
Monday, October 11, 2010


People always seem to complain that they do not have enough kitchen cabinet or pantry space. The truth is that most people have enough space or at least adequate space. They just don’t use it correctly.

I’ve seen too many kitchen cabinets and pantries where they are just brimming with stuff and the stuff is all over the place. No rhyme of reason.

Canned soup is mixed in with pasta. Tomato sauce is mixed in with cereal and snacks. Drink mixes are thrown in with the rice. No rhyme or reason.


That’s the rule. It’s simple and easy and doesn’t require a lot of thinking.

Green beans go with green beans.

Pasta goes with pasta.

Soups go with soup.

Cereal goes with cereal.



I don’t do complicated.

It’s logical.

Well…that said…. it’s logical to a professional organizer. Most people that I’ve run into just put their food into the pantry without any thought on how it should be stored or in what order.

So….to make your kitchen cabinets and pantry more functional and less crowded, start by taking everything out and placing it on a table by categories.

Put beans with beans. Soups with soups. Cereal with cereal…and so on.

After that is done you can check to see if anything is expired and needs to be thrown out. Or, if you have too many of an item you can donate it to a church or food bank.

Then put things back onto your shelves in an organized and logical manner. Most cans are easily stackable to give you more room.

By doing this you can now easily see what you have and you won’t be buying things that you don’t need.

Remember, an organized kitchen makes a happy cook.

Organizational Consulting Services


  1. Good advice. I agree with the "like with like" rule for Kitchen Organization.

  2. Hi
    Interesting post with some excellent thoughts
