
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Setting Yourself up for Success - Not Failure!

It's a new year and everyone wants to get Organized! That's great! But where should you start?

The answer is simple:  start with what bothers you the most! There is no right or wrong answer. If an area of your home bothers you - fix it!

Most people don't start an organizing project until things get so bad that they can't stand it any lonoger - and then they go overboard!

They want to do a "whole house" organizing without really thinking about what exactly that entails - and being realistic on how long it takes. They jump right in - without planning anything. Because planning things involves time - and they want to get started right away - while they are "in the mood". 

And things don't go smoothly..... because they didn't take into account how long it really takes and they only have the weekend to complete the project,  what supplies they need, or that they need a lot of extra help with things.

If you want to be successful - you have to have a plan. A realistic plan (based on your abilities) that also includes a realistic time line. Most people underestimate the time it takes to do anything. For example - if you want to organize your kitchen pantry - you have to first take everying out of your pantry, then decide if any of the food is expired and throw that out - or if you actually use or like any of the things in your pantry and then decide if you want to keep it. Here we go again - making a lot of decisions - which all take time.

Once you've narrowed down what to keep and what to purge - you have to decide where it goes. Does where you had it make sense? Is it really conveneient? If not - where should it go? Does your pantry really make the best use of the space? 

Lots of things to think about....   And now you are out of time and everything is laying out all over the kitchen and you have to get to an appointment. 

Being realistic about how long things take (it's different for everyone), what tools and supplies you need, and your ability - is really crucial to your success. 

Set yourself up for success - by having realistic expectations. Time Management is crucial.

Instead of saying that you are going to do a "whole house organziing" this weekend - break it down into smaller projects. Start with one room or one corner of the room. Complete your organizing project and celebrate your success! Then on to the next smaller project. Eventually - you will have completed your "whole house organizing".

Set yourself up for SUCCESS - not FAILURE!

Keep on Organizing......

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Monday, January 1, 2024

Get Organized this GO Month!

January is Get Organized & Be Productive (GO) Month and there’s no better time to consult an organizing or productivity professional.

Clutter and disorganization can drain your energy and contribute to unwarranted stress, frustration, and anxiety. Ready to start the new year off right by getting organized and increasing productivity? Here are our top tips:

·      *   Clear out your files to start the new year off right! Go through each file and get rid of any papers that are not needed for your taxes or are not for any items that you no longer own. Be sure to shred any documents that have identifying information.

·     *    Make a folder for Tax Information and put anything related to your taxes into this folder.

·      *   If you have backup documentation for your taxes – put all of that together into one folder and mark it for the tax year. Keep all of your documents with your taxes in a separate tax box.

·       *   If you have spreadsheets that you use to keep track of anything, like donations or medical expenses – make new spreadsheets for the new year.

*   To make life easier when you are pulling all of your tax information together – make a spreadsheet of everything that you need to give to your accountant. List all the forms that you are expecting – such as W9’s, investment account information, as well as any spreadsheets with donation or medical expense information or anything else that you usually give to your accountant. By having a spreadsheet (or list) – you won’t forget to include things and you will know at a glance what documents you are still waiting for.

As a member of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO), I work to improve my clients’ lives by helping them create environments that support productivity, general health, and well-being. After all, working with a Professional Organizer & Productivity Consultant is no different than choosing an accountant, personal trainer, doctor, or other service provider!

About NAPO

The National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) was founded in 1985 as a nonprofit professional educational association for professional organizers. Today, NAPO has approximately 3,500 members worldwide, representing the full spectrum of the global industry:  professional organizers, productivity consultants, authors, educators, trainers, manufacturers, service providers and more. NAPO’s mission is to be the leading source for organizing and productivity professionals by providing exceptional education, enhancing business connections, advancing industry research, and increasing public awareness. Visit to learn more.


Karin E. Fried, CPC, EMT-B, CTACC

Professional Organizer & Productivity Consultant

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Member: National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO)
Member: Institute For Challenging Disorganization (ICD)
Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization
Certificate of Study in Basic Hoarding Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in Understanding the Needs of the Elderly CD Client
Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the CD Client

Certificate of Study in CD Client Administration
Certificate of Study in Life Transitions
Certificate of Study in Time Management and Productivity
Certificate of Study in Interpersonal Intelligence
Certificate of Study in Mental Health Conditions and Challenges Affecting the CD Client
CD Specialist - Level II Certificate

Hoarding Specialist - Level II Certificate

Certified Life & Business Coach






Sunday, December 17, 2023

Protecting Your Home - Just in Case

Stuff happens! No matter how much we think we are prepared - sometimes we have no control over things.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, fires....and more - can change your life in a split second. 

If something happens and destroys your home - and all of your possessions - are you prepared to tell the insurance company exactly what you have in your home and what the value is?  Are you insured for the right amount? 

