
Monday, October 30, 2017

Is Your Mess Causing You Stress?

Everyone has a different idea of what having an organized space means. And some people don't care or don't even notice that their place is an unorganized mess.

Levels of mess and organization are "subjective".  Some people aren't bothered by having things on the floor (that don't belong there) or piles of mail on the kitchen counter.

Other people go off the deep end when one small thing is out of place. And then there is the space in between.

If your mess bothers you - and it is causing you to stress out - then you need to change things.

If you are ashamed to have people come over to visit because of the mess - you are limiting your social life - and causing yourself unneeded stress.

If you feel irritated when people leave things laying around and don't pick up after themselves - and you feel your stress levels go up - then you need to take a step back and let them know how much it bothers you and how much stress it causes you. Most people that leave messes aren't aware of the emotional impact it causes on other people.

Clutter causes stress. You might not realize that clutter is the cause of your stress - but if you take a step back and analyze why you are upset - it can all be traced back to the mess on the floor!

Think about how you feel when you walk into a disorganized, cluttered room. Then visual the room all neat and clutter free. Are your feelings different? I'm sure they are!

A clutter free, organized space brings about a feeling of calm. 

So if you want to reduce your stress - reduce your clutter.

Organizational Consulting Services

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

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