
Thursday, December 31, 2020

January is GO Month! "Get Organized" in 2021

 Organizing and Productivity Professionals Celebrate January’s “GO Month” with Advice for 2021, Reveal their Most Unusual 2020 Client Requests

During 2020, our home and work lives saw a major shift as we turned our living space into workspace - and classrooms, and workout areas, and even quarantine zones – resulting in a call for help to organize, downsize and streamline to professional organizers and productivity experts.

“As we head into the new year, I have seen more people looking for organizing help to make the best of the difficulties around the pandemic,” says Karin E. Fried of Organizational Consulting Services and a member of the National Organization of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO).

“January is GO Month – get organized and be productive – with clients seeking a new or increased focus on being organized and starting fresh.”

NAPO conducted a national survey that found 64 percent saw an increased focus on organizational and productivity needs due to a new COVID-driven norm. The survey reveals that NAPO members, who routinely handle a wide range of client requests, were asked to take on some very unusual tasks in 2020. The most surprising tasks reported include:

  •     Organizing one client’s 387 pairs of shoes
  •     Overseeing the sale of a large collection of mounted animal heads and  stuffed animal bodies
  •     Arranging the sale of 400 Steiff teddy bears
  •     Staging a treehouse for a client putting their home on the market
  •     Packing up a client’s husband’s ashes to dispose of 
  •   Organizing a closet packed with hundreds of paper and plastic bags

Looking ahead to 2021 that is already showing promise to be as busy as 2020, NAPO professionals predict that the most requested services will be: decluttering and downsizing (35%); productivity coaching for an in-home work environment (17%); packing/unpacking for a move (16%); and creating a new space for work, home or hobby (13%).

“While we are all optimistic that the pandemic will come to an end this coming year, we are all still adapting to the lifestyle changes and new work-from-home norms,” said Karin E. Fried. “Hiring a NAPO professional to help with changes you want to make in life is the same as hiring a personal training or financial advisor. We abide by a strict code of ethics and discretion. We don’t judge – we help. Who wouldn’t want judgment-free support during this challenging time?”

A Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant can do more than just organizer your closet (though we love closets!). As a Professional Organizer we can help our clients with not only organizing their space – but also organizing their business, their time, their estate and their lives! And so much more!

Reach out to a Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant this month and start 2021 Organized and Clutter Free!


Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 


Monday, December 14, 2020

Year End Clear Out - Donate & Write-Offs


As we get closer to Christmas and Year End - you should start to think about "clearing your clutter" and "donating" your "stuff"!

We all know that there will probably be presents underneath your tree - but most people don't think about where they will put all of their new "stuff". 

If you have kids - start clearing out their old toys (that they have outgrown). But - let them make the choices. Get the kids involved when they are young. Explain to them that they have outgrown some of their toys and how great it would be if other children could get the same joy out of playing with them. It gives them a sense of purpose. Letting them be in control will make them feel more grown up and you will have accomplished your goal of making room for other things.

Now - do the same thing with your stuff! Go throw your closets and be honest with yourself. If you haven't used something in the last year, if you don't like it anymore, if you have lost interest in some of your crafts, if your clothes don't fit or your are tired of them - let it make someone else happy! Let it go to a good home!

And don't forget to get your donation receipt for your taxes!

By starting early - you can go through one room a day or one closet a day. Don't try to do it all at once and stress yourself out. It's still the holiday season and you should also take time for self-care.

You want to start the new year with an uncluttered home - where your new items have a place to belong.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 


Friday, December 11, 2020

Understanding Your Family Member or Friend that Hoards

  Family & Friends – Hoarding Explained

Understanding Hoarding Behavior and How Not to Deal with It 


Hoarding is an extremely complex issue. If you have family or friends that have issues with hoarding you might wonder why they do what they do. Or you might be embarrassed by their behavior and the unsightly mess in their home. Or you might have cut them out of your life completely.

Threatening to have everything removed from their home “because you care about them” – doesn’t work. 

Threatening to cut off all ties to their grandkids if they don’t clean up their home – doesn’t work.

