
Monday, February 6, 2012

Revising our Resolutions

We are now entering our second month of the new year. Most people have made some type of "New Years Resolution".

So.... how is that working out for you? Have you been keeping up with them?

My guess would be "no". But don't worry, you are probably not alone. So now is the time to "get real" and take a look at what you really wanted to accomplish and change your expectations.

If you haven't accomplished everything that you wanted to in this new year or you aren't as far as you planned....then maybe you set yourself up for failure. And we don't want that. So change your expectations to be more realistic. It's not a bad thing. It's a reality check.

Wanting to be organized and being organized are two totally different things. You have to be honest and realistic with yourself. If you only have a limited amount of time then you can't expect to get everything done in half the time it really takes.

Look at your plan and redo the time line. Break your project down into smaller more manageable projects that you can actually finish in the time you actually have.

As your mother probably said "your eyes are bigger than your stomach". Don't bite off more than you can chew. Pick a project that you can finish so that you will be successful.

Then you will have accomplished your goal and you will feel successful. And in turn you will want to go on to your next project. And eventually you will have accomplished everything that you wanted to in your New Years Resolution. One bite at a time.

Happy Organizing !

Organizational Consulting Services

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