
Monday, October 9, 2017

Start - It Doesn't Matter Where

People always ask - "where should I start organizing?"

The answer is - "wherever you are most uncomfortable".

Start in a room or place that "bothers" you the most. And it's not always the most obvious.

If you feel stress in a certain space - than that's the space you start with! It's not always the kitchen or garage.

Most often - it's the bedroom!  This is the place where you should be most comfortable and the most relaxed - but clutter breeds stress. And if you are stressed - you need to do something to get rid of the stress.

So - first you decide on which room you are going to start in.

Then, you are going to gather some bins or boxes. One for donating items, one for trash, and one for give away.

Go through each item in the room and decide if you really need or want to keep it. If so, move on to the next item.

When you have something that you can part with - decide if it's something that you can give to someone else that might use it - or put it into the donate box.

If the item is broken or trash - it goes into the trash box.

Keep it simple.

Decluttering is the first step in organizing. It's not always easy to make those decisions - but once you start - it gets easier.

Take it one step at a time.

If you decided to start on clearing out your clutter - you are well on your way to a "more organized you".

Organizational Consulting Services

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

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