Insurance companies will want/need proof of what was in your home and it's value. Do you remember every single thing that you owned? Do you have actual documentation or pictures of any of your belongings?

When you are in the middle of a tragedy you probably aren't thinking about the actual value of your loss. It's not until weeks later that things sink in. 

If you lost your home to a hurricane, earthquake or fire (or anything else) - do you have the money to rebuild? Are you sure that the insurance company is going to give you fair compensation for what you have lost?

One way to be prepared - for any emergency - is to have an accurate record of everything in your home.

An easy way to do this is to use a system that was designed specifically for this purpose.

Pinventory is an application that is easy to use and can take an inventory of your home or business - just in case.

What exactly is Pinventory?

An inventory is a visual catalog of your physical property, digital items and critical documents that are financially, sentimentally, and legally valuable to you, your family, and your business.

With increased weather activity and incidences of theft, inventories are becoming more and more important as a way to prove what you own, should you ever have to file a claim, and is equally important to be able to do proper insurance and estate planning.

Pinventory® Home & Business is a secure, web-based platform with a companion mobile app that makes creating any type of inventory a breeze.  You just take photos of an item using the companion app, input or dictate basic information about the item and, when you hit “Save”, Pinventory seamlessly puts both the photos and the information into your account on the Pinventory platform.  You can then log onto the platform and add values, stories, and lots of other information, attach receipts and appraisals, designate who should ultimately get the item, and print out box labels and professional looking reports of all kinds, including insurance claim reports, exporting them to PDF, Word, Excel and many other formats.  You can even have Pinventory create a catalog to MaxSold, the online auction house, to sell your items.


If it’s important to you and your family, it belongs in Pinventory!

Pinventory  -   Home & Business Inventory System   - Enter code: Fried15  for a 15 % discount

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Will You Be Contributing to Clutter this Holiday Season?

It's that time of year where everyone is busily shopping for holiday presents. There are sales everywhere. The stores are trying to entice you with lots of new gadgets and lots of shiny things. We just have to have the lastest and greatest. We have to keep up!

We have been inundated with ads. Sometimes multiple times a day by some companies.

Will you be able to resist or will you succumb to the holiday pressure to buy as much possible. Because we all know that the more presents you buy someone - the more you love them!  

And after everyone unwraps all the presents and the wrapping paper is thrown away - their interests in the item is short-lived. 

Don't get me wrong. I like to receive presents (sometimes). If it's something that is meaningful to me - and not only the gift giver. A lot of people tend to buy gifts that they think are nice (or would want themselves) - instead of giving a gift that is really meaningful to the person who would be receiving the gift. 

Some people don't know their friends as well as they think they do! 

So take a step back and really ask yourself a couple of questions before buying that gift:

Have you seen the person use or ask for (insert gift idea)?

Will this be something that the person has to display in their home and is there room for it?

Will you be offended if the person doesn't display the gift you thought would "fit in perfectly"?

Will you be offended if the person doesn't wear the gift you bought them (because it's really not their style)?

Are you buying a gift - any old gift - just to have something to give them - even though you don't know what to get them and don't want to go empty handed?

Gift giving is an art! You want to show people that you care about them - but forcing them to wear something or display something that does not fit into their own style - is setting them up to feel bad because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

Take a step back and really listen to their likes, wants and dreams. It's not how much you give or the size of the gift that matters. It's that you really paid attention to them.

Don't clutter up someone else's house with your ideas of "the perfect (insert item)". 

So what are some ideas that might not clutter up someone else's home?

An invitiation to lunch or dinner to catch up on their life

An invitation to a play that they've wanted to see

A gift certificate to the spa for a massage (my favorite!) or getting their nails done (if they do this)

A donation in their name to a charity that they support

A gift certificate to a class that they have been talking about

A gift basket of things that they like but would not buy for themselves (spa items, fruit or chocolate ...)

A gift certificate for a car wash (a great gift to get the dirt & snow off their car)

A gift certificate to the movies (with popcorn of course)

A gift certificate for free babysitting so that they can go out and do whatever they want

There are a lot of ideas that don't leave clutter in your home. I'm sure that you can come up with some more!

Happy Holidays!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Hoarding – Everyone’s Concern

Hoarding is a complex mental health issue. It can also be a safety issue. Intervention needs to take place at several levels. Hoarding cleanup can be extremely costly for property owners and local governments. Hoarding can cause a variety of complications, including:

·        * Unsanitary conditions that pose a health risk

·        * Increased risk of falls

·        *  An inability to perform daily tasks, such as bathing and cooking

·        *  Untreated medical or psychological conditions

·        *  Family conflicts

·        *  Loneliness and social isolation

·         * Fire hazards

Some Signs of Hoarding:

·         * Extreme collection and storage of items in the home and yard

·         * Accumulation of combustible materials (newspapers, magazines, and rubbish)

·         * Blocked exits (doors & windows)

·       *   Narrow pathway in the home

·         * Rotting food and/or used food containers

·        *  Insect infestations

·         * Long-term neglect of home maintenance

·      *    Non-working utilities, such as heat, running water, refrigeration

Fire Safety

Know the fire-safety risks and how you can keep yourself and first responders safe.


