Clutter comes in many forms. It's not just about "stuff" or "possessions". There are many types of clutter. Most people only think about clutter in terms of physical clutter. But there is so much more.
Types of Clutter:
- Physical Clutter: things that you have
- Paper Clutter: piles of paper everywhere
- Digital Clutter: emails & internet
- Time Clutter: things that you do
- Brain Clutter: things that you think about
- Relationship Clutter: people in your life that are not good for you
- Emotional Clutter: things that you burden yourself with
Stress - Work - To Many Things On Your To Do List - Guilt - Worrying - Clothes - Stuff - Obligations - Noise - Regrets - Jealousy - Failure - Bad Relationships - Paper - Commitments ...
Take some time to think about all of the things that are cluttering your life and try to decide what you can let go of.
Pick one thing in each category that is cluttering your life and let it go.
It's not easy - but if you continue to let these things clutter your life - you won't have time for the good things in your life. Or the new things in your life.
Things and people - come and go out of our life. That doesn't mean that we didn't care about them. As we grow we all develop new and different interests. With work and family - we don't always have time for some of the activities or hobbies that we enjoyed when we were younger. Our focus changes as we age. It's not a bad thing. But we need to let go of some of the material things that are cluttering our lives to make room for our current life. And sometimes we also need to let go of relationships that are no longer in our best interest.
Learn to embrace your current life without the clutter of a life that no longer serves in your best interest.
There are many different types of clutter. Look at each type of clutter and start letting go of some of the things that no longer make you feel fulfilled. You deserve to be happy and clutter free.
Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life
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