If you are able to go away on vacation get your kids involved in planning it. Let them come up with some ideas on things to do. If they are old enough, put them in charge of planning the activities. This teaches them how much work is involved and also empowers them to make their vacation their own.
Let them come up with a list of things to pack. Make sure to look it over and make sure that it’s reasonable and that they did not miss anything. It also teaches them to work within restrictions – such as airline weight restrictions or car room restrictions. No, they can’t take every single toy on vacation.
If you are not going away on vacation you can still plan plenty of activities to keep your children occupied.
Let them help come up with a list of things that they want to see or do in your city. Museums, the zoo, the beach are all fun activities. They can also plan “day trips” to places a bit further away. From planning on what to pack for lunches and what they will see and do.
By letting them help plan these activities it gives them ownership of their own “fun” and makes them understand how much everyone counts on them for planning a great vacation or activity.
By involving your kids in the planning stages they will be more likely to enjoy their summer. And if they don’t come up with any ideas – oh well, I guess they will be bored! And it will be their own fault.
Empower your kids at a young age to help plan their summer and you will not only have happier children who think the plans were all “their idea” but you won’t have to come up with ideas all on your own that the kids will whine about.
Summer is not about keeping your kids busy….but it’s about teaching them valuable lessons that they can take with them as they grow up.
It’s never too early to teach your kids organizational skills. And they can have fun as they are learning.
Organizational Consulting Services