In this seminar you will:

·         Learn what hoarding is – and is not

·         Explore the complex issues surrounding hoarding

·         Learn how to understand and support your family member/friend

·         Learn ways to enable your family member/friend to start on the way to making changes

·         Learn how to help your family member/friend “let go” and start to declutter

·         Have the opportunity to ask questions


Family and Friends – Hoarding Explained

A Virtual Seminar 


Session Information:    Thursday, January 14th, 2021  -  from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm  -  Mountain Time

This seminar offers a judgment-free environment for people that have family or friends with hoarding issues.

Registration required. Call or email for more information. Seminar Fee is $ 40.

Registration link:  Family-and-Friends-Seminar /


(440) 666 – 9326 or


*** Ask about our “Buried in Treasures” 16-week workshop for people with Hoarding issue

Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas is approaching.....Are You Ready?


Now that  we have gotten past Thanksgiving - it's time to start thinking about the next holiday.

Now is the time to reach out to people and plan some holiday visits - virtually that is! It's not the same as being able to visit in person - but right now people need to stay in touch more than ever.
It's getting close to Christmas and a lot of people still haven't even put up a tree or sent out cards.

The holidays are not a time to be stressed so don't beat yourself up over not getting everything done. It you are running out of time you have to decide what you can live without so that you don't drive yourself crazy.

Being organized is about "time management". If you haven't finished everything on your list give yourself the gift of "not finishing". Let it go. Most people that I know haven't even sent out their cards yet, so you are not alone.

BUT.... this should give you some incentive to start earlier next year!  If you have your 2021 calendar, open it up and put a note in the calendar for some of the things that you need to accomplish for the holidays. For example:

* Write out cards
* Start Xmas shopping
* Decorate the house

By using your calendar and making "appointments" with yourself you will be more likely to get things done on time.

Time Management at home is just as important as in the workplace.

Schedule some time each day to get the some of your projects done, but allow some extra "breathing" time so that you don't get to the holiday and just wish it would go away.

Anything that you can't realistically get done at this point.... LET IT GO!  For some people being a perfectionist causes too much stress and actually wastes time. Learn from your "disorganization" and last minute "craziness" and know that you can do better next year.

And remember, if your family wants a great holiday they should be willing to help you. Don't try to do it all yourself. Assign tasks to everyone and work together to make this holiday season a good one.

For more great organizing ideas during the Holidays:

Re-read:  Holiday Gift Ideas.... or Dont's

Re-read:  Planning Ahead for the Holidays

Re-read: Organizing Your Closets for Christmas

Happy Holidays!


Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest

*** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more.... 


Friday, December 4, 2020

Hoarding - Help is Available - if You are Ready to Make a Change

 A Group to Address Hoarding Behavior
 The Buried in Treasures Workshop is about more than clutter...
· Overcoming challenges 
· Increasing motivation 
· Reducing acquiring
· Prioritizing and celebrating choices

Self-Help & Empowerment
Finders and Keepers

Is clutter getting in the way of how you want to live your life?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with too many possessions?
Are you embarrassed to have people over?

This program offers a 16-week course that is based on the book ‘Buried In Treasures’​.  Join us for this group created by and for people who are ready to live a less - cluttered life! 

​The Buried in Treasures group is for people who would like to learn tips on how to de-clutter and stop over-acquiring with people who know what it’s like. Each week we will have a discussion around a specific skill, followed by the completion of challenging and rewarding exercises. Individual progress, challenges, successes, and goals are also monitored throughout the sixteen weeks.

You can make changes to the way you live your life - with support and understanding from people that are going through the same thing. You are not alone! 

Participants are expected to commit to attending all the sessions as well as to participate actively.

A Buried in Treasures Group is forming >>>

*** this will be a VIRTUAL CLASS - anyone - anywhere can participate in the class

Sessions start:    Wednesday, February 17th, 2021  -  from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm  -  Mountain Time

This group offers a judgment-free environment for people ready to make a change in their life.

Early Registration required. Call or email for more information.

(440) 666 – 9326 or

**** Virtual Class available – Conference Style – by phone and/or computer - call /email for Starting Date / Time and to be put on a Waiting List for future classes