Personal items can crowd cooking equipment, making it unsafe to cook.

Personal items can crowd heating equipment, putting you at risk of having a fire.

Difficulties for firefighters:

Blocked windows and doors make it difficult for firefighters to get into your home to fight the fire and search for occupants.

Piles of belongings make it difficult for firefighters to move through your home quickly.


Always keep anything that can burn at least 3 feet away from cooking and heating equipment.

Keep doorways and windows clear for escape in case there is a fire. This will also prevent injuries from falling over excessive personal items.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Factors Associated with Disorganization - There are Reasons.....

A lot of people think that disorganization is just about being lazy or not caring what your house looks like. But it's a lot more complicated than that!

Before you judge someone on their disorganization - you might want to step back and take a look at their life and their environment.

The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) has a fact sheet that goes into some detail about what some of those factors are. 

Factors Associated with Disorganization

Disorganization can be caused by many factors. Determining the cause(s) of one’s disorganization and finding solutions to overcome it can be aided with the assistance of a professional organizer, particularly one trained in dealing with chronic disorganization.

Neurologically-Based Conditions

Structural/Environmental Factors

Lack of Skills

Lifestyle Choices

Communication Problems

Systemic Factors

Addictive Tendencies

Mental Health Issues

Difficulty Making Transitions

Aging Issues

Beliefs and Attitudes

Physical Challenges

Learning Style


Life Crises

Attachments to Possessions

Learning Differences

Ineffective Beliefs about Possessions

Information-Processing Deficits

Emotional and/or Behavioral Patterns

For a copy of the fact sheet >>>>

Factors Associated with Disorganization

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Decluttering Mistakes That Clients Make

Decluttering is hard! If it was easy - everyone would be doing it - all the time! It takes being in the right mindset and setting aside enough time to actually get anything done.

People make the mistake of thinking that it will be easy and will only take an hour. Even if you are in the right frame of mind - or think you are - you will come across something that has a "story" - something that you will be emotionally attached to. And then time stands still. And you start going down memory lane.

Before you start your decluttering project - have a list of questions that you can ask yourself - about what you will and won't get rid of. That way, when you run across an object that you might have a question about - you already have the answer.

So what are some mistakes that clients make when it comes to decluttering?

1) Hiding the clutter. You know who you are! You are having company come over any minute and you haven't finished cleaning up - so you just shove everything into a closet. And then you forget about it and it never comes out and gets put away.

2) Decluttering other peoples stuff. Don't! It's a big mistake. Only declutter stuff that is actually yours - or ask the other person (whose stuff it is...) if they are willing to get rid of it. Never throw out someone else's stuff. World War III could erupt!

3) Decluttering - but the stuff never leaves the house! I encourage my clients to keep a continuous "donate" box in their home - if they are able to leave the stuff in the box and when it's full, actually take it out of the house and drop it off at the donation site. But - if you leave the box by the door and you (and other family members) go through the box and take things back out - then it hasn't served any purpose. Once the box is full (or even before if you can't stop yourself from taking things back) - put it in your car - and immediately drive it to the donation site.

4) Second guessing yourself. This is where making a list of questions to ask yourself comes in handy. For some people - when they touch an item - even though they have not used the item in years - all of a sudden they "need it" or "want it" or "can use it". "Be strong!".  You haven't used the item in a while and maybe you didn't even realize you still had it - so let it go. If you really do "need" the item later down the road - you can probably buy it again. But really, what is the chance of that?

5) Not having a regular decluttering routine. Decluttering is not a "once and done" process. As your life changes (age or interests change....) - the things that you used to use (or wear or do...) just don't fit into your "current" life. And that's the key word "current". Having a set decluttering routine - whether it's once a season or once a year - is crucial in maintaing a clutter free and stress free home.

6) But it's worth money! Really? To whom? Probably only to you. Let's get serious. We all think that our "stuff" is valuable. It's probably not. Sorry! And once you have bought the item - you are not going to recoup your cost. So holding on to an item that you don't use isn't saving money or stopping you from losing money - you already spent the money. And thinking that you are going to sell it and make a lot of money - isn't realistic. Think about the time you have to spend taking pictures and posting it online - or setting up and having a garage sale. How valuable is your time - versus making $20 or $50 - if you have to sit at a garage sale for the entire day? Donate the item and you are usually much better off.

Decluttering is an ongoing process - that will keep your home clutter free - so that you can live the life you have now!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....