It's never too early to start teaching kids how to be organized and how to pick up after themselves. Even a two year old can be taught how to pick up a toy and put it into a basket. To them it's a game. So let it be fun and make it a part of their everyday routine. Play time followed by "putting your toys away time".
But if you didn't start at a young age it's not too late! And don't worry if you aren't the most organized person in the world, you can still teach your kids how to be organized. It all starts with "ground rules". You have to be able to set rules on how things are done and when they are done. And you have to stick to your guns!
Yes, your children will probably say "but you don't XXXX" .... but I'm sure that they already say that about a number of things, so don't let that throw you.
Set some rules:
1) you have to put your dirty clothes in the clothes hamper (instead of on the ground)
2) you have to hang up your clothes in the closet (instead of on the ground)
3) you can only have clothes in your dresser drawers (instead of toys and garbage)
4) your dresser drawers need to be organized by "type of clothes" (socks, underwear, shirts...)
5) you have to put all of your homework in your back pack immediately after finishing it
6) your back pack needs to be set by the door before going to bed (so you don't forget it)
7) your clothes for the next day should be set out the night before school
8) bath towels do not belong on the bathroom floor (they need to be hung up to dry)
9) put your dirty dishes in the sink after eating
10) Mom and Dad are not your maids
Kids need rules. They need structure.
Set some rules. Enforce them. Watch the change.
It takes time but it's worth it to have an organized child. They will be less stressed and on time for school! And you will be less stressed and have time for yourself.
Organizational Consulting Services