
Monday, January 24, 2011


Being organized is not only about having an uncluttered and orderly space. It’s about having an organized life and about having less stress in your life.

By having “a place for everything and everything in its place” you are saving time and money. I’ve said that numerous times before. And it’s true.

What I’ve found is that a lot of people think that money grows on trees. Because I seem to find it wherever I go. Not only do I encounter a lot of loose change all over the house, the floors, counters, couches and everywhere else I also find $5, $10, $20 bills in piles everywhere and on the floors. And I seem to be the only person that notices this. But it all adds up! Even the dimes and quarters add up to a lot of money. Once I had a client make fun of me for handing them the dimes and quarters that I found throughout the house. But I found at least $20 in just a couple of hours. That’s not peanuts. It pales in comparison to another client where I literally found over $200 in change and small bills on the floors throughout the house.

I guess it must be nice not to have to worry about money and to just walk over it and not care. But not everyone has that luxury.

Another example of wasting money is by not having a system in place for your bills and then accruing finance charges and ruining your credit rating because you don’t pay your bills on time. And the number one reason is because the bills are just thrown in a pile somewhere and then just overlooked. Or accidentally thrown out and forgotten.

Disorganization costs you money. A professional organizer can help save you money by showing you how to make some minor adjustments in how you do things. Some people can benefit by using a life coach to teach them skills that they don’t have. Stop throwing away your money. Get organized.

Organizational Consulting Services

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