
Monday, August 14, 2023

How Much Is Enough ?


How much stuff do we really need? How much is enough?

Do we really need 50 pairs of jeans? Or 50 pairs of shoes? Or 100 shirts? Or every new toy that comes on the market?

How many toys can a child play with at once? How many of their toys do kids actually even play with - once the novelty wears off?

What percentage of your clothes do you actually wear? Be honest! Most people only wear about 20 % of their clothes. A lot of people have clothes in their closet that still have the tags on them. Or if the tags are off the clothes - they still haven't worn them.

For a lot of people it's the "thrill of the hunt" - the "high of the buy". And then they quickly forget about their purchase.

Look around your home. What percentage of the things in your home do you actually use - on a consistent basis?

How much of the stuff is just "taking up space"?

Try going from room to room - and quickly look at the items in the room - and if you haven't used the item in a long time (or don't even remember having it) - maybe it's time to move it into the "donate" box (everyone has one - right?).

You might be surprised how quickly that box fills up!

Before you take out your credit card and buy more "stuff" - take a step back and think "do I really need this" and "do I have a specific place to put this". If the answer is "not really" - put that credit card back in your wallet and walk out of that store!

Having too much stuff in your home doesn't create a sense of calm. Your home should feel peaceful.

Clutter is noisy - so don't add more clutter to your home! Enough is enough.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

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