Disorganization costs your company money. When you waste part of your day looking for reports or files because you did not put them where you could easily find them - you are wasting time and time is money.
When you are not ready for your meeting or you are late for your meeting because you are disorganized - you are wasting other people's time and money.
When you waste part of your day doing things - other than the job you were paid for - you are wasting your employers time and money.
Being disorganized is epidemic.
According to the NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) database you will find research showing parents spend an estimated 23 percent of their time outside of work coordinating their children’s and family’s schedules. Being organized is crucial. Yet, it's a problem that a lot of people can't get a handle on.
A few thing that can help:
1) Put your appointments on a calendar (paper or electronic) - and check it daily.
2) Give yourself extra time to get to your appointments.
3) Get ready for meetings the day before - to allow for any complications.
4) Get yourself & your family ready for work/school the night before.
5) Find a filing system that works for you - and use it!
6) Try to understand why you are so disorganized and let someone help you become more organized.
Calculate the Cost of Disorganization Read this great article from Forbes on Wasting Time At Work Less Clutter = Less Stress SM in your home, your business and your life Organizational Consulting Services http://www.organizationalconsultingservices.com/ |