
Monday, August 28, 2017

Productivity - How to Make It Happen

What is productivity?  According to the dictionary - it means "being efficient".
Are you being "efficient" in your life?  Are you being "efficient" in your "time management"?

By being organized - and purposeful - in your day - you can get more done with less stress.

So - how can you make it happen?

Start by planning your day - the night before. Even if you don't work "outside" the home.

Having some type of a calendar (either paper or electronic) - can make a huge difference.  Writing things down is a lot easier than trying to remember everything!

Write down all of your appointments on your calendar.  When going to your appointments - remember to leave yourself enough time to get there. Plan for traffic or other unexpected delays.

The night before your appointment - get everything ready that you might need (if it's a doctors appointment you might to take an updated list of medications or vitamins and write down any new problems or symptoms).

If you have a meeting scheduled - get everything ready for your meeting. Don't wait until the last minute.

Plan your day to make the best use of your time. Plan your driving so that you are not driving from one end of the city to the other numerous times.

If you can combine errands - so much the better.

Pack your lunch the night before. Get your clothes ready the night before. These two things alone will save you a lot of time and stress in the morning. If you start your day out stressed - it will continue through the day.  By starting with a stress free morning you will be more productive.

During working hours try to limit your interruptions. If people stop in your office - ask them to come back at a more convenient time - or schedule a meeting at a later time - so that you can finish your project.

Limit the amount of time you spend checking your email. Check your email a few times a day - instead of every time you receive a message. This will save you a lot of wasted time.

Being productive takes practice.

Start with small steps and soon you will be on your way to saving time and reducing your stress.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I Don't Have Enough Space!

"Help - I don't have enough space!!!!".   

Have you ever uttered those words?  I think that most people have - at one time or another. But - the problem is not space - but the accumulation of stuff - and clutter!

Having more space is not an invitation to just spread your clutter out more.

Space and clutter really have nothing to do with each other. You can have a small space that is clutter free and you can have a small space that is organized and holds everything that you need.

The key is......... you guessed it - good organization and good utilization of the space!

First, you have to decide what you want the space to be. What use will it have?

Then, you have to have the right ingredients, such as the right piece of furniture, bookshelf, containers, bins ....

Next, you need to add in the other ingredients such as all of your bath products (in one bin), all of your cleaning products (in one bin), all of your craft products (in one bin)....... 

Get the idea?   Sort like with like...  By keeping all like products together you can easily find them, plus they are all contained in one central spot - instead of being spread out all over the house.

This will save you time when you need them and you will not have to search the entire house!

Once you start containing like items together you will notice that all of a sudden you actually have more space!

Another tip is to fold everything the same way - so that things are consistent - and they will stack better and give you more room.

By using only one type of container - that is easily stackable - you will save space.

There are a lot of things that you can do to create more space. So - before you buy more stuff or another house to store your stuff - try rearranging your belongs to fit into the space you already have.

In an organized manner of course!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Getting Your Calendar Ready for 2018

It might only be August - but I like to get a head start on organizing my calendar for the new year. I'm picky about the type of calendar/daytimer that I use. Therefore, I start looking early - so that I can get one that works for me. 

I like one that has a month at a glance so that I can see all of the appointments I have during the month. This helps me spread out my appointments and obligations so that I have plenty of time for family and friends and don't feel stressed because I try to cram too many things into one week.

I start my new calendar by putting everyone's birthday and anniversaries on my calendar. I use a different colored pen for birthdays so that I can easily distinguish them from my appointments.

Then I highlight all of the important holidays. 

Next - you can add in any vacations that are already planned for the new year, any days that your business/school is closed, any appointments that are already made.

I also add notes to my calendar - about 4 months ahead of time - to make any doctors/dentists  appointments that I might need.

You could also add notes or reminders about ....anything. Write it down so that you don't worry about forgetting important events.

Get a head start on planning for next year. By doing it now instead of in December - you will avoid the stress of the holidays and might actually start the new year off organized!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Sunday, August 13, 2017

A great APP to help you get ORGANIZED!

Get yourself, your family and your schedule ORGANIZED! 

Here's a great app that will help!

Sign up for Cozi and get $15 to spend on school supplies!

Join the 20 million people who have simplified family life with Cozi. Try Cozi - it's free!

Cozi Family Organizer

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

School is About to Start - Get Organized!

Who wants to think about school starting in a few weeks?  No one - but if you go to the stores the school lists and school supplies are already lining the aisles. 

So - take advantage of the sales and get your school supplies out of the way now! You might also want to stock up on extra pencils and paper that will be needed during the school year. Avoid the crowds of last minute shoppers. Avoid the stress!

Why wait until the week before school starts or for some people the day before school starts, to get organized and ready for school?  Eliminate the stress by planning ahead!

If you are just starting to send your kids to school for the first time you should also think about the end of school - all of the pictures and projects that the kids will be bringing home over the next year. Think about how you want to organize everything and buy the appropriate tools now while you are buying everything else for school. This will save you a lot of time and money later.

There are many different options for organizing your kids papers and projects. A Pendaflex with space for each grade. A 3 ring binder, a file box.... Whatever works for you. By thinking about it ahead of time, your year will be a lot smoother.

Clothes:  Your kids will probably have grown over the summer. Go through their closets (yes, again - and tell them to stop growing already!). You might want to take the clothes they have outgrown to your favorite donation center (be sure to get a receipt for your taxes). Make a list of what clothes they have and what clothes you will need to buy. Keep an eye out for the sales, but please don't get carried away!  Buy only what's on your list.

Snacks for kids - you might also want to think about healthy snack options for the kids lunches and buy those while you are out shopping.

Get the shopping out of the way and enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

Now is also the time to think about new routines for the school season.

Adjusting the kids bedtimes so that they get all of the recommended amount of sleep and are awake during school! Start adjusting their bedtimes now so they are used to going to bed earlier and getting up earlier.

Think about homework stations for the kids. Where will they drop all of the papers and things that they bring home from school? Where will they be doing their homework?

Do you have a system in place for keeping their important papers - such as papers that need to be signed and returned to school?

During the summer, mealtimes were probably more lax. Now is also the time to start thinking about scheduling during the school year and making time for healthy family meals.

Lots to think about! Start by shifting your mindset to school days and school hours. It'll be here before you know it!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life 

Organizational Consulting Services