
Friday, April 12, 2019

4 Weeks to Decluttering Your Life and Mind for More Focus

Life is busy. Between working long hours, raising a family and other obligations, it's no wonder we feel stressed. Our minds are constantly filled with necessary and unnecessary information that has no end, or so it seems. 

The good news is, you can relieve yourself of all that unnecessary clutter that's clogging your life and mind. You can become more focused which automatically reduces stress in your life. 

If you're feeling unfocused and stressed, this 4-module course can help you understand how clutter affects you and how to get back on track with a clutter free life.

This package includes:
·         4 Decluttering Guides: You'll get 4 illustrated reports that will teach you step-by-step how to improve your physical, mental and financial health by decluttering your life and mind. 

·         Topics Include:
1.  How Clutter Affects Our Lives
2.  How to Stop Accumulating Clutter
3.  Decluttering Your Home
4.  Decluttering Your Mind

·         4 Worksheets: That accompany each one of the guides so that you can stay on track while decluttering your life and mind.

·         4 Detailed Checklists: That will give you a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional guides.

If you are ready to have more focus and less clutter, then sign up for the course right now.  

For only  $ 27 this 4-module course will be automatically delivered to your inbox for you to download.

You too can be Clutter Free!

Here's to Your Success,

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Clutter - Move It Out

Being organized starts with getting organized.

The question that I get asked most often is "where do I start?".

The answer is "start with whatever bothers you the most".

There is no "right place" to start with. It's very personal. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to start with the living room first, or the kitchen or any other room.

Start with the area that bothers you the most. Maybe it is the kitchen. Or maybe it's your bedroom.
A place that should be a calming place. And maybe having clothes all over the floor doesn't bring about the sense of calm that makes you want to sleep there.

Everyone has a different tolerance for clutter. There is no "one size fits all". There is no "right or wrong" way to organize your space. Everyone uses their space differently.

But - the one thing that you should do - is to get rid of things that no longer fit into your life or lifestyle.

People change. They grow. Life happens.

It's O.K. to lose an interest in a hobby (or maybe your life just doesn't allow you the time for it anymore). Don't beat yourself up over it.

Your home should be a reflection of who you are NOW.

Organizing is an on going process. An evolving process.

Don't overthink it!

Take that first step - and just start!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, March 25, 2019

Paper Clutter - More Ideas to Cut Down on Paper - continued...

 Here are a few more tips to get you started on the road to overcoming the paper overwhelm ---

 ·    Touch it only once rule. This means that you should make a decision about each piece of paper once you touch it. Don’t put it back into the pile – or another pile to decide later.

·        Newspapers, catalogs and magazines tend to pile up and get out of control. Today most newspapers, catalogs and magazines are online. If you can change to the online edition you will cut down on piles of paper clutter in your home. But – remember to clear out your computer files out. If you still want to get hard copies – make a one in one out rule. Only have one copy of the magazine on hand. Read it and toss it (or recycle to a friend who doesn’t get the magazine). Or keep two months if you really need to (but no more than that!).

·         Kids and paper. Schools – are tree haters. They must be – because schools generate a ton of paper. Kids constantly come home with permission slips, announcements, school work, fund raisers, school picture requests, artwork and more. All on a daily basis! You can’t keep everything. So, deal with each piece of paper right away – and give it back to your child (put it in their backpack so they won’t forget it). Keep only a few pieces of their artwork – and take a picture or scan the rest into your computer (if you must). This way you can still keep their work but not have a pile of paper everywhere.

·         Coupons. If you have to keep coupons – make sure that you only have ones that are not expired. Be sure to keep them in a coupon folder (a small one in your purse or glove compartment – where you won’t forget them). Go through them at least once a month and get rid of the expired ones. Also, consider downloading the coupons to your phone instead of keeping a hard copy.

·         Cards & letters. It’s hard to get rid of special cards and letters from people that you care about. Make a rule that you will only keep X amount of cards (depending on the size of your keepsake box). Or make a rule that you will only keep the last few cards from that person.  Or that you will only keep cards for a certain amount of time. By limiting the amount of room, you give to items you will decrease the amount of paper that you accumulate.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services