reasons to be Organized – Reasons to GET ORGANIZED

Being ORGANIZED can make you a happier person. Really!

When you are organized you have more time to do the things that you want to do (besides organizing your garage….).

You will have more time to spend with your family and friends. 

You will be less stressed (and more fun to be around).

You will make a great impression at work – because all of your work is done on time.

You won’t be embarrassed to have people over to your home – because it’s organized, clutter free and inviting.

You will have more time for your hobbies.

You will be able to find things easily – therefore reducing your stress.

You will be able to enjoy all of the things in your home – because the clutter is gone and your favorite possessions can actually be seen.

You will save money because you are not constantly buying things that you already have – because you can’t find what you’re looking for.

You pay your bills on time – therefore you aren’t accruing late charges.

You only buy what you actually need at the grocery store (therefore saving money) – because you have a shopping list.

You save money by preparing meals at home – because of good time management skills.

You can teach your kids valuable organizing skills – which they will be able to use the rest of their lives.

You have organized your estate and life – so that your family doesn’t have to worry about what you want done and they know where to find all of your documents.

Organizational Consulting Services

 Less Clutter = Less Stress
SM     in your home, your business and your life