
Monday, June 22, 2015

Weekends are for FUN - not Cleaning !

Cleaning....a topic that many people feel strongly about.  Some people have very specific things they do on specific days. Never mess with my husbands Tuesday laundry day! Growing up - Saturdays was the day we scrubbed the floors. Certain things were done on certain days.

But when the weekend comes - after working hard all week - I don't want to be stuck inside cleaning! I don't want to waste my entire weekend scrubbing and dusting and cleaning my house! I want to go out and hike or sit on my deck and relax.

Don't get the wrong idea - I need my house to be clean and organized. I just don't want to commit an entire weekend to it.

The way to get around that is to break down your cleaning schedule into smaller pieces. Do a little every day.

Do the laundry one day.

Mop the floors another day.

Dust the next day.

Clean the bathrooms another day.

However you clean - whatever your schedule is - just break it down into smaller chunks of time - and do it over the course of the week - instead of all in one day.

By the time the weekend rolls around - you will be done and you will have a free weekend to enjoy!

It doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever works for you.

By doing at least one chore a night - you will be giving yourself some much deserved free time on the weekend!

Go ahead....break the weekend cleaning cycle!

You deserve it!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, June 15, 2015

Get Organized First - Buy Products Later

When some people decide that they are finally ready to "Get Organized" - they sometimes get caught up in the moment and run out and buy a lot of Organizing products.

It makes them feel like they have accomplished something even before they start actually doing any of the work.

The problem with that is that they really don't know what they need - yet. They have not gone through the "elimination"  - sorting and purging out process.

Organizing usually entails having a space (or room) look worse before it gets better. There are piles everywhere. Decisions to be made. Sometimes - the decisions are hard.

Then you have to decide - "did the space actually function as needed". Because sometimes - you actually realize that the problem was not that you had "too much stuff" - but that the space was not configured correctly or you were not using the space to it's full potential.

Once a space has been cleared out - step back and ponder the space for a few minutes. Be honest with yourself. Did you really like the space the way it was?  Did it function properly for you?  Were you happy with how it was laid out?  What changes would you make - if you could?

After you have answered all of those questions - it's time to see how much "stuff" you have to actually put back into the space - since you probably purged a lot of things out of the space. You might not need any new organizing products. Or you might decide that certain things (new containers, new shelves....) might make the space function better.

Be sure to take measurements of the space before you head off for the store. Once you are there - keep an open mind. You might not find exactly what you were looking for - but you might find something even better!

Remember - function first. Think outside of the box.

A lot of organizing products can be expensive - but organizing doesn't have to be. Look for inexpensive containers or baskets that aren't labeled specifically as "organizing products".

Have fun with your space. It it doesn't work on your first try - change it!

Organizing is a process. It's ever changing!

Now - go out and GET ORGANIZED !!!

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, June 8, 2015

End Of The School Year - Get Organized

The school year is almost over. As always - it seemed to come too quickly. The summer is looming before us and parents everywhere will be trying to come up with ideas on how to keep their kids busy over the long summer.

But before you start on your summer plans why don't you get through the piles of paperwork, books and other things that your kids will bring home from school.

Re-read  "Schools Out For The Summer" to get some ideas on how to get through the piles that will be dumped on your living room floor by your kids.

Start the summer off right by clearing our your kids school clutter - instead of just hiding it in the closet and dealing with it in August. You will be glad you did! 

Let your kids help in the organizing process. They are never too young to learn how to be organized!

And now - let the summer begin!

Organizational Consulting Services